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If you could describe humanity in one video or image, what would it be?

A video I can no longer find. It was a video of monkeys getting mad and fighting at each other.

What is one chore you don't like doing?

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If you have played FE4, which generation did you like better. If not, why haven't you played FE4?

FE game you've played and like the least?

Oh you guys are gonna love this. I should note that I really like all the games. But my least favorite so far is Blazing Sword. There weren't as many characters that I personally liked, it felt too short, and it just wasn't as memorable. I feel like most people would disagree, but that's how I feel personally.

Ironic because my avatar is an edited version of the one of the FE7 ending graphics

Edited by Insignificant Organism
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Was making a bank account while also making an account on a forum where I didn't want to be recognized by my old handle.

Chose "interest" because I realized how commonly the word was used but how underused it was as a handle.

^Do you know about/like/hate Collegehumor?

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^Where do you stream? How, etc.

Asking as a let's player.

FE game you've played and like the least?

Uh. . . Path of Radiance, probably. But again, it's not losing by much - I've only completed FE8 and 13 anyways.

Favorite (non-Serene's Forest) forum you have been to?

Stealing question because I can happily say my favorite has to be Gotcha Force Fan! May be a quiet, small board (at times) but it's certainly homely and friendly. Fond memories way back when as Antares Commander.

Much as I have to point out Gamefaqs as my first and greatest foray into online message boards.

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What's one game you want really badly?

*Takes the question of the above poster*

You're asking me what's one thing I like about Awakening, then? Olivia. Yesss.

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What's one game you want really badly?

I can't narrow it down to one game, what's wrong with you? I won't waste my breath on ones I could conceivably get or have already preordered (Kingdom Hearts 3 and Pokemon Y for example) but I'll say FFXIII-3 Lightning Returns. I sold my PS3 so I missed out on that. And Tales of Xillia but that only came to my attention very recently.

Is there a book, videogame, comic, or television series you would love to see adapted into another medium that no one seems willing to take the risk on?

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^Sage or Valkyrie?

Since I doubt civillians count martial arts as sports, I'd say Swimming.

I have to go with Sage on that one. I have bad luck with Valkyries.

What's your favorite martial art, then?

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Favorite dessert?

I can't narrow it down to one game, what's wrong with you? I won't waste my breath on ones I could conceivably get or have already preordered (Kingdom Hearts 3 and Pokemon Y for example) but I'll say FFXIII-3 Lightning Returns. I sold my PS3 so I missed out on that. And Tales of Xillia but that only came to my attention very recently.

Is there a book, videogame, comic, or television series you would love to see adapted into another medium that no one seems willing to take the risk on?

Technically, you're supposed to go to your last post and answer the question that the person below it asked, but okay. :P

I want to revive the FE1 anime really badly.

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What about me do you like?

If you have played FE4, which generation did you like better. If not, why haven't you played FE4?

I haven't, but only because I don't like emulation on my computer. Based of of first impressions, I'm gonna go with the second gen

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Pokemon or Digimon?

What about me do you like?

...ship ship ship ship ship

:facepalm: I'm not gonna hear the end of this, am I?

Lol at this whole exchange. Well, it is an odd thing to ask, Hero-King. :P

Hmm...I like your courtesy. ^^

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do you understand how fun it is to play as marth in melee?

OF COURSE! He's only my best person all together. I will murder anyone with marth

don't worry, it doesn't go on as long as you probably think, and it's all in good fun, lolol.

now answer my question before i consult deathlaser

I'm not worried. If it's all in fun then by all means ship away

EDIT: ^Vanilla or Chocolate?

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whoa, suddenly pride! why do you only use creepy avatars?

Pokemon or Digimon?

digimon...kinda. pokemon games are a lot more fleshed out and the series stands well, but digimon has a better evolution system to me. i feel like digimon really needs games as proper as pokemon's.

OF COURSE! He's only my best person all together. I will murder anyone with marth

down+a in the air to knock enemies down pits. so fun XD

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