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The term "evil" is such an abstract concept it only exists to keep people in line. I kinda need some kind of reasoning or evidence as to why someone could be considered "evil" if at all especially since people are generally just victims of circumstances they have no way of controlling which generally takes away any "fault" they would have. Buuuuuuuuuut... That's just what I think so who cares.

Wanna keep pressing the issue?

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Yes. It's something created by society. But that doesn't mean it's wrong. We live in a society with norms, codes and morals. We're not animals to only be guided by basic functions to live.

How are you a Lawful Good with that kind of mindset? :(:

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I like to consider myself all of those alignments because why the hell do I need to be ONE specific one as it is human nature to be chaotic, neutral, and lawful in a sense. Speaking of the animal mindset thing... How exactly are we any different from those so called "animals"? They have their own ways of life just as we do. They try to survive and reproduce as much as we do. Sometimes they do things for themselves or others of their kind just as we do. We humans simply believe we are above everything and that we have the right to abuse this so called ego that allows us to make certain actions which either benefit us, someone else, or no one. Most of the time we do whatever it is we do for our own benefit whether that action is "good" or bad". Buuuuuuuuut... That's just what I think so who cares.

Where are you vacationing anyway?

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We are animals ourselves. But we humans try to stray from that path a little, that's why laws exist. It's to prevent us from destroying ourselves more. Of course we still keep our biological needs to live, and things like selfishness that may lead to conflicts.

You said that there is no true "evil", as people may as well be circumtances of something unfortunate happening to them when they have no way of controlling that takes away any fault. I think that is wrong because, even when unfavorable circumstances, you do have a choice. It's basically a fight against yourself, to take what you need to benefit yourself and do what's wrong, or do what's right and suffocate instead. Not following that only means allowing your true animalistic and selfish nature and doing what's wrong. Taking things from another is wrong. Making people suffer for pleasure is evil, and you can't deny that. There are actually humans who enjoy other's suffering.

And yes, I do care about what you think. I am arguing against it for a reason.

By the way, I am here at Florida again. ;o

Am I being too annoying with this?

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Not at all. I'm quite enjoying myself spouting off my silly views that I've developed over the years. I never get to do that except when I'm talking with my therapist.

You make some good points. People do have a choice to choose between "right" and "wrong" but certain individuals and groups of people have very little incentive or the ability to even be able to do the "right" thing. Even so, choosing between those options is up to the individual but outside forces and pressure from the people and environment around will skew the individual's judgment for good or bad. I'm not saying it's impossible to think for yourself or that we just become "animals" but that the norms and morals that govern our societies have an enormous influence on individuals.

So you're all nice and safe in your home? Where did you anyway?

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Thank you for putting up with me.

Anyway, I do see what you mean that people might not have the incentive to do the right thing most of the time...in those circumstances, they would like what's best for them. If it's the case of a robber doing it for the sake of maintaining a family, I understand. That person is not "evil" for doing what he does. He's just breaking the and doing what's wrong...taking something from another. If anything, it's just me not fully understanding that a person can't be as strong as I expect them to be. Not everyone is strong enough to live for what they believe in, their codes, their values and morals. They may break it as an act of need...

But in my qustion, I asked you what would you do if a certain fictional character turned evil. You know how it actually applies in fiction, unlike real life. xd So I apologize for getting you to this through a simple question.

By the way, I am still at my friend's house. I didn't mean to say I left. :o I try to go out when I have the chance, because it's boring to stay at home on the computer. I tend to do that at home, but not here.

Do you believe that most people in the world are not good or bad, but neutral?

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Fiction draws the line between good and bad but I can still figure out or see why certain characters are the way are and sympathize and/or empathize with them since for some reason I'm just very sensitive to the emotions of others whether they are actual people or fictional people.

As for your previous question. Considering how Flandre has been locked up in the basement for most of her that the basic mannerisms and ways of thinking most would develop through constant interaction with other people and other means of seeing how people act her extreme isolation from the world more or less makes her unable to properly connect the dots under most or all circumstances when it comes to how she will behave.

I see Flandre as an incredibly isolated, unstable, and psychologically disturbed child who is starved of the most basic of interaction and attention with and from others so yes, I would protect her if I were able to.

Barring certain aspects such as mental and psychological issues I feel that most people are all neutral shifting to lawful and chaotic when necessary or convinient.

Other than being bored as usual what have you been up to?

Edited by Ein Silver Rose
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Since I am still here, I go out when I have the chance. Whether is it a small trip to Gamestop or a ride to Miami. It's all better than staying here for hours.

How can I get you into reading Fate/Stay Night? :awesome:

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I don't hate it. It just doesn't interest me and I have no intention of getting into the series any time soon.

How come whenever someone recommends something it usually doesn't get their attention?

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Maybe it's because they need better proof and determination. Determination to show them what's so good about the recommendation. Reguarding Fate/Zero, I at least showed you an episode, you didn't like it and I understood.

If you hate haters, doesn't that make you one as well? :awesome:

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