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do you like pizza with stuffed crusts?

Explanation behind sig?

it's the sig that the admins give to banned members. it's funny XD

Well...a bit. My parents are strict, so I have to bend some rules if I want to enjoy life.

awesome ;]

A girl who was 5> older than me who turned out to be big on Sonic recoloring. >_>

5 years older? das cute!

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What power tool would you most likely use as a weapon, if you absolutely had to fight with one?

I saw a lot of news about their game on gonintendo.com, I decided to look up what their game was like, I saw their really ridiculous game trailer with men in gross suits, and I thought it would make for a funny avatar/sig.

Edited by Randoman
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Flamra is a name of a character in my own fantasy story Red Warrior. He's a large, telepathic dragon. My friend and I came up with the name around the age of eight, I thought it was an appropriate name for a dragon. Now I use it for some online accounts, my Xbox Live and Wii U accounts, and Youtube.

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Favorite console? I was always fond of Nintendo consoles since the Super NES days. Though I do at least try to manage to slip in a Playstation console alongside it because I feel that one gets the most of what the current gen has to offer by having Nintendo and Sony consoles.

Why does your avvie remind me of this video for some reason?

Edited by Hero of the Golden Land
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Who's your least favorite video game character?

What kind of guys do you like looks wise and personality wise?

Uh...I actually got mad at a close friend of mine for asking me about this before, but I guess I should think about it...

Well, I'd look for someone who I could be great friends with. I'm of the opinion that relationships work better if they start as friendships. Appearance-wise, I... *headdesk* Smoking or any sort of drug substance abuse is a big no-no. It's a time-wasting money-sinkhole that has horrific consequences on health in the long term. My family has enough health problems; I don't need my (potential) partner to make me worry more.

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Do you like any awakening characters beside Tharja and Aversa Boney?

Oh god I forgot all other questions asked to me.

Please remind me if you asked me something.

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Who's your favorite FE character, Jprebs?

Crizix, why did that make you mad?



...I don't like thinking about it. Actually, no, it's more like I just don't think about it. I've always been at a loss for what to say whenever someone asks me about it, and really don't like feeling all awkward like that. In other words, I suck.

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Who's your favorite FE character, Jprebs?


Tie between Lachesis and her daughter Nanna.

Who's your favorite fe character Crizix?

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why can't you pick a waifu


...I don't like thinking about it. Actually, no, it's more like I just don't think about it. I've always been at a loss for what to say whenever someone asks me about it, and really don't like feeling all awkward like that. In other words, I suck.

you could just say "idunno"

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Who's your favourite villain?

Why does your avvie remind me of this video for some reason?

They both have adult males in gross looking outfits, doing weird things while being insanely enthusiastic, and doing presentations that are targetted to young kids. Overall, they do share quite a lot of similarities.

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