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^What character do you really want to be in the next SSB game that hasn't already appeared before or been already announced?

^Worst music genre in your opinion?

Hrm. . .

Probably. . .

Heavy metal?

Just by itself, at any rate. I've heard some nice mixed genre songs, especially the soundtrack composed for the Epic Battle Fantasy Series. But I'm really not into Jazz, Popm Heavy Death Metal, and Rap. If I listen to it, it's probably because I have to listen to it during Gameplay. I much prefer Classical, Symphonic, Techno, Chip-tune, and some others.

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^Have you played Space Pirates And Zombies (And Bounty Hunters)?

Mind you, it usually just goes by SPAZ, the stuff in parentheses I just add because of the main menu after a certain patch.

Are there any SF members you'd want banned since you don't like them or you think they're bringing down SF? You don't have to mention their names.

No, not really. Though that MIGHT just be because I haven't been on here long enough. :o:

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^What character do you really want to be in the next SSB game that hasn't already appeared before or been already announced?

Hrm. . .

Probably. . .

Heavy Metal?

do my eyes/ears deceive me? sacrilegious!

have you played anything from the metal gear solid series?

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Are there any characters you like whose TV/game series you've never watched/played before?

Or if I asked you that before, what's your most unfavourite insect besides mosquitos?

^Have you played Space Pirates And Zombies (And Bounty Hunters)?

I've never even heard about the game until now, actually.

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What would your real life friends say your biggest flaw is?

Thoughts on indie titles?

I think they're really awesome, and I like how a lot of them deviate from the gore, gun, and sex filled gaming industry we have nowadays. There's also a big lack of classic styled games nowadays and I like how most indie titles fill in that gap.

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What are your biggest pet peeves regarding people and/or their opinions?

That I'm too serious.

Did you know your sig banner is essentially an ad? =P

Too serious? I never would've expected that.

I guess it is like an advertisement. I've never actually played any of the Dillon's Rolling Western games, and I just used it as a sig/avatar because I find Dillon's character design to be really cool and awesome looking.

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^have you seen the movie elysium? if so, thoughts?

Even though it'll never happen. Quote, from Cave Story.

^ Thoughts on indie titles?

i have yet to play journey, but i absolutely love indie games. the main flaw of it is that it's very easy for great games to get lost in the shuffle.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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What are your biggest pet peeves regarding people and/or their opinions?

I hate people like Amy in Amy's Baking Company. Just watch some of the Kitchen Nightmares episode and you'll get the idea.

^The worst job in your opinion?

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^ Favorite dish?

Is there any weapons you don't like or find overrated? (Eg: guns, swords)

I do, but my younger brothers enjoy it and play it a lot more than I do. I did play a bit of it for a while back then.

Automatic weaponry, for sure.

^Favorite League of Legends character?

Never heard of it. What's it like?

From the director of District 9, if you've heard of it. And I dunno, I haven't had a chance to see it yet. Supposedly an awesome sci-fi flick, though.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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What game genre do you think needs more games right now?

The worst job in your opinion?

Prostitutes and the like immediately come to mind, since you're treated more like an object or a tool of pleasure than an actual human being.

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What are your favourite game series that are not very popular or well known?

My avatar is Dillon from the Dillon's Rolling Western series (it only has two games though). I heard of Dillon from SSB4 discussions, looked up the character and the game in articles and youtube videos, and found him and the gameplay awesome (though I never played the game myself, though if I had a 3DS I'd probably would). I thought it'd make for a cool looking avatar & sig.

Here's a video explaining the gameplay, if you're curious:

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^Would you like to know more about Dillon's latest game? I've not gotten far, but I can give some spoilers.

^One genre of music that is believed to be widely disliked but you secretly like?

Um. . . Can't really think of anything atm. I might get back to you on that.

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tough call, to be completely honest. i have my new fire emblem, a new metal gear coming out soon, two new phoenix wright games, a new pokemon, a new zelda, a new RPG (Bravely Default, looks F'n fantastic), a new FPS (destiny by bungie looks so goddamn awesome) and a new mario RPG. AND a lot of great indie titles. it's like all of my prayers have been answered, except for the gift of more money. so, i guess games that give out money?

but seriously, i don't think any genres could make due with more games. out of the ones that i play and enjoy. i hate rts'. maybe good puzzle games? that one game on the DS, henry hatsworth, was pretty great.

rolling western is good for 3dsware, but it's still "eh."

as for my question, right back at ya. what genre do YOU think could use more good games?

edit: ninja'd again. how about you both answer hahahaha

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^How well have you been sleeping these past few days? Don't fall to fatigue.

as for my question, right back at ya. what genre do YOU think could use more good games?

edit: ninja'd again. how about you both answer hahahaha

Rts needs some fresh revival, too much MMO oriented RTS now. SITER SKAIN'S style of STG could use a sequel after Final Apocalypse, and so do Side Scrolling Shooters. All we have nowadays is what, Touhou?

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What are some of the first games you played as a kid?

^Would you like to know more about Dillon's latest game? I've not gotten far, but I can give some spoilers.

Yeah, that'd be great. I know that the 2nd game added bounty hunters that you can potentially ally with, but that's all I know besides the basic gameplay flow from youtube videos.

as for my question, right back at ya. what genre do YOU think could use more good games?

edit: ninja'd again. how about you both answer hahahaha

Tetris style puzzle games, definitely. I miss having a good amount of games like Dr. Mario, Puyo Pop, Panel de Pon/Tetris Attack, Wario's Woods, and Bust-a-Move on the gaming market.

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