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What's your opinion on fat jokes? Are you okay with them if they aren't targetted toward specific people?

They're okay if it doesn't target specific people. Most jokes like that I weigh with the same standard.

Do you hate it when people play music really loudly?

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Hi noob7! What's your favorite color?

Tired. Have to drive out to get my brother to skydiving class then I'll be able to sleep or whatever.

^Biggest problem with the world atm?

...Skydiving? o.o

People complaining about things without trying to understand them.

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What are some of your most favourite game series?

They're okay if it doesn't target specific people. Most jokes like that I weigh with the same standard.

Do you hate it when people play music really loudly?

Ah, okay. I was asking since I have a really funny video for "Your Reaction to the Above Video" thread, but wanted to make sure you wouldn't be offended by it.

Of course, especially when it's someone playing music really loudly in a car and the vibration of the music is even affecting the road. I mean, don't they think think that's loud enough?

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Your favorite ice cream flavor?

Hey Crizix! Uh...I don't really have one. But if I were to pick, I guess I'd go with dark blue.

Do you have any pets?

Nice. Blue is a conservative color, by the way. :P

I used to have hamsters. I do have fish in my room, but they're not really mine.

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What are some of your most favourite game series?

Other than Fire Emblem, I really like Metroid, Spryo, Mario Bros, and Sonic the Hedgehog

What is something you would like to do or accomplish in the near future?

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If I haven't asked, what's your favorite color? If I have, then what's your favorite console?

Who are your favourite FE lords?

Marth, hands down. The Renais twins are awesome too, and I think Lucina's cute. I like Ike, but I don't consider him a lord.

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If I haven't asked, what's your favorite color? If I have, then what's your favorite console?

My favorite color is blue.

Least favorite FE lord?

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What are your least favorite fe classes?

Knights (too slow; aside from Sheema, i never use them in my playthroughs) and Chameleons (weak and frustrating; I like Xane, but you wouldn't imagine how many times I had to reset because of him, not to mention I'd sometimes get him and whoever he was copying mixed up).

If you owned the Fire Emblem franchise, what would you do?

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Your favorite Akaneia character?

Gah...I love them all! Mainly Radd, Caeda, Minerva, and Camus

Chrom. He just screams "rehash of Ike and Marth". :L

and Ephraim, and Sigurd...maybe a little bit of Hector or Eliwood thrown in too ;P

What are you doing today?

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If you owned the Fire Emblem franchise, what would you do?

Fire Emblem : The Scouring

Chrom. He just screams "rehash of Ike and Marth". :L

How did I guess that?

For Crizzie:

Do you like Sophia?

Did you try touhou yet?

For noob:

What is your favorite game series?

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Do you fence?

Gah...I love them all! Mainly Radd, Caeda, Minerva, and Camus

and Ephraim, and Sigurd...maybe a little bit of Hector or Eliwood thrown in too ;P

What are you doing today?

Lol, I like them all too.

I am...trying to work on some fanfiction. xD

How did I guess that?

For Crizzie:

Do you like Sophia?

Did you try touhou yet?

You predicted that? :o

I like the Sophia from Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box. Otherwise, I don't know who you're talking about.

No. I wanna try, but I heard it's a shooter...

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Fire Emblem hands down.

How about yours?

I'm assuming you're asking me, so...Pokemon. Been playing the games all my life and I'm still not sick of it.

Do you fence, noob7?

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@ noob7: What do you think of the Spyro games after the original Spyro trilogy?

@ Crizix: How did you come up with your username?

What is something you would like to do or accomplish in the near future?

Besides finish up all the games I started but haven't completed (Dragon Quest II, Mother 3, FEDA Emblem of Justice), I have been interested in learning to draw really well, though I likely don't have the patience for it.

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Do you fence?

You predicted that? :o

I like the Sophia from Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box. Otherwise, I don't know who you're talking about.

No. I wanna try, but I heard it's a shooter...

I do not fence.

Yeah, I kinda saw it coming. "I thought, yeah it's probably Chrom."

Sophia from FE6, aka the girl in my sig and avatar :P

Is there a game you played you refuse to finish?
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I do not fence.

Yeah, I kinda saw it coming. "I thought, yeah it's probably Chrom."

Sophia from FE6, aka the girl in my sig and avatar :P

Is there a game you played you refuse to finish?

But fencing is the best sport ever. :C

You know me so well, lolol.

Oh. Her design is cute. Are you actually going to stick with that avatar?

Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess. My Wii broke. XD

Edit: Crap, I forgot to ask a question. Uh - Do you like waffles?

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But fencing is the best sport ever. :C

You know me so well, lolol.

Oh. Her design is cute. Are you actually going to stick with that avatar?

Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess. My Wii broke. XD

Edit: Crap, I forgot to ask a question. Uh - Do you like waffles?


I like Sophia. She's one of my favorites, maybe why do you have a problem with this avatar?


Yeah I like waffles.

Crizzie, favorite awakening character?

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What are your favourite traditional fighting games? (Eg: Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Tekken, etc.)

Is there a game you played you refuse to finish?

Well, I didn't refuse to finish it, but Castlevania IV comes to mind. I tried it out and couldn't really get into it. I also tried the original Metal Gear for the NES, and I couldn't get into that one either. There's been quite a lot of games like that, but I can't recall them. I guess it doesn't count if it's in Japanese and reading is practically required, right?

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Favorite animal?


I like Sophia. She's one of my favorites, maybe why do you have a problem with this avatar?


Yeah I like waffles.

Crizzie, favorite awakening character?

No, it's just that you're never consistent.


Olivia! Then Ricken and Stahl.

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