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At the time I came up with my username, Alucard from the Castlevania series was my favorite character and I wanted to make a cool sounding name with the word "vampire" in it.

Favorite flying unit if any?

Heath, Tinny, Farina, Fiona, Caeda and Maevira (spelling?). Basically, cute blue or red haired female on a flying creature.

Heath is a special expectation because he's badass.

%#@$ forgot question.

Reasoning behind the avatar?

Edited by Ubel Engel
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Mina. (What? She counts right?)

Okay... I'll say Lyon instead.

Possessed teenager turned mad.

Best thing ever.


Almost forgot question...

When are you gonna to get back to your playthroughs?

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Heath, Tinny, Farina, Fiona, Caeda and Maevira (spelling?). Basically, cute blue or red haired female on a flying creature.

Heath is a special expectation because he's badass.

Tinny's not a flier. >_>

Y U B tryin 2 get wit mah grl

Weirdest glitch you've experienced in a game?

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Tinny's not a flier. >_>

Y U B tryin 2 get wit mah grl

Weirdest glitch you've experienced in a game?

Tinny... I meant that girl from FE6 lol. Forgot her name. So I Oh yeah. Tiany?


Honestly, I don't know.

I try to forget all of the stupid things that happened to me in games.

But uhm...




Who's Tinny?

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Thany, you mean.



Uhm. It's exclusive to my area. I honestly don't know its name because it's long as fck. Beef stuck on a wooden threading stick preheated for the real grill brought to the table for me to cook. Specialty to Imperial Palace.


Why are you always the one being quizzed by me ZM?

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Please... must you ask me such a simple question that everyone would know?

Oh wait, I guess my mugs' placeholder color of her are gone.



And when my hack is released... Idoun. >:3

I should stop spoiling my stuffs already...

What was the zombiegirl's name again?

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DLV:Is *Chun-Li Voice*

*Bison Voice* Goooooooooood!?

Ubel: Do you play YuGiOh?

Who's Tinny?

The extremely lovely girl in my sig and avy. A mage from FE4 who a lot of people tend to run over/have not exist.

Edited by Zak Defender of Christmas
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DLV:Is *Chun-Li Voice*

*Bison Voice* Goooooooooood!?

Ubel: Do you play YuGiOh?

The extremely lovely girl in my sig and avy. A mage from FE4 who a lot of people tend to run over/have not exist.

Actually I do!

I have a collection. That was only before Yugi's story ended.

I also have a bit of the story with... that thing about red, blue and yellow school thing. (Used to have the three demons or whatever they're called for them)

I don't play anymore unfortunately. Mainly because online is pretty much boring with people rage quitting on me lol, can only find decent players who beat me.

Oh that Tinny. No wonders why.


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Why do you think only a select few people who do Linda > Tinny are considered 'a lot'?

'a lot' was in reference to the collective of people mentioned, not specifically that group.

Oh that Tinny. No wonders why.

What you mean?

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Twisting words around eh. I think I like you more now.

My favorite fictional male character is...





Good enough?

What was the hack of your that failed?

I'm pretty interested in the story of that girl in your avatar now.

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What was the zombiegirl's name again?

Hint: It's on the sig itself.

EDIT: Changed sig. zombie girl's name is Hsien-Ko.

DLV:Is *Chun-Li Voice*

*Bison Voice* Goooooooooood!?

It looks kinda addictive.

Y u no leik male characters?

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Believe it or not, when I was a little kid, I got hit by a car while crossing the street when there were cars driving by. I was then taken to the hospital.

Last or current song stuck in your head?

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Who have you chosen to have a picture of in your signature??

Ojou-sama. :newyears:

When it comes down to it, I don't. I'm just so fed up with how disrespectful women's reactions are when they find out my feelings towards them. A simple, "I'm sorry, I'm not interested" is all it takes. There's no need to go be cold and give me the silent treatment for the rest of eternity, treating my feelings like some sort of crime against womenkind. I'm trying really hard to get out of that mindset though. I'm aware of how unfair it is to brand all women like that, even if it is the best way to protect myself from rejection.

I understand where you're coming from and I respect your point of view.

Do you still make games for a hobby?

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^What is your favorite N64/PS1 game?

What was the hack of your that failed?

I'm pretty interested in the story of that girl in your avatar now.


That's the title screen.


The hack was about a country-ish axefighter girl named Brenya, who's the "chosen one" who has to go back to the magical city of Caelin, which is getting swallowed up by dark energy and turning everybody in the city into monsters!

The king, who was skeptical about the prediction that this would happen(with Morshu as the fortuneteller), sent 3 relatively inexperienced soldiers to escort Brenya to Caelin in case it actually does happen. One of the 3 is the girl in my avatar.

So near the end of "Lyn's story", Brenya would get a spellstar,which is a magical item of value in this game, promote, and eventually take down the final boss and restore peace to Caelin.

Then pretty soon, because the concept is so chiche, Brenya would find out that there are hundreds of "Chosen one"s throughout the world who have gone through the same thing she has.

It's a very simple story, yeah, but the reason why the hack was cancelled was because it was way too ambitious for me to do myself, even though I had all the skills necessary to make what I wanted to happen...actually happen.

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