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FE11. Highest difficulty I beat is H2.

What I meant to ask if you had great luck in finding/buying/obtaining a game you really wanted?

Skyward Sword near the release date. got the last copy.

Favorite weapon type in FE?

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What's a game that you reallt wanted and found stupidly (read: very) easily?

I supposes... uh...



Halo ODST I guess? Though I didn't buy it, it belonged to my brother.

It was rather easy.

Will you join me and ZM in our fad?

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Favorite side-quest from WW? If you say Pictograph gallery, I won't believe you.

Forest Water for little Koroks quest. I still have to do the Nintendo Gallery, which is gonna be fun.

Favorite Zelda item?

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Outfit you'd most want to see Patty in (in a fanart drawing)?

Or if you don't want to answer that, what character from the Mario universe would you want to see become a playable staple in Mario spin-off games that already isn't? Eg: Making Kamek a staple in Mario Kart games, Making K. Rool a staple in Mario sports games, etc.

Favorite time of the year?

It'd have to be E3. (start of June)

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Favorite Adventure game?

Favorite SF member?

It'd have to be [REDACTED], because [REDACTED] is so [REDACTED], and [REDACTED] is [REDACTED] [REDACTED]. But seriously, I don't feel at liberty to say who it is; I *do* have a favorite SF member, but that's a secret.

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Favourite childhood video game?

Birthday suit.

What are you smoking right now?

I should've noticed I got ninja'd. Oh well.

Nothing, actually. Never smoked a drug in my entire life. Unless you count respirator gas that clears up stuffy noses. Then again, that's vapor and not smoke since the chemicals aren't burnt. Anyways... I just said that since it seemed like a good enough explanation for asking a question as ridiculous as I posted in that one thread. Truth is, deviantart is actually what got me asking that. I've seen Mario x Applejack, Mario x Twilight, and Mario x Ranibow Dash fanart (completely G-Rated fanart) and I was wondering which one everyone thought would work out the best. Everyone practically agrees with Luigi x Fluttershy on deviantart.

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No, it was actually my younger siblings. I watched one episode with them (Diamond Dogs) and I got hooked.

I am quite fond of all the MLP artwork and plushes that people post on deviantart, as well as the community in general (not that I ever post there since I barely have any art to contribute). The people there are really nice and positive and it doesn't have nearly as much negativity or trolls as other sites. Though I don't think anything will ever come as close as the Miiverse when it comes to clean and polite online communities.

How good would you say you are at hand drawings?

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