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I don't really have a #1 favourite song, since it's so hard to pick from all my favourites. Though currently,

comes to mind.

Most wanted (yet realistic) newcomers for Super Smash Bros. 4?

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I haven't played FE13 yet. I don't even have a 3DS.

Have you considered getting into the F-Zero series?

[EDIT] Ninja'd. But seeing how I'm interested in hearing ZM's response, I'll leave the question the same.

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It's pretty suspenseful. Just think of Mario Kart except with no weapons, the only form of attacking being spin attacking (L and R simultaneously) and side attacking (L or R twice), having energy and it being possible to get destroyed during the race by losing all your energy or falling off the track (you can also destroy your opponents, which can be really useful if they have a big lead in points), being able to boost anytime after the first lap, but it costing energy (so you're basically killing yourself to go faster, which is necessary in harder difficulties if you want to be in 1st place), having charging pads near the start/finish line that restore energy (but you have to drive through it slowly to increase the energy restored), having mines in varying amounts in some tracks (which drain a lot of energy if you hit them, but can actually be used as speed boosts if you use them smartly), and you're going from speeds ranging from 400-2000 km/h, depending on which F-Zero you're playing. The big crux of the game once you get the basics down is finding the right balance in all of your tactics (like speed vs. energy, outspeeding opponents vs. destroying them, little recovery but faster speed vs. slower speed but more recovery) while driving at ridiculous speeds.

Are there any other game series you've wanted to get into but haven't/can't for whatever reason?

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What makes Applejack your favourite pony?

You know what, I don't know. I'm not a brony, since I just like the show, but there's just something I really like about Applejack. Probably because she reminds me of Patty from FE4, who I really liked. :P

What's your favorite way to die in a Mario game.

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Favourite quotes from any of the Mario TV series?

[Edit] What would you want from a new F-Zero? (Eg: online, having over 30 racers simultaneously in a race, more methods of attack besides spinning and side attacking, etc.)

Which do you prefer: Western Cartoons or Anime?

Anime, I guess. It's been a while since I've watched either. The last TV series I remember watching was the Super Mario World TV series and that was at least a few months ago.

You know what, I don't know. I'm not a brony, since I just like the show, but there's just something I really like about Applejack. Probably because she reminds me of Patty from FE4, who I really liked. :P

I always thought watching, liking, and keeping up with the show was enough to make you a brony. I'm not really familiar with Patty's personality, besides her being spunky, cheery, and a bit of a showoff. I guess those kind of apply to Applejack.

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Have you ever overeaten?

No. Must be unpleasant.

Have you?

I always thought watching, liking, and keeping up with the show was enough to make you a brony. I'm not really familiar with Patty's personality, besides her being spunky, cheery, and a bit of a showoff. I guess those kind of apply to Applejack.

I thought there was a difference between liking the show and being a brony. o.o Either way. :P

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I've never actually played F-Zero GX, sadly. Though I really want to, since the roads and tracks are so detailed, which when speeding by them at 1000 km/h, shows just how fast you're really going. From what I've seen from videos though, I'll say Mute City: Serial Gaps because of how ridiculous and thrilling the track looks (especially considering how with all the gaps, it's probably really easy to fall off and die, adding to the thrill).

What games/tracks/levels do you enjoy mostly because of how hard they are?

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