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^Y wyvern?

The games i like? Because KH is Final Fantasy-esque, And Final Fantasy is awesome.

Does Interest have anybody he calls Senpai or Chan (specifically those two)?

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What do you do when you bring Wyverns to a Wind Mage ambush?

How's it going?

Terrible. I just took a test after studying the corresponding pages three times over two days and completing all previous "homeworks" with flying colors.

I got a seventy on a ten question exam.


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Working on it. Probably actually gonna wait until my vacation to finish playing it. 2 more weeks!

Favorite game of all time?

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All time?

Uh...Maybe VVVVVV IWBTG Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door League of Legends World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story Pokemon Gold/Silver Oregon Trail Plumbers Don't Wear Ties Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) Fire Emblem: Awakening Fortune Summomers Bible Black Mount and Blade: Warband Dust: An Elysian Tail Cthulhu Saves the World King's Bounty: Crossworlds Bastion Team Fortress II Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Cave Story Terraria Amnesia: The Dark Descent You Have to Burn The Rope Golden Sun: The Lost Age *tomatoes get thrown at me*


Edit: Fixed post to sufficiently show how much I hate naming favorites.

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Sad story time nao.

Mario Party 2. When I was 13, my best friend at the time was diagnosed with Leukemia. I spent a lot of time with him at his house, playing video games, chilling, etc. Long story short, he ended up passing away, but the game we played the most was Mario Party 2, sometimes with other friends, but usually just the 2 of us. The shits and giggles we had playing that game was fantastic. A close second was Paper Mario. We killed the Crystal King with a POW block, we were on like, 2 health, with no FP, no star power, and no other items. We had no idea how much HP he had (no Peekaboo or Tattle) and he was in his split up state (3 images of him + a real one). I figure "It's a POW block, what's it going to do?" resigning myself to the loss and having to start the boss again. Hit the block, and his death animation plays. The best memory of that game I have. It was hilarious.

Ever travelled?

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Next question of the day!

2. Which countries have you been to? This includes countries you have lived in, touched down on briefly (even if you landed there for a moment to switch flights or something), or vacationed to.

Personally, I've been to the following countries to my recollection:

  • United States of 'Murica America
  • Canada
  • Mexico
  • South Korea (Republic of Korea)
  • China
  • Great Britain of UK
  • The Netherlands
  • France

Meh...That wasn't as impressive as I expected.

Knew my QOTD might come in handy.

Best meal you've ever had?

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How has your day been going?

^Like/hate/whatever me?

I don't think ill of you, if that's what your asking. I certainly can't say we've learned much about each other, but I can't help but make the pun about you being an. . . interesting person so far.

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Which SFers would you want to meet in real life?


Questions that are too personal (such as where you live, real name, etc.) aren't allowed to be asked for this thread. I guess I'll at least tell you that I live near the top third of North America.

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About a week and a half?

Why would you call yourself a selfish dumbass? ;3

I thought Klok would see if he could get Primefusion to make me a random reclass hack for me.

What are you referencing in that signature?

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