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Why do you have no "About Me" in your profile?

Who's your favorite Akaneia character(s)?

It's a three-way tie between Matthis, Malliesia, and Castor

Oh, I love all the Aurelians (especially Wolf and Roshea), Palla, Minerva, Merric, Elice, Abel, and Marth. Etzel's pretty cool too, but I never get to use him because lolGaiden.

I think Castor's okay. I agree with you about the other two.

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What animal characters do you find cute off the top of your head? (Eg: any animal character from a Disney movie, any Pokemon, etc.)

Probably 3DS. Also AMA means "ask me anything." (should do "define: <statement here>" on Google if you want to search something that way)

Favorite gif?

Oh. In that case, I like them quite a bit. You get to know the member a lot better, and since they're open to questions, it's not as awkward as asking them questions out of the blue.

My favourite GIF would have to be this:


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I'm running out of questions here...What is the best thing that's ever happened to you?

Why do you have no "About Me" in your profile?

Because there really isn't much about me ;P

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Who's your avatar?

What animal characters do you find cute off the top of your head? (Eg: any animal character from a Disney movie, any Pokemon, etc.)

Pikachu, Pichu, Plusle, Minun, Mudkip, Torchic, Wailmer, Audino, Snivy, Oshawott, Chikorita, Cyndaquil, *yadda yadda - list goes on and on*

...You should not have said Pokemon. XD

Because there really isn't much about me ;P

I call foul on that.

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Okay, what are some animal characters you find cute that aren't Pokemon?

I'm running out of questions here...What is the best thing that's ever happened to you?

Because there really isn't much about me ;P

Running out of questions? There's plenty of questions to ask people regarding their "real life" lives, preferences, opinions of game/TV series, morals, and the like.

Favorite Vega quote?

I can't remember how it went exactly, but it was something like "No matter how ugly one is on the outside, their splattered blood is always so beautiful." I don't even know why I like Vega's narcissism, excessive vanity, and inhumaness to his opponents. I guess it's the way he does it all in a really classy and dignified way.

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Running out of questions? There's plenty of questions to ask people regarding their "real life" lives, preferences, opinions of game/TV series, morals, and the like.

True...just hard to think of some at the top of my head.

Randoman: What do you enjoy the most in life?

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Okay, what are some animal characters you find cute that aren't Pokemon?

Mokuna from Tsubasa Chronicles, Kero from Cardcaptor Sakura, and Patamon, Gabumon, and Gomamon from Digimon.

My OC for Altering History. His name is Edith.

Oh really? On what grounds? XD

I see...Remind me to go read that sometime.

*points to your FFN profile*

Edit: Oh wait, question. Uhm...Do you play any musical instruments?

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What's your favorite song?

I see...Remind me to go read that sometime.

*points to your FFN profile*

Edit: Oh wait, question. Uhm...Do you play any musical instruments?

Meh, if you want to you can. It's really not my priority at the moment ;P

*oh...yeah, forgot about that*

I play piano and clarinet for school.

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What's your opinion on My Little Pony?

Worst piece of software you've ever used?

Probably ZoneAlarm. Slows down the computer a lot and suspects someone's trying to hack the computer when you press the Internet Explorer icon. It felt more like a virus than the actual viruses it's supposed to protect you from.

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Why is FE13 your favorite?

Lemme look back on the answer I originally put. Fuck I forgot. I think it was something about the content something something interesting mechanics lots of dialogue etc.

^Most amusing thing you've seen lately?

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What aftertastes of foods and drinks don't you like?

What's your favorite cake flavor?

I like ice cream cake the best, so ice cream, I guess?

After ice cream, I guess there's buku pandan (purple yam conocut cake, or something like that).

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