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Favorite fruit?

If you wanted to, where would you like to travel?

Sniper. Definitely sniper.

London, so I can learn how to be a true gentleman! Err...I mean lady. XD

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Were you born in the Philippines? If so, how old were you when you moved away from the Philippines?

Ooo, cowboy hat gets all my points, although they're all pretty.

Which of the mane six do you like the least?

Ah, you mean Applejack. She's quite underrated by the fanbase, since most people find her too plain, personality wise. I personally don't think so.

It'd have to be Rainbow Dash, due to her being arrogant and a bit stuck up.

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Favorite math problem?

The ones that I don't have to look at. Or the ones that involve two trains.

Do you prefer Pokemon or Digimon? Or do you have no great love for either of them?

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What do you hope for in a romantic partner?

Have you played Dissidia before? If you have, have at least heard of it, or seen gameplay of it, what do you think of it?

Oh, I wish I could have played that. But unfortunately my PSP can`t run games older then it is. And it was one of the first models.

I think it is a pretty fun idea though I am not fond of how it flanderized some of the characters.

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What do you want to do for a career?

What's your opinion on My Little Pony?

Meh...I think it's quite overrated to be frank. And I've seen some episodes, but didn't really get hooked. I'd probably enjoy it more if I was a frilly, six year old girl

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Your favorite Pokemon type?

Were you born in the Philippines? If so, how old were you when you moved away from the Philippines?

Ah, you mean Applejack. She's quite underrated by the fanbase, since most people find her too plain, personality wise. I personally don't think so.

It'd have to be Rainbow Dash, due to her being arrogant and a bit stuck up.

Nope. I was born and raised in good old New York.

Plain? How so?

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What's your favorite thing to do when you're bored?

Never played Pokemon

It's a tie between daydreaming and singing. You?


*rabid fangirl rage* You haven't lived.

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What was the best dream you've ever had?

It's a tie between daydreaming and singing. You?


*rabid fangirl rage* You haven't lived.

Serenesforest ;P

Please don't kill me, there's so many stories I've yet to finish ;_; Haha well, simply put: I wasn't allowed to play Pokemon.

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What was the best dream you've ever had?

Serenesforest ;P

Please don't kill me, there's so many stories I've yet to finish ;_; Haha well, simply put: I wasn't allowed to play Pokemon.

Hell if I can remember any of them...Well, there was this one with a mutant llama thing vomiting rainbows on a unicorn colony.

Hey, I'm not that rabid. And why not?

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Who's your hero in your life?

Hell if I can remember any of them...Well, there was this one with a mutant llama thing vomiting rainbows on a unicorn colony.

Hey, I'm not that rabid. And why not?

Sounds like a hell of a dream O.o

Eh, long story. Basically, all the kids were becoming addicted and eventually started getting into fights over it, which ultimately led to the school banning it and everything similar. My mom didn't want me to get involved in all of that, plus she didn't want me spending all day playing video games.

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What's your opinion on the Jugdral FE games?

Your first world problem?

I'm really not sure what you're asking. But if it's about the biggest problem I think the world has currently, it's probably all the waste it makes and how people aren't energy/resource efficient, resourceful with the things they have, or don't recycle as much as they should (even with recycling bins in front of them, sadly).

Oh, I wish I could have played that. But unfortunately my PSP can`t run games older then it is. And it was one of the first models.

I think it is a pretty fun idea though I am not fond of how it flanderized some of the characters.

Yeah, the fights are really awesome and intense with all the insane physics, slamming people into walls and floors, and flying around defying gravity while doing attacks.

What do you mean by flanderizing some of the characters?

Plain? How so?

Well, Applejack's flaws aren't as apparent as most of the other ponies (Twilight can be too "by the book" and is rather reluctant to improvise plans on the go, Pinkie Pie is usually too crazy and irresponsible, Fluttershy is usually cowardly and reluctant to do dangerous things or do things in front of big groups, Rarity can be too selfish and vain at times, and Rainbow Dash can be too arrogant and brash). The main flaw of Applejack's I can think of is being a bit too bullheaded and stubborn at times, but that hardly kicks in compared to the other five's flaws (maybe only five or six episodes of the 65, currently).

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Ugliest Pokemon?

Garbodor. Or maybe Elektross because, in all fairness, Garbodor's supposed to look like rubbish.

First "fandom" you ever joined, or were aware you were a part of?

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Favorite Pokemon?

Who's your hero in your life?

Sounds like a hell of a dream O.o

Eh, long story. Basically, all the kids were becoming addicted and eventually started getting into fights over it, which ultimately led to the school banning it and everything similar. My mom didn't want me to get involved in all of that, plus she didn't want me spending all day playing video games.

*thinks long and hard* My AP English Language and Composition teacher. She's so cool (and huggable)!

Yes, and then I woke up everyone in my house with my laughing. XD

Well, that's very interesting. I think I've heard a similar story before...

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