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Favorite Pokemon?

Are you content with your personality?

Well, I suck a lot, but at least I'm not an arrogant bitch. :D

How short is too short for you, personally? Around knee length is okay, right? And your parents get you to wear skirts for every time you go to Church, right?

Really? How'd you know that?

Knee length is okay. If it wasn't, I wouldn't have survived Catholic school, lololol.

They don't, actually. Church still sucks, though.

It fits your description of type of girls you like pretty well. :P

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Which virtues do you value most?

@ Hero-King: What's your opinion on CD-I Zelda?

What do you mean by the first sentence? Do you mean you were reluctant to fight against them since they seemed like good people, or that they were really hard to defeat since you found their attacks hard to dodge? I personally liked Cecil's, Golbez's, Jecht's and Squall's character designs, personalities, and backstories, and Warrior of Light and Firion are quite nostalgic for me since their games were the first FF's I played except for 4 which I basically grew up with. A friend of mine let me borrow his PSP and Dissidia for quite a while (and I returned it), so I don't actually own a PSP and I won't be able to play Dissidia 012.

haven't watched it

Golbez, I find to be the hardest, while Jecht is is too aggressive, so I hate fighting them (there's Garland also). Yeah, Cecil's my favorite for having light and dark powers and I really like how the game fleshes out some of the characters' in game personalities. Thats too bad, you should try Dissidia 012 whenever you can

Well, I suck a lot, but at least I'm not an arrogant bitch. :D

Right, but you're wrong in saying that you suck. As your friend, I firmly don't believe that :)

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Barring 3rd parties, who is your most wanted SSB4 newcomer?

What's your favourite mario game? :)

As of now, New Super Mario Bros. U/New Super Luigi U (I consider them the same game since New Super Luigi U was initially announced as DLC for New Super Mario Bros. U long before the disc version was announced).

Knee length is okay. If it wasn't, I wouldn't have survived Catholic school, lololol.

Wait, so you go to a Catholic school where you have to wear school uniforms?

(imagines a Filipino girl in a school uniform)

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Do you happen to wear glasses by chance? And do you still have to wear school uniforms now in high school or was it just elementary and junior high?

Golbez, I find to be the hardest, while Jecht is is too aggressive, so I hate fighting them (there's Garland also). Yeah, Cecil's my favorite for having light and dark powers and I really like how the game fleshes out some of the characters' in game personalities. Thats too bad, you should try Dissidia 012 whenever you can

Yeah, Genesis Rock and Nightglow are a pain, being HP attacks that practically shield Golbez from melee attacks (even if he wasn't strong, I'd still use him for being an awesome looking villain as well as one with a tragic backstory and awesome character development). Supposedly, Golbez' weak area is the air, but I don't find his air attacks all that weak. Jecht, you basically need to distance yourself from him since he's melee only, and stay above him since all of his HP attacks hit from the same elevation or below (unless he chains his combos into an HP attack). Garland hits hard and puts you in break rather easily, but once you figure out which way you should dodge for his attacks, he becomes much more manageable. As for Dissidia 012, hopefully my friend will let me borrow his PSP and Dissidia 012 (when he buys it) for my next birthday. I've always wanted to try out Laguna since he's such a funny yet awesome character.

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What's your favorite food to eat for lunch? (I need suggestions)

What's your favourite TV show as a kid?

Disney's House of Mouse comes to mind. I used to be a huge Disney freak, so a show that had ALL my favorite characters at once was the ultimate crossover in history IMO :D

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Forgive my delayed reply.

How'd it all happen for you?

When I was a kid, I once saw a guy playing FE7, I looked at it and the gameplay looked very interesting, so I asked him what it was, he said "Fire Emblem." That rang a bell, from SSBM, so I was interested in finding the game for myself. After a long time of searching, I never found it, but one day, years later, I found Radiant Dawn at Super Store. I knew I had to get it, so I begged my mom and got it for my birthday. I was still on the hunt for FE7, but alas, I never found it myself, but my mom did get it for me as a surprise Christmas present :).

@ Knight: So what made you start posting in this thread more? I'm quite glad you did, since this thread is my favourite way of getting to know people better, but I'm curious to know.

I just felt like getting to know people better here on the forum, and share more about myself.

^What's your favourite holiday?

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Favorite Pokemon?


How can you not love this cutie?


Knee length is okay. If it wasn't, I wouldn't have survived Catholic school, lololol.

No one wore knee-length skirts at my Catholic School (even though the rule book said the length was suppose to be below the knee)

I wore mine like this:

[removed cuz creeps]

and it was considered long o.o

Edited by Meibay
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Whats your favorite music track to listen to when playing Dissidia? (Unless you played it with no sound and listened to your own music)

No, though it seems like a lot of fun with the game's unique mechanics. I don't even own a 3DS.

What's the nicest thing you can recall someone doing for you?

Hmm I honestly don't know... My family (well my mother always does nice things for me) but besides my family, I Honestly cant answer I have been thinking for awhile and couldn't come up with anything, well nothing I can remember...

And you should get a 3DS it has heaps of awesome games, and yeah Mario & Luigi Dream team is awesome I am actually quite enjoying it..a lot...

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Do you have a fanfiction.net account?

^What's your favourite holiday?

You know, I don't really have one. I guess any holiday when my whole family is together is my favorite. We did Passover once, which was pretty fun and interesting; would do again.

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^^ What is your most visited website

Probably this one, I also watch a lot of Youtube, I'm not sure which one I spend more time on.

What kind of games do you like?

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I live in Canada, snow is part of our lives. Last year our snow didn't leave until May, MAY! It's already quite chilly here now, but the snow doesn't usually start until October.

How about you, do you get snow?

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What is a video game(s) that you like better than Fire Emblem?

I live in Canada, snow is part of our lives. Last year our snow didn't leave until May, MAY! It's already quite chilly here now, but the snow doesn't usually start until October.

How about you, do you get snow?

Wow :0 that's amazing!

Nah, I live in hot and muggy Louisiana. It snows like maybe once every hundred years, give or take, but it did snow a couple years ago. Sometimes a few flakes will fall, but they don't stick.

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Favorite animal?

Which virtues do you value most?

Right, but you're wrong in saying that you suck. As your friend, I firmly don't believe that :)

Courtesy is literally written in my signature, fool. XD

Honesty and humility are pretty up there.

So kind as always~. *huggles*

Wait, so you go to a Catholic school where you have to wear school uniforms?

(imagines a Filipino girl in a school uniform)

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Do you happen to wear glasses by chance? And do you still have to wear school uniforms now in high school or was it just elementary and junior high?

I did, from 3rd grade to 8th grade.


Yup, I'm nearsighted.

Nope, because my high school isn't Catholic. :P


How can you not love this cutie?


No one wore knee-length skirts at my Catholic School (even though the rule book said the length was suppose to be below the knee)

I wore mine like this:


and it was considered long o.o

Spindas are cute. :D

Wow, seriously?! My classmates and I even got lectured for having our skirts too short, and they were longer than that.

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What was your first game console?

What is a video game(s) that you like better than Fire Emblem?

Hmm, it's hard to say, I guess Metroid Prime, Metal Gear Solid, Batman Arkham Asylum, and the Zelda series. I also can't decide where to place the Pokemon franchise, whether or not I like it more than Fire Emblem. I also may not be absolutely sure if I like those games more, I constantly change my opinions on my favourite games, the ones listed above are just ones that most frequently stay at the top. I'm a very big fan of action/adventure and RPG/adventure.

Can't wait for negative 40 degree weather.

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Do you play hockey?

Ha, no. I can skate, not too well however. I'm not good at team sports, maybe because no one wants me on the team. I fence, I have fun doing that, and I'm actually quite good at it.

Do you like where you live, or would you rather live somewhere else?

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Favorite FE Character? (including NPCs and Enemy units)

Whats your favorite music track to listen to when playing Dissidia? (Unless you played it with no sound and listened to your own music)

I dont really remember all the tracks on there, but I know I really liked Sabre's Edge (Duodecim 012)

I like dragons; do they count?


Courtesy is literally written in my signature, fool. XD

Honesty and humility are pretty up there.

So kind as always~. *huggles*



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What is your favorite type of music?

Ha, no. I can skate, not too well however. I'm not good at team sports, maybe because no one wants me on the team. I fence, I have fun doing that, and I'm actually quite good at it.
Do you like where you live, or would you rather live somewhere else?

Meh, it has its ups and downs. But a lot of people find Louisiana interesting so I'm proud of that. I wouldn't leave, unless of course I was on a study abroad program or going to out-of-state college which most likely will not happen.


You, my friend, are awesome. HELL YEAH!

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Favorite nonFE Nintendo series?

What was your first game console?

Game Boy Color hand-me-down. I've been a Nintendo fan since day one.

I like dragons; do they count?

No. xP

...Okay, fine. xD

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