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Favorite animal?

No, it's just that you're never consistent.

Dolphins, I kinda expected you to ask me for my favorite awakening character for whatever reason...

Shush you that's the only thing everyone knows me for

What's your favorite animal?

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Okay...let's do this

@Crizix: no...fencing isn't all that big in the south. I go shooting.

@Randoman: I stopped playing anything after Dawn of the Dragon so I don't have an opinion on those well Skylanders doesn't look all that great... I like the old Spyro for PS :/

And since Crizix is above me: another user already asked this, but I'm curious too: how did you come up with your username?

Edit: I just refreshed the page and now Jprebs is above me. So...Jprebs: do you play sports?

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Where did your username come from?

Okay...let's do this

@Crizix: no...fencing isn't all that big in the south. I go shooting.

And since Crizix is above me: another user already asked this, but I'm curious too: how did you come up with your username?

With a gun?!...Dammit, guns beat swords. :c

Whoops, Randoman did too. Sorry for forgetting to answer. Well, I smashed a bunch of letters together. Aren't I so original? XD

Dolphins, I kinda expected you to ask me for my favorite awakening character for whatever reason...

Shush you that's the only thing everyone knows me for

What's your favorite animal?

You didn't answer Randoman's question for you... ^^;

See now, this is why Boney calls you a hoar.

Cats. And turtles.

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What are your favourite traditional fighting games? (Eg: Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Tekken, etc.)

I'm not actually too big on fighters so I'm not sure if I can actually answer this...

Edit: I just refreshed the page and now Jprebs is above me. So...Jprebs: do you play sports?

Actually, no.

I enjoy swimming though...

Favorite FE class Crizzie?

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Assuming you've played FE4, who do you think is the best father for Nanna?

Where did your username come from?

I had a feeling you were gonna ask me that XD This was my username on funtrivia. I really could not think of anything, so I just chose the first word that came to mind (noob) and decided to add a 7 to make it look good.

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Your favorite dessert?

I had a feeling you were gonna ask me that XD This was my username on funtrivia. I really could not think of anything, so I just chose the first word that came to mind (noob) and decided to add a 7 to make it look good.

I swear, I've seen a lot of strange usernames, but yours takes the cake... xD

Favorite FE class Crizzie?

Clerics. :3

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What's your favorite subject in school?

Your favorite dessert?

I swear, I've seen a lot of strange usernames, but yours takes the cake... xD

Banana Fosters

And don't you be hatin' on my awesome username.

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Which do you think is better, Armads or Garm?

Least favorite FE?

FE Elibe, though by a very small margin.

What medievil weapons do you think should be used more in games? (Eg: scythes, flails)

The Reaper feels that Scythes have not been given the recognition they deserve. Along with a lot of weapons, but Scythes and Sickles are my favorites.

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Yes :D not very often though.

If you play it, who's your main champion?

I have a pool of champions I am known to main.

Singed, GP, Nasus, Zac, Teemo, and Master Yi. Sometimes not even conventionally, because why the heck not?

^Do you like swimming? Do you prefer pools or natural lakes/rivers/oceans?

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Have you ever played Storm of the Ancients Storm of the Imperial Sanctum?

Basically LoL for SCII, if you're wondering. The abilities and heroes are pretty varied, at least, but the art assets are predictably restricted. . .

^Do you like swimming? Do you prefer pools or natural lakes/rivers/oceans?

I love swimming! . . . I'm actually fairly bad at it though - I'm better at swimming submerged, I can hardly swim on the surface.

Personally, I mostly swim in pools, though I'd prefer the shoreline of a beach if I could get it. Lakes and rivers. . . eh, not so much. Deep ocean is out of the question thanks to various water related phobias.

But never swimming at least once in my life is impossible thanks to many water related phillium. . . philia? Philleai? . . . um? . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I'm Selachophobic but Hydrophilic, let's just leave it at that m'kay?

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The GREATEST BOSS BATTLE MUSIC you've ever heard?

Considering I don't play much SC2, no.

Stupidest commercial you've ever seen?


Apply directly to the forehead.

You know, the version of that commercial where "APPLY DIRECTLY TO THE FOREHEAD" is the only audio you hear.

For three whole minutes.

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^Ever been bitten by a mosquito. . .

While underwater!

What's your favorite parody?

Hrm. . .

Does Keroro Gunsou count as a parody of the Gundam craze?

Crivens, I can't remember any of the parodies I've seen recently. My bain isn't functioning too well.

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ZM, your favorite Fe character?

^What is your favorite dish for breakfast?

Buttermilk pancake. Or a bowl of cereal. I'm a girl of simple tastes when it comes to food.

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