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If you could be in any video game, what would it be?

^One thing you wish you didn't have to pay for.

Energy drinks. I don't even know how much money I spend on a pack of Red Bull a year, but I'm sure it's a lot.

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What's your family like?

What are some fictional characters you related to and why?

Cecil Harvey from Final Fantasy IV is the only one that comes to mind right now (due to him always trying to be respectful and do what's right, doing what he can to fix things up when he does wrong, and him trying to overcome the heavy regret he feels for the bad things he's done in the past). Well, maybe Zuko from Avatar (due to being an ill tempered person with strong morals who tries to do what's right), but I've mostly gotten over my temper and the intense anger I feel a lot.

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How many languages do you speak fluently?

^Ever gone international?

I've vacationed in Canada, the Philippines, and the Bahamas, if that counts.

It'd have to be pineapple.

If only more girls thought like you did. Most girls I know just dump the whole friendship after finding out a guy's feelings...

What? Why?!

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Only one (English). I can understand Tagalog quite a bit when it's spoken, though. I also took French up until Grade 9 and Spanish in Grade 10 and 11 (though only remember a bit from those two languages).

What were some of your favourite TV series growing up?

What? Why?!

I have no idea. I've lost friendships with girls that way quite a few times (and I've been reluctant to get close to a girl for the longest time, but I overcame that a couple of months ago). Supposedly, it has to do with the friendship getting really awkward for the girl and them not wanting to hurt the guy with false hope of a relationship. Losing the friendship completely and receiving the silent treatment from them forever hurts a lot more than an "I'm sorry, I'm not interested. I want to just stay friends." I don't get why girls would think the latter is a better way to turn a guy down than the former...

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What is your favorite drink?

Uh...uh...can I have another question?

Sour Apple Soda, pineapple juice, lemonade, and limeade come to mind.

Too personal of a question for you? Yeah, I guess it was (though it's not like anyone can track you down and find out where you live with that question, I guess questions that are "too personal" differs from person to person).

What's your opinion on vegetables? (Eg: Do you like them, do you not like them but eat them to be healthy, do you avoid them like the plague and almost never eat them?)

And since the above question is your replacement question, there's still the new question I have to ask, so here it is: If you could do anything for fun/enjoyment without having to worry about any of the consequences afterwards, what would it be? (Eg: jumping off a building, driving into the ocean and seeing how far you'd go in it, etc.)

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What is your favorite way to pass the time?

Sour Apple Soda, pineapple juice, lemonade, and limeade come to mind.

Too personal of a question for you? Yeah, I guess it was (though it's not like anyone can track you down and find out where you live with that question, I guess questions that are "too personal" differs from person to person).

What's your opinion on vegetables? (Eg: Do you like them, do you not like them but eat them to be healthy, do you avoid them like the plague and almost never eat them?)

And since the above question is your replacement question, there's still the new question I have to ask, so here it is: If you could do anything for fun/enjoyment without having to worry about any of the consequences afterwards, what would it be? (Eg: jumping off a building, driving into the ocean and seeing how far you'd go in it, etc.)

It's not like I'm worried about stalkers. So much has just been happening so my answer would be pretty conflicted...

I love vegetables! Though I draw the line at zucchini and cucumber, I really have no problem eating them: raw or cooked.

I've always wanted to explore a black hole, even though it is physically impossible to come out alive, much less hardly injured...

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If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

Only one (English). I can understand Tagalog quite a bit when it's spoken, though. I also took French up until Grade 9 and Spanish in Grade 10 and 11 (though only remember a bit from those two languages).

What were some of your favourite TV series growing up?

I have no idea. I've lost friendships with girls that way quite a few times (and I've been reluctant to get close to a girl for the longest time, but I overcame that a couple of months ago). Supposedly, it has to do with the friendship getting really awkward for the girl and them not wanting to hurt the guy with false hope of a relationship. Losing the friendship completely and receiving the silent treatment from them forever hurts a lot more than an "I'm sorry, I'm not interested. I want to just stay friends." I don't get why girls would think the latter is a better way to turn a guy down than the former...

I used to watch a lot of TV, like Pokemon and Sonic X and Winx Club and Yu-Gi-Oh and Kirby Right Back at Ya and Powerpuff Girls and Tom and Jerry. Now I don't watch any at all. xD

Actually, that makes sense...I didn't feel any more awkward with my friend afterwards, but we were really close anyway and apparently my way of thinking is weird, so what do I know.

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If you could do anything for fun/enjoyment without having to worry about any of the consequences afterwards, what would it be? (Eg: jumping off a building, driving into the ocean and seeing how far you'd go in it, etc.)

jumping on roller coaster would be the best excitement, i always wanna to have the one like from FD3....

unrelated to adrenalines that would be enjoying Looking on Billy's Victims panicking to wound their limbs or died a horrible way on SAW... yeah, i'm cruel

edit: dang slow internet... please just ignore this one t__t

Edited by Pukuriripo
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*Repeats your question*

FE character you hate the most?

Most simply, a double-edged sword.

Lol I'm pretty sure I answered this already, but Gharnef for always ruining my perfect play throughs in SD

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@Hero-King Marth, that question was for me, not you. You're supposed to answer questions that are posted after your previous post in this topic.

FE character you hate the most?

The senators in Radiant Dawn. What a bunch of douches.

Favorite food?

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@Hero-King Marth, that question was for me, not you. You're supposed to answer questions that are posted after your previous post in this topic.

*sigh* I'm always screwing up aren't I?

Favorite Marth design?

Hmm. I'm gonna go with either SSBB(except for the shorter Falchion) or New Mystery

If Marth could marry someone else, who would you choose?

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FE game you've played and like the least?

*Repeats your question*

Lekain, that bastard. Gharnef and most of the other senators from Begnion are pretty close too.

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Favorite FE continent?

FE game you've played and like the least?

Lekain, that bastard. Gharnef and most of the other senators from Begnion are pretty close too.

Well, I've only played two to completion (Shadow Dragon and Awakening) so I don't think I can answer that

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Favorite video games series aside from FE?

Favorite FE continent?

Well, I've only played two to completion (Shadow Dragon and Awakening) so I don't think I can answer that

As much as I want to say Akaneia, I do not like what happened to it after FE3/12 (those endings, rrr...) or what Awakening did to it. My answer would be Tellius.

Dude, you should play some more FE games.

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*Thinks of a Question........* What would be a good question to ask? lol

Favorite video games series aside from FE?

As much as I want to say Akaneia, I do not like what happened to it after FE3/12 (those endings, rrr...) or what Awakening did to it. My answer would be Tellius.

Dude, you should play some more FE games.

Currently doing FE 12, 6 and 7. And there's a lot that I like, but I'll stick with Kingdom Hearts

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Do you play any sports?

*Thinks of a Question........* What would be a good question to ask? lol

Currently doing FE 12, 6 and 7. And there's a lot that I like, but I'll stick with Kingdom Hearts

Is that seriously your question? Umm...Maybe something about my hobbies? xD

Haven't played any of those FEs. I'd recommend FEs 9 and 8.

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