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Yeah, anime characters in Smash Bros. gets on my nerves, especially since that idea would be much better as its own game than in a game celebrating Nintendo history.

My favourite villain laugh would have to be Max's from the Bomberman Jetters anime, especially with how mechanical, deep, and dark it sounds.

If you were a villain and you were given the chance to have godlike powers, but at the cost of having one weakness that would be insanely fatal to you (as in it'd disable your powers and you wouldn't even be able to stand up or walk when exposed to your weakness), what weakness would you pick?

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Your favorite musical instrument?

I'm actually not too sure.

I like many of them.

FE game you want to play that you haven't?

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Favourite Final Fantasy?

I'm actually not too sure.

I like many of them.

FE game you want to play that you haven't?

Awakening sounds really awesome and fun, especially with it taking the best of previous FEs. Too bad I don't even own a 3DS and I likely never will, due to my bad experiences with my DS breaking down.

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Have you played Dissidia Final Fantasy? Who did/would you main in that game?

Why do you like Vega so much?

He looks really awesome, with the long claw, mask, and long hair. Even though I don't like arrogant characters, Vega manages to be one of the few characters I like for being arrrogant, due to the charm and suaveness he exudes and how he manages to make arrogance seem like a virtue, with how calm and composed he is with his narcissism. His theme song is also really awesome (it's my most favourite with Ken's being my next favourite SF theme song).

Edited by Evastio
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favorite piece of music in the fe series?

Yes I have, and I enjoyed every last minute of it.

Do you like Touhou?


lololno i hate touhou and the characters

Awakening sounds really awesome and fun, especially with it taking the best of previous FEs.

1. not the music

2. play FE2 lolol

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Top three favourite game series?

favorite piece of music in the fe series?

1. not the music

2. play FE2 lolol

Footsteps of Fate (Ch. P1-P4 music) and The Time To Act (Ch. 1-12 music) from Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon come to mind, currently.

I haven't played FE13, so I can't say much about the music (I do know they use the OSTs of previous FEs in the DLC chapters). As for FE2, there's the villager and Dread Fighter class and FE2 is where branched promotions (through the villager), the traversable map screen, and relevelling characters for better stats (through the Dread Fighter loop) originated from.

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favorite food (and don't just name a restaurant lolol)

Who's your favorite Fire Emblem 8 Character?

uhm lemme think...3, 2, 1...VANESSA

As for FE2, there's the villager and Dread Fighter class and FE2 is where branched promotions (through the villager), the traversable map screen, and relevelling characters for better stats (through the Dread Fighter loop) originated from.

did you forget the most unique thing about FE2? outside of battles, you can actually walk around and talk to people and pick up items outside of battles!

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I can't remember if I asked you this, but what's your favourite outfit to see a woman in? (Eg: schoolgirl outfit, maid outfit, princess dress, etc.)

If I have asked you that, if you didn't have to worry about all the consequences afterwards, what's something crazy you've always wanted to do for fun? (Eg: jump off a building, fire yourself out of a cannon, etc.)

favorite food (and don't just name a restaurant lolol)

did you forget the most unique thing about FE2? outside of battles, you can actually walk around and talk to people and pick up items outside of battles!

Fruit salad comes to mind right now.

Oh yeah, there's that. I guess it would've been quite nice (yet not in FE tradition) if they implemented that in FE13.

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