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What's one weapon that you think is underused and should be implemented in more games? (Eg: flail, mace, scythe)

Favorite Super Mario Game?


Currently, New Super Mario Bros. U. Co-op 2D Mario multiplayer (which is something I've dreamed of in a Mario game since the 90's. NSMB Wii and U are some of my favourite games because of that), the best aspects of all previous Mario games (united world map, really well hidden secret exits, baby Yoshis, a secret world), a big variety of powerups, Mario styled event matches, a new way to play by controlling platforms and Mario at the same time (hard to do, but really fun and unlike anything in any other video game), it's got a lot that I like.

And thanks. Given how persistant NM is, we're going to have to be just as persistant.

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What is your favorite season?

I'm not sure what kind of game Thrillville is, so I can't say if it's the kind of co-op game I'm asking about.

Are there any retro games/game series from the NES/SNES/Genesis era that you'd want to revive?

It's a 1P game, but it has minigames that are co-op.

The BS games on the Super Famicom come to mind.

.....I'm going to need you to specify that question

Uh, I'll just ask a different question. What year would you like to live in and why?

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What's the hardest video game task you've ever done? (Eg: Beating Ruby Weapon from FFVII, Beating Contra III Hard Mode, etc.)

What is your favorite season?

It's a 1P game, but it has minigames that are co-op.

Well, it's definitely not summer since it's so hot, sweaty, and full of insects. Maybe fall or winter since it alleviates all of those three issues.

Hmm... I wouldn't really consider that as a co-op game since it's just minigames that are co-op multiplayer and not the main mode.

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Where'd you get the idea of your avatar from?

Playthrough as in overall time from start to finish (without sidequests or 100% the game) of a game file, or as in amount of consecutive hours playing a game? If it's the former, it's probably my first Final Fantasy IV file. If it's the latter, probably the first day I got Brawl on Easter.

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Why did you pick the name you did?

Where'd you get the idea of your avatar from?

Someone on the IGN forums sent me the image and I thought it was hilarious

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Which SF members do you feel closest to, as of now?

Why did you pick the name you did?

At first, I was going to stick with Evastio when I was signing up for SF, (which was a name that I came up with in elementary school, when a friend and I were coming up with character names, and Evastio was the only name that I came up with that he liked) but since I knew that a lot of people would likely hate me for my FE4 hate (which was really hyped up at the time), I thought I should stick with something less cool, since I didn't want to taint the name Evastio. I then remembered the name Randoman that I used for my Grade 12 student council t-shirt (which I used because I did lots of random things in student council, like punch microphones during election speeches and having my hand bleed afterwards, running flour blowing contest, running jello eating contests, and the like). I figured Randoman would be a good name to use, since I wouldn't be tainting any of my cooler sounding names that I invented like Evastio, Kamundios, Tarboosnan, and the like.
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Country you would like to travel to?

What's the hardest video game task you've ever done? (Eg: Beating Ruby Weapon from FFVII, Beating Contra III Hard Mode, etc.)

Well, it's definitely not summer since it's so hot, sweaty, and full of insects. Maybe fall or winter since it alleviates all of those three issues.

Hmm... I wouldn't really consider that as a co-op game since it's just minigames that are co-op multiplayer and not the main mode.

So far, it's beating the spider boss in Metroid Fusion. But all my data was erased, so now I have to start over :/

Okay, I'm just going to go with New Super Mario Bros.

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Can you speak another language?

What inspired the name Edith? Did you name yourself after a certain character?

The Philippines, since it is my birth country and I want to learn more about my heritage and the country my parents grew up in.

That's the guy in my avatar. He's my OC.

Well, that's interesting!

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What do you do when you have Writers' Block?

Yate or Nate?


Dogs. They do a lot of really useful things like drug tracking, guiding the blind, detecting bombs, finding criminals or people who need rescuing, among other things.

Alright then. Are there any other forums that you're a member of or frequently check?

I mostly go on one site at a time.

I used to hang around GTS+ a lot in 2010, but now I just go there for a roleplay.

CheatsGuru was my very first internet community, which I joined in 2008. My friends there are mostly gone now, but I have lots of memories there.

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What's your favorite type of music?

What do you do when you have Writers' Block?

Actually, I have quite a few things that help me. Sometimes I take a break from the story and read others to find some inspiration, work on another story with no specific plot in mind just to get the creativeness flowing, create a list of ideas for what could possible happen next, or just write a different scene when I get bored. There were times where I wrote the ending first, then the events leading up to it, since stories don't have to necessarily be written in order. But, yeah that's what I do. Laziness is a whole nother ballgame though ;P

Edited by Edith
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Edith huh?

What's one weapon that you think is underused and should be implemented in more games? (Eg: flail, mace, scythe)

Scythes definitely! But it really depends on the game. In FE, definitely dual swords for swordmasters

Uh, I'll just ask a different question. What year would you like to live in and why?

Oh. In that case, I'd go with the 80s/ 90s cause people were more respectful towards others and the music industry had actual music and substance, unlike nowadays or the ancient times, where there weren't many rules just so I could get away with being a bad ass lol


Lol don't worry about it. It was just some dumb fad in my town (instead of saying "yes" or "aw yeah!" in excitement, people be like "YATE!! Nate is the opposite, where they'd replace it for no or nah"

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Who's your avatar?

What's your favorite type of music?

Actually, I have quite a few things that help me. Sometimes I take a break from the story and read others to find some inspiration, work on another story with no specific plot in mind just to get the creativeness flowing, create a list of ideas for what could possible happen next, or just write a different scene when I get bored. There were times where I wrote the ending first, then the events leading up to it, since stories don't have to necessarily be written in order. But, yeah that's what I do. Laziness is a whole nother ballgame though ;P

I don't know, really; I just listen to whatever sounds good to me. I listen to a lot of upbeat things in general, though, and I'm getting into jazz.

Those all sound like good ideas. I usually just sit back and try to imagine the scene because most of the time, my trouble is with wording things. xD

Lol don't worry about it. It was just some dumb fad in my town (instead of saying "yes" or "aw yeah!" in excitement, people be like "YATE!! Nate is the opposite, where they'd replace it for no or nah"

Oooh, wow. I might try that at school someday and see how people react. XD

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What do you like to do on a day off from work/school?

Being able to sing in a presentation of Shakespeare`s A Midsummer`s Night Dream in front of a crowd and managing to make my mother proud of it.

Why is Shadow Dragon your favorite FE game?

It was my first FE game, so lots of enjoyable nostalgia behind it. The moment I first started playing it, I became addicted even though a lot of people said it wasn't on par with the rest of the series.

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Hm. How are you feeling right now?

My avatar is Kula Diamond. From The King Of Fighters.

What about you? Who is your avatar?

I have five people in my avatar... *sweardrop* Anyway, they're Jake, Radd, Wolf, Catria, and Tiki, all from the Akaneia games.

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Favorite Pokemon?

^If you could visit any one person in the world right now, who would it be?

Probably my extended family members. There's so many of them that I haven't even met yet Ever been to a cultural party, find someone who's interesting and find out that she's your cousin? *Awkward*

Oooh, wow. I might try that at school someday and see how people react. XD

XD oh god, that'll be quite the story

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