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Why is Awakening your favorite FE?

It was me joking about you having feelings for Crizix.

What's one game that a lot of people dislike but you like a lot?

............ okay

I don't think there are any

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aya, you're supposed to go back and answer the question that someone asked you XD randoman asked you what you look for in a guy and you didn't answer so i'm asking it too!!

Why you never change sig?

because i suck at making sigs and it took a while to make that one match my standard reimu avatar lolol

EDIT: i was just ninja'd by two people...

Edited by Boney
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What were some of the earliest games you remember playing?

Are you asking about platformers or My Little Pony?

I was asking about platformers since most of the favourite games series listed on the above poster's profile were RPG based, and having nothing but RPGs as favourites seems kind of boring, since there's no action based games or games that'll put you in suspense and feel like you're fully in control of the character

As for My Little Pony, it's a series that I got into despite not liking its girliness at first, and I found out there was so much more to it and it's really funny, witty, and each episode shows some rather strong lessons at the end. Plus, Fluttershy is so sickeningly cute. You seem like an open-minded guy who doesn't discriminate on things for their appearance, so I thought you'd be interested in watching an episode or two, getting into it and joining us My Little Pony fans for the Season 4 premier where we'll all have My Little Pony avatars and sigs.

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The Filipiniana (I don't know how it's spelled) comes to mind. It's a formal Filipino shirt for men that's basically a formal shirt with the thinness and transparency of a veil. Since it's meant to be worn over formal white clothes (like a button up white shirt), I don't find the presentation or its see-through-ness to be a problem. The frailty and feel of the Filipiniana, however, is really bad. You move so slowly and awkwardly since you don't want to risk it ripping (it's a really expensive piece of clothing) and it feels quite rough when it rubs off your clothes you're wearing it over.

What's your nationality or heritage?

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If you were an FE character, who do you think you'd be, based on your personality?

What were some of the earliest games you remember playing?

As for My Little Pony, it's a series that I got into despite not liking its girliness at first, and I found out there was so much more to it and it's really funny, witty, and each episode shows some rather strong lessons at the end. Plus, Fluttershy is so sickeningly cute. You seem like an open-minded guy who doesn't discriminate on things for their appearance, so I thought you'd be interested in watching an episode or two, getting into it and joining us My Little Pony fans for the Season 4 premier where we'll all have My Little Pony avatars and sigs.

DK 64, Snowboard Kids, SSB 64, 1080, Diddy Kong Racing, Banjo and Tooie,

And yeah, I'm an open minded person, but even I have limits in some areas.

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I don't think I've ever seen you around. How are you?

If you were an FE character, who do you think you'd be, based on your personality?

While I know I could pull off many roles, I see myself as a Marth for being naturally friendly, but without the charisma. Maybe Ephraim if I knew more about him, other than his secret love of war. There are many possibilities, cause I'm still figuring myself out

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So.... When should I be expecting your next compilation?

favorite game?

Life, cause one day, I'm a be the player with the lead high score! XD

I got many, but if I were to name one, currently it's SSBB cause I figured out how to use hacks

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How old were you when you first got into music & what made you love music?

What platforming games do you like? Eg: Mario, Donkey Kong, Sonic, Kirby

I am a huge fan of Sonic, I also like mario, Donkey kong & Kirby too...all games I grew up with....

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What hobbies do you have that you're proud of?

How old were you when you first got into music & what made you love music?

Ah, so you took notice of that.

It's a long story, but to put it basically,I played the sax, along with concert choir in middle to high school (I'd say when I was nine/ten) Sometime in my sophomore year, while doing sax, I gained this rapper persona, and junior year, actually performing a song (not by me) in front of the whole school with a good friend. This is where my love for music really intensified, and in my senior year, I actually recorded my own original song (This is where it sky rocketed and how I really knew how important music was to me) and performed it for a talent show.

I also happen to have a new song that's linked on my profile and sig.

Not one for self advertising but.....

Care to check it out and tell me what you think?

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