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Who are your top five favourite Final Fantasy characters?

Since I didn't get a question, I guess I'll use Hero King's.

It'd have to be Marth. Ever since learning about Fire Emblem from Marth being in Melee, starting getting into FE with FE3, and onward, Marth has always remained my #1 favourite FE character.

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Who do you think is the most tragic fictional character? It can be in anything from a movie, video game, TV series, book, or anything like that.

Who is your personal hero?

I don't really have a personal hero, since I've always strived to be my own person and find my own path. Trying to be someone else is quite exhausting since you'd have suppress a lot of aspects that define you to be more like that person.

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What inspires you the most?

Who do you think is the most tragic fictional character? It can be in anything from a movie, video game, TV series, book, or anything like that.

I don't really have a personal hero, since I've always strived to be my own person and find my own path. Trying to be someone else is quite exhausting since you'd have suppress a lot of aspects that define you to be more like that person.

John Proctor from The Crucible

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^Do you know how to write in HTML?



Do you know more than basic algebra?

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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So uh.... when's that noob status going away?

Who are your top five favourite Final Fantasy characters?

It'd have to be Marth. Ever since learning about Fire Emblem from Marth being in Melee, starting getting into FE with FE3, and onward, Marth has always remained my #1 favourite FE character.

Vincent, Sephiroth, Cecil, Leone (I refuse to call him Squall) Firion (most of these are based off of Dissidia)

Ah, I see. Marth is my favorite among the lords for bringing me into FE but if he wasn't, I'd surely pick Navarre as my all time favorite over him. Swordmasters FTW!!!

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What is your favorite anime?


What do you like to know about Astronomy?

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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The last movie you watched?

So uh.... when's that noob status going away?

Vincent, Sephiroth, Cecil, Leone (I refuse to call him Squall) Firion (most of these are based off of Dissidia)

Ah, I see. Marth is my favorite among the lords for bringing me into FE but if he wasn't, I'd surely pick Navarre as my all time favorite over him. Swordmasters FTW!!!

Hmm...I dunno. Maybe when I can think of a more creative and less-degrading username...

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What's one series (whether it's a TV series, a game series, etc.) you want to try to get into that you've tried to get into previously but couldn't for whatever reason?

What inspires you the most?

The virtues of everyone around me, I suppose. Whether it's my family, friends, or random people I encounter, seeing the good they do and how much they persist in things like being respectful and considerate inspire me to do the same.

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What is one thing in the world that you have always wanted to have?

What's one series (whether it's a TV series, a game series, etc.) you want to try to get into that you've tried to get into previously but couldn't for whatever reason?

The virtues of everyone around me, I suppose. Whether it's my family, friends, or random people I encounter, seeing the good they do and how much they persist in things like being respectful and considerate inspire me to do the same.


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What game genres are you bad at or dislike a lot?

What is one thing in the world that you have always wanted to have?

The right woman for me.

But besides that, perhaps a cloning machine, though I can imagine that wish heavily backfiring if it got in the wrong hands.

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What big injury that you received do you remember the most?

Something that gave you a lot of trouble (can be anything)?

Mathematical Analysis 1 and 2 from University. I shudder just thinking about those courses. i'm so glad I transferred to college and got a degree there instead.

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Throwing that question right back at ya

What big injury that you received do you remember the most?

Mathematical Analysis 1 and 2 from University. I shudder just thinking about those courses. i'm so glad I transferred to college and got a degree there instead.

I sprained my ankle playing football with some kids on my street and had to be on crutches for two weeks.

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Two weeks? That must've been horrible.

I've never actually had any injuries that were insanely bad like broken bones or requiring crutches. The only one that comes to mind actually, is the needle from blood donations. It's rather thick for a medical needle and they stick it around an inch inside your arm at a 10 degree angle. It's quite painful when they stick it in, but after 10 seconds or so, it hardly hurts.

What's your favourite local cooperative video game?

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What game series have you wanted to get into but couldn't for whatever reason? It can be any reason like you not owning the console for it, you not being able to find the game in stores, etc.

Have you ever played a Professor Layton game?

I'm afraid not. I heard the games are really good, though, but ever since my DS broke down to a miserable state (red tinted screen, broken hinge, broken A button, and non-functional D-Pad), I've been reluctant to get into handheld gaming again.

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Favorite puzzle series?

What game series have you wanted to get into but couldn't for whatever reason? It can be any reason like you not owning the console for it, you not being able to find the game in stores, etc.

I'm afraid not. I heard the games are really good, though, but ever since my DS broke down to a miserable state (red tinted screen, broken hinge, broken A button, and non-functional D-Pad), I've been reluctant to get into handheld gaming again.

Sly Cooper. The few times I saw a game for it, I wasn't allowed to buy. XD

That's a shame. Professor Layton games rely entirely on the touch screen, but it's not awkward at all.

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What are your top five favourite (non-FE) video game characters?

Favorite puzzle series?

Sly Cooper. The few times I saw a game for it, I wasn't allowed to buy. XD

If Tetris-like games count, it'd have to be Wario's Woods. If not, then probably Moai Kun for the Famicom (it's such a deviously hard yet cleverly design puzzle platformer). If neither Tetris-like puzzle games or platformer puzzle games dont' count, I don't think I have one.

I've always been quite interested in Sly Cooper as well (especially since it's one of Sony's few current IPs that don't rely on guns or gore, like a good chunk of modern games out there right now). How come you weren't allowed to buy it, though? There's barely any violence in the Sly Cooper games.

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