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Those who can have serious discussion with and love to read books. At least she should (able to) read Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell

Why do you do bow runs actually? For the challenge or just for the awesomeness of bow itself?

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What is your first language and nationality?

^Political? Wow, that sounds really cool. Its one way to make a lot of character getting involved in the story is having politic and human interest as the base conflict. I should really play FE4 someday.

Played any game lately? What it is?

Just New Super Mario Bros. U for today. I finally got Gold on all the Boost Mode Challenges. It's not easy doing it solo, since you need to control Mario with a Wii Remote and form platforms over huge chasms to get across on the Wii U Gamepad. You're basically multitasking and playing like this:


Timed Challenges are the last category I need to get all Gold on, and speedrunning in Mario games has always been a weak point of mine. I've always been the "get everything in the level for each runthrough" kind of person, so it really clashes with my regular playstyle.

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Just want to have some discussion actually, since I found that many serious discussion here, especially about FE themselves mostly interesting. But my english prevent to join so in so just end up as silent reader

Do you play any other FE game beside Awakening, or this is your first?

I've played some Blazing Sword and finished Sacred Stones numerous times.

Favorite hobby (or hobbies)?

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Because the Villager is going viral as a meme. Also I just happen to enjoy the luls value of an innocent-looking face that just has to be hiding something terrifyingly evil beyond imagining. No one can keep this kind of face and not be suspicious.

What do you consider your best talent?

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Analyzing and writing out video-game related ideas, particularly boss encounter theorycrafting. I'd make an entire video game but so far stuck on an early draft and I procrastinate/am too busy when I use my computer otherwise.

First video game you ever played?

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^How doyou play your game generally?

It largely depends on the game. Sometimes (like in Mount and Blade where screwing up can screw you out of something or just screw you over to the point the game's not fun to play in general), I will try to go for a good case/best case scenario and will create saves. If the above case doesn't apply then instead when I get the chance I just let my actions ride (i.e. if I game over, then whatever, I game over). I usually try to finish the primary objective or main quest if applicable, though I often get sidetracked. Most of all, I try to play to have fun and avoid using too many cheats/cheap strategies to make my run as "legit" as possible (unless the cheating actually makes it hilarious, in which I may or may not choose to make an exception).

Reason for member title? (I'm slow like that)

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Hardest game you beat?

Crap. Hard to say...uh...I'll think on this, but for now I'm going to have to say I Wanna Be The Guy. There are some other games that have rather brutal difficulty that I've also beaten too (lol not Dark Souls).

Most favorite place you've been to whilst vacationing or whatnot?

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