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Are there any game series/characters you deeply hate?

Favorite thing to do when bored?

Various and random things, ranging from naming all 77 FE12 characters by heart (and usually missing 1-4 characters), running through CD-I Zelda scenes in my mind to see if I have them memorized, coming up with new thread ideas, and the like.

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Validar. He just whines once his plan is ruined...

Do you think Hand Axes and Javelins are better off with the might nerf (When talking about balancing an FE game)?

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Do you think Hand Axes and Javelins are better off with the might nerf (When talking about balancing an FE game)?

Nope. They can still be pretty damn powerful. I'd just lower their hit.

Least favorite of the Mane 6?

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I guess so. I still don't like how he's not very supportive of others like Applejack and Mare Do Well (who didn't even expect anything in return for her heroics).

In order starting from best: Marth, Ice Climbers, Mario, Luigi, R.O.B., Ness, Captain Falcon, Falco, Yoshi, Bowser, Donkey Kong, Ganondorf... Yeah, I use quite a few characters, and I don't think I really suck with anyone too badly since I'm quite familiar with everyone's moves and playstyle.

If you were a villain and were granted the chance to have insane superpowers, but had to choose a weakness for yourself (something that would disable and drain your powers), what weakness would you choose?

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What are your preferences for a woman looks wise?

Tall,Big breasts, long hair, Black or red hair. Mind you I actually considered a very varied pool of women attractive.

What sort of qualities do you value in people in general?

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I guess so. I still don't like how he's not very supportive of others like Applejack and Mare Do Well (who didn't even expect anything in return for her heroics).

In order starting from best: Marth, Ice Climbers, Mario, Luigi, R.O.B., Ness, Captain Falcon, Falco, Yoshi, Bowser, Donkey Kong, Ganondorf... Yeah, I use quite a few characters, and I don't think I really suck with anyone too badly since I'm quite familiar with everyone's moves and playstyle.

If you were a villain and were granted the chance to have insane superpowers, but had to choose a weakness for yourself (something that would disable and drain your powers), what weakness would you choose?

Yeah, good point. Still, her rivalry with Applejack's pretty funny.

Luigi is da best.

I'd be weak to criticism. XP

Favorite kind of a pie?

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Besides Serenes Forest, are there any other forums that you're a member of? Have you ever considered joining other forums?

What sort of qualities do you value in people in general?

Humbleness, openness, honesty, kindness, patience, being a good listener, having a strong sense of virtue, being able to respectfully turn down someone that has feelings for you, among other things.

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Eyes on Final Fantasy (I go by Evastio there, a much cooler sounding name than Randoman if I do say so myself. I stuck with Randoman here on Serenes Forest since I knew ever since I joined SF that I'd probably be rather unpopular due to my FE4 hate and I didn't want people viewing the name Evastio as a bad name. On a side note, I leave my favourite FE game as N/A since I've seen FE4 fans bash on whatever FE is listed as their favourite here on SF in retaliation for bashing on FE4).

I don't go on EoFF as much as Serenes Forest due to the lack of interesting threads, all the PC gaming elitists worshipping PC gaming, and how I don't have any friends there that are active or that I can talk to much.

Have you created any original characters or have any original character designs that you haven't really used? What were they like appearance wise?

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Heh, yeah, they have too many recolours of characters. Even in Super Smash Flash, a prominent PC Smash Clone, they had two playable Sonic rip-offs named Blade and Blue. I wasn't very fond of that, especially since the Sonic series got 7 characters (if you include the Sonic OCs) and the Mario series got two in that game (not even sub-series characters were included, like Donkey Kong, Yoshi, and Wario).

Well, I do have a concept for a steel-faced character of sorts:


I don't have a name for him yet. I actually drew it in MS Paint just this morning so I could show it to you.

I'm not sure if I should make the hair part of the actual character or if it should be part of the costume.

The weapon is based of of Garland's sword from Dissidia that can transform into many forms:



However, the particular sword that my OC uses is more portable and it has a red crystal that can heat up the blade (to increase attack power) and shoot lasers. I'm not really sure what sword transformations to include, but I do have twin claw form, pickax form, and a blade flail form in mind. What do you think of it?

As for my question about you, what creative field(s) do you specialize in? (Eg: drawing, stories, music, acting, singing, etc.)

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Back then, I did somewhat (though 7 Sonic characters, too many non-Nintendo characters, and really questionable character choices like Mr. Incredible really irked me). Now, hardly.

How proficient are you at Super Mario Bros. Lost Levels? I'm asking since you're probably wanting to get New Super Luigi U, which is going to have difficulty on par with Lost Levels.

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It's tempting to stick in Bill Cosby or Steve Urkel for the fun of it, but I won't (putting in Snake caused a flood of ridiculous 3rd party requests, so that'll make requests tons worse). Hmm... Probably someone who's Nintendo and not that likely... I guess Dillon from Dillon's Rolling Western.

What do you think of My Little Pony? Have you ever thought about getting into the series?

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What do you think of My Little Pony? Have you ever thought about getting into the series?

I heard good things about Friendship is magic and currently I am looking for a way to watch at least one episode of it.

Have you evr tried anything that you thought you were going to despise it, only to find out you really,really liked it?

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Youtube would probably be the best place to watch it.

Yeah, there's the Kirby series (I couldn't take his character design seriously at first, because he was a pink ball), Super Mario Galaxy (I didn't really like Super Mario 64, so I thought the same would hold for Galaxy), the Super Smash Bros. series (back when it was first released when I first saw the game premise I was like "why would I play a game where my favourite characters get beaten up?"), and My Little Pony (I was thinking its awesome-ness was as exaggerated as Chuck Norris jokes).

What characters or animals (whether they're real or fictional) do you find cute?

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How proficient are you at Super Mario Bros. Lost Levels? I'm asking since you're probably wanting to get New Super Luigi U, which is going to have difficulty on par with Lost Levels.

I haven't played it, but I reckon I'd be good at it.

How is it?

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It's quite brutal. There's lots of tricks, dangers, and annoyances they pull on you like invisible coin blocks that'll send you into holes, quite a few insanely long fire bars, poison mushrooms aplenty, warp zones that'll send you backwards instead of forwards, Hammer Bros. that you have to defeat without having any blocks to strike them from under, having to use fire bar blocks as platforms, among other things. It's universally agreed upon to be the hardest official Mario game ever. I personally defeated it and unlocked World 9 (which requires going through the game without using any warp zones, a really difficult feat) and finished the letter worlds as well. The main things you have to get used to is playing things much safer than normal, yet being able to determine when rushing through obstacles is actually the safest option. You also have to get used to not being powered up, since power ups are much scarcer, especially in the later half of the game. You'll also need to find invisible coin blocks quite often to be able to make quite a few of the jumps in the game.

What are your favourite non-Nintendo game series?

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Megamind (both from the same movie) come to mind. Megamind is really funny and a nice guy all around (you really have to wonder why he insisted on travelling the path of the villain initially when even as a villain, you could feel sincerity and niceness within him. Plus, he never felt truly sinister at any point in the movie).

But if I had to mention a traditional DC or Marvel hero, I guess I'd say Iron Man. I like how flawed and human he is, yet he always does stands up to doing the right thing. I especially like his quirkiness (especially in the movies, where he's quite obsessed with food and satisfies his every craving) and his witty lines and comebacks that he makes.

I feel weird asking you this after saying how I appreciate how you barely hate on stuff, but is there anything (whether it's a game series, TV series, movie, or an animal like wasps or cockroaches) that you have a rather strong hate for?

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