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Why is Pot of Greed still forbidden, with cards like Monster Reborn, Mirror Force, and BLS-EotB running around?

Pot of Greed gives you two cards for one card so it's a +1 which may seem small but any pluses you can get or achieve like that are huge. In general cards that allow you to draw nowadays require one or more card to activate or some kind of drawback, Solar Recharge for example, which makes them less abusable most of the time.

Monster Reborn tends to be a one for one but is usually used to revive monsters to make bigger plays or a big monster to turn the game around or apply pressure.

Mirror Force punishes aggressive plays and makes players think twice about going all out when your opponent has a set Spell/Trap.

BLS-EotB is a huge threat but there are ways around him especially with all the new cards that have been released. He's no longer a card that basically won you the game if he ever showed up. If you summon him early in the game without cards to back him up there's a good chance your opponent will get rid of him or even turn him against you. He's usually used when you're going for game or apply huge pressure when you have cards to back him up.

Fave hunter?

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Why the fuck are people starting to lump me together with Crash?

Favorite Magic Trick to have Tinny assist you with?

If you don't know by now...

Edited by Crashman_Alpha
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Why the fuck are people starting to lump me together with Crash?

He's probably making himself seem foolish or something and you have crash in your name. :<

Could you at least think of something?

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When will ERL come back we need all the cool people back. :<

Favorite Spell Animation in the Tellius Series?

I've only played part way through FE10, months ago, and I haven't played FE9 at all, so I can't answer you. :<

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How do you cope with stress?

Fave historical warrior?

William the Conqueror, I'm not too big on history.

@crashman: who is ERL?

El Rey Leon, an awesome guy who used to come here, but left (and I'm starting to see why) and everyone misses him.

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