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^Would you mind if I added you on steam?

^Do you have a Softmodded or HardModded Wii?

I wouldn't mind. What will it be about?

Well, it's post Endgame(FE13), and it uses quite a few elements from the first post of my thread in the creative section. It also has lots of Dragons, Monsters, and possibly fluff. Unfortunately, I haven't written stories in a while and am really behind on writing it anyways.

Edited by Verdant Shade
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Have a best friend? Have anyone to spend the good times with?

I'm going to say this right now, there's going to be definite bias on my part compared to say, my father with fourty-to-fifty years of experience with MANY combat specialties - various schools of Judo, Aikido, Aikijujitsu, Fencing (he hasn't told me which school of fencing,) lots of firearms experience and history, Jeet Kun Do, and whatever else he hasn't told me about yet.

So far, my personal preference is Aikido, "Budo Aikido" as my father calls it when he performs modified, modernized, street-wise Aikido to protect all his students on the street. Especially the Tantodori, which my father is becoming very strict on because three of his patients have been, or have had young family members who've all been stabbed, all less than 30. The police in the areas don't have enough manpower, firepower, or the authority to even use either sufficiently to deal with upsurging gang violence.

Of course, as he acknowledges, protecting yourself with Martial Arts will get you into more trouble with the law then just using a firearm because with Martial Arts you control the situation, and thus lose stand-your-ground legal ground.

I acknowledge I probably misspelled a few things here. I acknowledge my experience is nowhere near comprehensive.

I actually really enjoy taking Aikido. It's definitely in my top three martial arts and is the best of the empty hand techniques I've studied.

I do have a best friend. I've known her for twelve years and we meet up to watch movies or just write together. We have a lot of good memories and we plan to see each other in college since we'll be relatively close in terms of distance.

Favorite brand logo? (Oh that's such a bad one... I'm out of practice)

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If you had the chance to meet Severa, what would you do?

That's uh, actually a good question. I don't suppose I'd do much out of the ordinary. I wouldn't propose to her or anything and having dealt with my fair share of tsunderes in my life I wouldn't be too surprised by her personality. I guess we'd just talk, assuming she doesn't storm off in the middle of one of our conversations. (Can you tell that I don't think about video game characters in the real world too often? Besides, if she brought a pack of Risen I'd be pretty pissed.)

Video game you've sunk the most hours into?

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^Why so much green? ;o

When looking in my Touhou image folder, I saw a pic I Yuuka that I felt like making my avatar, and then I picked a sig and badge to my avatar, and ended up having a green theme.

Why so tsundere?

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If you could meet your favorite FE character, what would you do?

^Thoughts on nostalgia biasing an opinion?

Understandable, as long as it doesn't blind one into glossing over flaws and bitching at everything else.

Well, it's post Endgame(FE13), and it uses quite a few elements from the first post of my thread in the creative section. It also has lots of Dragons, Monsters, and possibly fluff. Unfortunately, I haven't written stories in a while and am really behind on writing it anyways.

I see...Well, pop me a PM when you get around to it. ^^

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