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I like it the music sounds really nice... was that you singing?

What hobbies do you have that you're proud of?

Well I love art & drawing, anything artistic basicly, I'm proud of what I can do though even it might not look the best the work I do, I am always trying to improve my abilites even with the handicap I have that makes it difficult...( I well um happened to cut off 3 of my fingers at 16 months old on the hand I use I got them reattached though but cannot use them properly and my hand tires quickly making things hard its caused many troubles through my life as a result)

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0__0 You cut off 3 fingers?! How?

I like it the music sounds really nice... was that you singing?

Well I love art & drawing, anything artistic basicly, I'm proud of what I can do though even it might not look the best the work I do, I am always trying to improve my abilites even with the handicap I have that makes it difficult...( I well um happened to cut off 3 of my fingers at 16 months old on the hand I use I got them reattached though but cannot use them properly and my hand tires quickly making things hard its caused many troubles through my life as a result)

Maybe............. yes

And thanks for the feedback! It's the first I've done in a long time, and I'm only trying to improve from there. I put a lot of thought into every word within it, and even though, I'm proud of it, there are some things I could have done better in it.

That's nice! I appreciate art in many forms, and it's nice that you continue to better yourself, despite your handicap. How very admirable

Edited by Hero-King
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Well you have a nice voice too, I always love a song with awesome music...

0__0 You cut off 3 finger?! How?

Well.....um I kinda tripped on tiles in my house (cause I was running) onto an exercise bike (It didn't have anything to protect it from the blades) And one of my hands fell onto the pedal and the other right through the blades..... I was only 16 months old but I do have memories of being in hospital and things that happened afterwards

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Who is your favourite female FE character?

I don't think I've ever seen you around. How are you?

While I know I could pull off many roles, I see myself as a Marth for being naturally friendly, but without the charisma. Maybe Ephraim if I knew more about him, other than his secret love of war. There are many possibilities, cause I'm still figuring myself out

I am well. Kind of bored.

Good answer.

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You forgot to ask a question Shelie lolol

And I got ninja'd

Well you have a nice voice too, I always love a song with awesome music...

Well.....um I kinda tripped on tiles in my house (cause I was running) onto an exercise bike (It didn't have anything to protect it from the blades) And one of my hands fell onto the pedal and the other right through the blades..... I was only 16 months old but I do have memories of being in hospital and things that happened afterwards

Thanks again!

Ouch! I thought me cutting my foot open at age 3 was bad. It must have been hard, coping with it for the rest of your life and having a constant reminder of it.

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You actually took the time to read my profile? Lolol

Right question oops.... When did you first play kingdom hearts & what was your favorite one?

It's a funny story really. I started with the very first one because when I saw the commercial, I mistook Sora (The Main Character) for Roy lolol. My favorite is a tie between KH 2 and Birth By Sleep. I'd say BBS was the best to me for having three character playstyles and stories, but it loses points for having the same worlds in each and the fact that each story isn't all that long.

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Who is your favorite character from KH?

You actually took the time to read my profile? Lolol

And of course, I love reading everyones profile to learn more about them (If they have written anything on there profile that is) Thats also why my title is now the worlds best spy XD Though I am not a stalker! I just feel like I should know something about the people who I talk to on here...

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Have you ever played KH?

Who is your favorite character from KH?

Vanitas, King Mickey, Riku, Sora, Roxas (In that order)

Honorable mention to: Kairi, Terra, Ven, Xion, Namine, and Aqua

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Are you Excited for KH3?

Have you ever played KH?

Yes! I love KH I have all the games that are out currently that I could get & plan on getting the one thats coming out on the ps3 Kindgom hears HD remix, I will finally be able to play the 2 games I haven't ever had the chance to play before. (If you read my profile though you would see I like KH :P )

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Who's your favorite character? And which are the ones you haven't done?

Are you Excited for KH3?

HELL YES! I've awaited it since seeing KH 2 's secret ending and playing Birth By Sleep. Nothing would make me Happier!

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Well then you share my excitment... its been far to long, Do you also like Final fantasy by chance?

Who's your favorite character? And which are the ones you haven't done?

Riku, Axel, Sora & Roxas, I love those 4, Kingdom hearts final mix & Re:Chain of memories are the 2 I haven't played yet.

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Who's your favorite FF Character?

Well then you share my excitment... its been far to long, Do you also like Final fantasy by chance?

Riku, Axel, Sora & Roxas, I love those 4, Kingdom hearts final mix & Re:Chain of memories are the 2 I haven't played yet.

Axel was a little annoying to me for always saying "Got it memorized?" But he makes up for it for having fire xD. And the only ones I haven't done are Re:Coded and the final mixes.

Back to your question, yes but I haven't played much in the series. Only 10, 10-2, Dirge of Cerberus, 13, 13-2. and Dissidia 1 and 2. But I really like the Crystal Chronicles branch

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Ohh so you have played 10, when you first played blitzball did you manage to win, or did you lose?

Who's your favorite FF Character?

Hmm overall I love Zack Fair from Crisis core, but I have a favorite character (or in some cases a couple of favorites) I like in each FF game I have played.

I actually didn't mind Axel always saying "Got it memorized?" xP but yes fire is WIN!

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Cloud, or Vincent?

Ohh so you have played 10, when you first played blitzball did you manage to win, or did you lose?

Hmm overall I love Zack Fair from Crisis core, but I have a favorite character (or in some cases a couple of favorites) I like in each FF game I have played.

Lol, I re did that match several times and actually came close, but no. After that and one loss (caused by my cousin), The Aurochs are now undefeated!

Vincent and Sephiroth are my absolute favorites in FF7. I also prefer Lucrezia over Aerith

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Peppy Hare is my favorite Starfox character. Therefore, i decided to name my username after him.

Which boss is more difficult to you, FE12 Medeus or Grima?

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Were you able to make sense of the FF 13 Story on your first playthrough? ( That was meant for Hero-King lol)

For peppy... Whats your Favorite starfox game?

Cloud, or Vincent?

Lol, I re did that match several times and actually came close, but no. After that and one loss (caused by my cousin), The Aurochs are now undefeated!

Vincent and Sephiroth are my absolute favorites in FF7. I also prefer Lucrezia over Aerith

Cloud! I actually havent played FF 7 yet ( I do have the game) I kept dying against the first boss & kinda gave up lol.... I know "Shame"

I also lost my very first time playing blitzball on my first play through, the 2nd time though I Smashed the other team! Yeah!! haha

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If you were an FE character, who do you think you'd be, based on your personality?

And yeah, I'm an open minded person, but even I have limits in some areas.

Probably Cormag from FE8, since I'm a rather nice guy in general, but I'm somewhat distant and can get quite harsh and heated at times.

Which of the mane six do you like the best, appearance wise? (an image of them is in the spoiler)


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Why. Is. Everyone. Ninja'ing me?

Which boss is more difficult to you, FE12 Medeus or Grima?

FE 12 Medeus, for the excess of dragons >__>

Were you able to make sense of the FF 13 Story on your first playthrough? ( That was meant for Hero-King lol)

Cloud! I actually havent played FF 7 yet ( I do have the game) I kept dying against the first boss & kinda gave up lol.... I know "Shame"

I also lost my very first time playing blitzball on my first play through, the 2nd time though I Smashed the other team! Yeah!! haha

Yep. I catch on to any story rather quickly, but 13-2 was a bit harder cause of the whole time travel thing

Haven't done FF7 either but I prefer DoC for the hands on game play. Not to mention Vincent is straight bad ass lol

Way to go!!

Which of the mane six do you like the best, appearance wise? (an image of them is in the spoiler)


Can I say none? I'd say the blue one for the rainbow hair. the purple one reminds me of Boney's avi lol *shot*

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What Wii U titles are you most looking forward to?

Least favorite FE character?

It'd have to be Malice from FE12, due to being insanely arrogant and greedy, and not even being respectful to Marth and My Unit (even threatening them constantly) despite those two being her superiors.

Can I say none? I'd say the blue one for the rainbow hair. the purple one reminds me of Boney's avi lol *shot*

Ah, Rainbow Dash? I suppose she does have quite a flashy appearance, but her arrogance makes her my least favourite of the mane six (my favourite pony award goes to Fluttershy, the left most one in that picture). And you also think that Twilight Sparkle looks like Reimu? Glad to know I'm not alone in that respect. Boney thought I was crazy for thinking that, even though he's also a My Little Pony fan.

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