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Main-ing villager was directed at Interest, you ninja'd my post. Retiring Jagen was directed at you, Hero King (Marth). I edited that post accordingly, but apparently not fast enough.


Also, someone missed out on asking me a question. C'mon, I'm not THAT boring.

I see. My fault then.

^Why do you keep Jegan around anyway, oh great hero king? Shouldn't you allow him to retire?

I keep him around because my previous adviser (Malledus) died of illness. and Jagen was the best person fit for the job, being as old and loyal as he is. Not to mention, he's a bit too old to be in the army, which is why he retired and gave the role of leadership to Cain

EDIT: Sorry for the double post

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Favorite FE villain?

If Hardin wasn't corrupted, do you think he'd make a better ruler than Marth?

No, I was just curious but I'll admit that it emits an appearance of shyness (especially with the fact that its Olivia in it) which I found to be rather cute

I do. He's more experienced and stuff, not to mention that he saved the plains people from slavery.

Hehe, thank you. Well, if you're still curious, I drew it because Inigo mentions her hiding in a barrel to watch him practice in their B support.

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What's your favorite role in a story? EX: protagonist, antagonist, supporter, damsel in distress

Favorite FE villain?

I do. He's more experienced and stuff, not to mention that he saved the plains people from slavery.

Hehe, thank you. Well, if you're still curious, I drew it because Inigo mentions her hiding in a barrel to watch him practice in their B support.

Ah, now the picture makes sense.

I'm going to go with Lyon for being the only villain to have good intentions and not just being plain twisted by something in the beginning. Though there's something about Validar that I really like but can't put my finger on.

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Spelling and grammar.....to an extent. I know I break it sometimes with the things I say but there are some people where its so bad that its barely legible and ugh, I just cant

I meant an existing common law =P. Sadly proper spelling and grammar isn't enforced as an existing law.

^The worst pick-up line you know of.

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Favorite MMO?

What's your favorite role in a story? EX: protagonist, antagonist, supporter, damsel in distress

Ah, now the picture makes sense.

I'm going to go with Lyon for being the only villain to have good intentions and not just being plain twisted by something. Though there's something about Validar that I really like but can't put my finger on.

I usually like the supporting cast most. The Anti-Hero and the main cast can be pretty cool too.

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Where are all these from?

EDIT: dammit. This was meant for interest

^The worst pick-up line you know of.

"What dat mouth do doe"

I usually like the supporting cast most. The Anti-Hero and the main cast can be pretty cool too.

Anti-Hero's optimal choice. In my perspective, there's the good guys and the bad guys. Then you find someone who's inbetween.That said person = most awesome/ bad ass person in the story

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World of Warcraft Warcrack

In order from left to right: The Villager from Animal Crossing, Teemo from League of Legends, and Love Machine from Summer Wars.

^What brought you to the abyss?

Got lost...

The worst movie you've seen?

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^Have you ever had the chance to fire a bow or a cross bow?

I suppose I could also include things like Arbalests and Scorpions in that list, but I don't hear of many people firing siege weapons these days. . . Now if only I could remember their spelling.

*repeats question below*

I'm going to assume you mean the "Internet Laws" one. . . . Unfortunately, I can't think of any useful laws off the top of my head. Perhaps privacy laws, but that's a whole other can of worms to be opened up, and I'm just a bit too tired to be explaining my thoughts on such matters at the moment. Maybe when I wake up.

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^Have you ever had the chance to fire a bow or a cross bow?

Actually, I have. It (the bow) didn't have much pull weight but then again it was a flimsy (I believe plastic or some other weak non-wood material) bow and I was like...14. Needless to say, I sucked.

One thing that isn't common law that you wish was?

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What would you do with three wishes?

If you had 3 wishes, what would you wish for (besides cheesy crap like more wishes)?

  1. My own fully decked out, professional music studio
  2. Insane proficiency in utilizing the hardware and software to create boundless song masterpieces
  3. The ability to change the lives of others for better, be it through my music, or the power of my voice
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Why not use them?

I'd forfeit them.

What would Brian Boitano do?

Interesting choice, but then there's the chance of them falling into the wrong hands

Probably a celebrity stunt and say he'll maybe do some charitable thing and do something completely different

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Whose your favorite FE Character?

^Why do you like Marth?

Ah, where to start? Well, It all began in his debut in Smash Bros and how he quickly became my best character, not to mention I thought he was pretty cool despite his feminine look. Afterwards, I discovered Shadow Dragon and that became my first FE I ever played. To sum it all up, he singlehandedly brought me into FE, which makes him special in my eyes

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Which superpower do you think best suits your personality?

Anti-Hero's optimal choice. In my perspective, there's the good guys and the bad guys. Then you find someone who's inbetween.That said person = most awesome/ bad ass person in the story

It depends on how it's done for me, but I see your point. Also, I have no question. xD

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I'm repeating my question because I'm feeling uncreative right now: Which superpower do you think best suits your personality?

why don't you have a question? xD

Because your last question was specifically for Interest, not me...

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