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What's the color you like least?

What virtues do you most value in a person? (Eg: honesty, humility, etc.)

Humility and honestly, as well as patience...Did you read my mind? xD

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Are there any games that you'd want made that use existing franchises? (Eg: Sega Smash Bros, Street Fighter vs. Mortal Kombat, Final Fantasy Karting, etc.)

Humility and honestly, as well as patience...Did you read my mind? xD

Well, not really. But I guess our valued virtues matched up quite a lot, due to both of us having mild mannered, reserved personalities.

favorite hair color?

It'd have to be black, though there isn't really any hair colours I dislike, except for hair colours that are lighter than the person's skin colour (I find that it looks really weird and unnatural when hair is lighter than a person's skin colour, except for dark skinned people with graying hair since that's natural).

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What's your favorite color, Randoman?

Favorite GBA game?

Pokemon Sapphire. Zelda's Minish Cap is a close second.

Well, not really. But I guess our valued virtues matched up quite a lot, due to both of us having mild mannered, reserved personalities.

I see. That's kind of cool, actually. ^^

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To the person who has the misfortune to be above me, I ask if you'd like to be asssimilated by a bydo lifeform.

To the person who avoided my scythe wielding question

Have you ever wielded a Scythe before? I don't mean cutting wheat, either. >_>

Shamefur dispray. >=/

and where's your avatar from

My avatar is from The Tale of ALLTYNEX trilogy. It's the main player ship of the first game, KAMUI. The ship itself is the Kamui #2, an early model which has Alicia de Panafil as it's AI Brain Fusion donor.

Who's your favorite FE character, Verdant Shade?

Wow. . . mkay, erm, uh. . . blast. I have favorite categories. Would you like to ask me a narrowed version of that question?

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Are there any games that you'd want made that use existing franchises? (Eg: Sega Smash Bros, Street Fighter vs. Mortal Kombat, Final Fantasy Karting, etc.).

Final Fantasy VS Dept. Heaven.

What game is your avatar from?

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What are some good quotes you live by/constantly repeat to yourself?

To the person who has the misfortune to be above me, I ask if you'd like to be asssimilated by a bydo lifeform.

No. I wouldn't want to be assimilated by anyone or anything. No freedom kind of defeats the purpose of living.

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What are your favourite game companies?

Would you mind if I didn't ask you a question?


Well, it'd defeat the purpose of the thread, so I'd mind quite a bit. Even a question as simple as "favourite (insert anything here as long as it's appropriate)?" would be okay, even if it's repeats of questions I've been asked before.

Edited by Randoman
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Assuming Pokemon counts...Blue.

^The console you believe is the definitive way to describe classic video gaming?

How do you have so much time to post on all of things? Jesus.

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Your favorite song?

My favourite colour is blue. Green and gold are some of my other favourite colours.

Who are your favourite characters to use in Smash Bros?

Marth, Ike, Kirby, Link, and Peach.

Wow. . . mkay, erm, uh. . . blast. I have favorite categories. Would you like to ask me a narrowed version of that question?

Okay. Who's your favorite Awakening character?

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I also dislike yellow but my bathroom was literally just painted in a particularly obnoxious shade of it yay.

I liked collecting small snow globes, but most of them were too big for my taste and I don't really have space for them anyway, so I stopped. How about you, Boney?

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