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Do you hate school?

What's the worst torture you ever imagined on someone?

Or if you'd rather not answer that, if you were to be able to transform into an alternate version of yourself (eg: animalized, zombie, robotic, ghost, etc.), what version would you pick?

I personally don't like doing (real life person) x (fictional person) shipping. I'm okay with others doing it, but I don't really like sticking people in those kind of situations myself unless they're all for it. So if you're for it, the latter. If not, the former.

The Jack Bauer interrogation technique.

I'd transform into a raccoon.

Vincent/Rydia 4ever

Why don't you like shipping people with fictional characters? It's nothing serious lol

(except me and Reimu)

Oh, pah. It would be absolutely terrible of me to turn you down.

And me/Sanae

Added on my list, bro.

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Do you have any emotional scars of sorts that have messed up your way of thinking about certain things?

Why don't you like shipping people with fictional characters? It's nothing serious lol

I guess it's not serious. In general though, I've kind of become jaded and closed off to the thought of relationships in general after my bad experiences with women I were interested in, so that might be part of the reason. I've been trying to fight off those thoughts and go back to thinking about relationships and women normally again, though emotional scars don't exactly heal overnight.

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What are your most wanted 1st Party newcomers for SSB4?

Surprisingly, I don't actually care that much so I can't say (also I'm dumb and not sure which franchises are classified as first party)

Favorite gif?

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Where did you get that dead horse gif. WHERE?

Getting Pokemon X or Y? (also which code is that in your sig)?

I'm thinkin' X because the deer looks more silly looking. Also that is my friend code. So far I have 1 friend, who is my IRL friend. save your applause, please.

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Do you hate school?

I did, but I'm graduated now >;D

I guess it's not serious. In general though, I've kind of become jaded and closed off to the thought of relationships in general after my bad experiences with women I were interested in, so that might be part of the reason. I've been trying to fight off those thoughts and go back to thinking about relationships and women normally again, though emotional scars don't exactly heal overnight.

Oh, I've had a similar experience to that, but instead I'm permanently relieved of any desire to be in a relationship with women. I've never been attracted to guys at all, either. Not that I would ever that recommend anyone, I just don't think of people that way anymore, heh.

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Summer, man. It's kinda boring if nothing's going on. I've just been chilling and staring longingly at my Sanae fan art collection. I should really work on my homework for my computer programming program tomorrow, though. I might go to D.C. next month because of it.

How's your singing going?

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Summer, man. It's kinda boring if nothing's going on. I've just been chilling and staring longingly at my Sanae fan art collection. I should really work on my homework for my computer programming program tomorrow, though. I might go to D.C. next month because of it.

How's your singing going?

why don't you play some games like Anubis II?

My singing is okay. It really has to be. I would have started my search for singing jobs a long time ago, but the biggest problem is that I didn't have the ability to sing fairly well on a whim until very recently. I've only been doing it for 2 years, and for the first half I was just confused and bumbling around the internet to get information on how my voice works. I don't have a teacher blegh

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NOOO don't play that game I was kidding D:

I only play the guitar, but that's not my choice. It's just the only instrument I happen to have. If I had my way, I would play the oboe. Thankfully, it's a solid reference instrument when I'm composing. Do you?

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If you could take a scene or an animation from anywhere (whether it's a video game, TV series, movie, etc.) and turn it into a GIF, what would you pick?

Surprisingly, I don't actually care that much so I can't say (also I'm dumb and not sure which franchises are classified as first party)

Favorite gif?

That must be quite nice (yet a bit dull), not really caring about the SSB4 roster and just taking the characters as they come.

Favourite GIF? I can't pick between these:




I actually ripped the images and made them into GIFs myself with Easy GIF Animator. =D

I did, but I'm graduated now >;D

Oh, I've had a similar experience to that, but instead I'm permanently relieved of any desire to be in a relationship with women. I've never been attracted to guys at all, either. Not that I would ever that recommend anyone, I just don't think of people that way anymore, heh.

Well, that experience sounds a lot better than mine. Or at least, the experience led to a better result that doesn't involve nearly as much emotional pain.

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Randoman, I disagree. I mean, just because I'm forever alone, that doesn't mean I believe everyone can find shared love. I just don't have an open heart anymore. Love is best when it's shared, understand?

What do you think of music in general?

I'm a sucker for good, memorable melody

I've really been into orchestral music lately, but whenever people try to recommend something for me to listen to I'm a bitch because of that and just shrug it off as "generic epic music". As a whole, I really don't pay mind to resources and production value when considering music. Music made under constraints should always be optimized for a unique appeal.

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If you could take a scene or an animation from anywhere (whether it's a video game, TV series, movie, etc.) and turn it into a GIF, what would you pick?

Romeo crashing into Tybalt in the 1996 version of Romeo and Juliet. My English class and I had to watch it, and holy fuck, my friend and I died laughing. It was bloody amazing.

If you woke up and saw Reimu laying on top of you, what would you do?

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Yeah, I'm getting you. I interpreted you saying you were "permanently relieved of any desire to be in a relationship with women" as a good thing, but having your heart closed off that deeply is really bad. I hope you're able to heal from that someday.

What games have you personally played that you feel are "E.T. for Atari 2600" or "Big Rigs Over the Road Racing" bad?

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Favorite video game genre?

I found it when browsing r/funny on Reddit. Needless to say, the NSFW version was also linked in the same thread.

Have you ever heard of the game "Dust?"

Uhh.. nope. Is it this one? Looks very... colorful. Also I like how the options menu is a screenshot, very nice touch.

oh hai interest sorry for late question -.-

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