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Favourite Final Fantasy character?

Or if you aren't familiar with Final Fantasy, favourite artwork of any non-human character being humanized?

How'dyou come up with your username?

In grade 11 I was student council treasurer, but I lost that title to someone else in grade 12. For student council that year, we had student council t-shirts developed that we could pick any (appropriate) name to put on the back. Initially, I put Ex-Treasurer on the back, but the principal told me I shouldn't put a name like that since it was too negative, too harsh on myself, and that I should be focusing on the present rather than the past, so I decided to put the name Randoman instead. As a student council member, I was known for doing ridiculous things like punching microphones during treasurer election speeches (and having my hand bleed afterwards), singing campaigning songs to Kirby music, running a flour blowing contest for one pep rally, and running a jello eating contest in the other. Seeing how all of those things were really random, I thought I'd make my student council t-shirt name reflect that.

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I have. I found it kind of funny, but it's not really the kind of humour I enjoy the most (I prefer toilet humour, youtube poop humour, slapstick humour, and random humour).

Favourite artwork of any non-human character being humanized?

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Heh, okay.

Favourite artwork of any non-human character being humanized?

Super Smash Bros. 4, Mario Kart Wii U, and Pokemon X and Y. Those are the major ones that come to mind right now. Well, I guess Shigeru Miyamoto's new IP and Retro Studio's new game has my interest as well, though I'd want to know more about what those games are exactly.

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Favorite video game company? I can't really say that I have one. I guess the that comes closest is Nintendo. Even when considering that I've been getting every system since the Super NES. But even then, my game selection isn't particularly limited considering video game quality. But then again, a lot of Nintendo's games have been generally good. I guess I'm a little more general when it comes to video game companies I suppose.

Any favorite picture of one character cosplaying as another?

Edited by Little Al
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My favourite RPG is definitely Final Fantasy IV. For an in depth explanation as to why, here it is.

Do you think I should use the name Evastio instead of Randoman here on SF? (realizes that's not about you)

Are there any video game based TV series that you enjoy? (Eg: Super Mario Bros. Super Show, The Legend of Zelda featuring the "EXCCCUUUSSSEEEE ME PRINCESS" Link)

Edited by Randoman
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It'd have to be FPS. I would say sports, but at least the influence of sports games in the market lately haven't been as negative and as prominent as FPS. And it's not like the sports games fanbase is as bad (or bad at all, from what I've experienced personally).


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Do you think I should use the name Evastio instead of Randoman here on SF? (realizes that's not about you)

Are there any video game based TV series that you enjoy? (Eg: Super Mario Bros. Super Show, The Legend of Zelda featuring the "EXCCCUUUSSSEEEE ME PRINCESS" Link)


I personally like the SMB cartoons.

Favorite pie?

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You friend requested me? I didn't know that. It never showed up in my notifications or anything. The only notifications I get is when someone posts on my profile or private messages me. (Friend requests you back)

What game franchises that have died off would you want to revive?

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Yep, it worked. I got the notification this time and accepted the request.

Crash Bandicoot is definitely the #1 franchise I'd want to revive. Ever since Nitro Kart 2 on the iOS he practically disappeared from the face of the planet, and that shouldn't be happening to what was practically Playstation's Mario back in the day. I'd also want Wario's Woods to be revived, or even have some sort of spiritual successor. The concept of being a character in the "Tetris-field" in a puzzle game made Wario's Woods quite fun and action-paced.

Favourite elementary/junior high/high school memory?

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