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@ Hero-King: Do you play any fighter games besides Smash Bros?

@ Crizix: Besides the dancing Marth avatar, is there any avatar/sig you've ever wanted someone else to use?

Got Skype?

No, since chatrooms aren't exactly ideal since my internet isn't really up to par.

No one wore knee-length skirts at my Catholic School (even though the rule book said the length was suppose to be below the knee)

I wore mine like this:


and it was considered long o.o

I'm suprised you were able to get away with wearing skirts that short in Catholic schools, much less having that be considered a long skirt and appropriate for school.

By the way, is that photo of you?

I did, from 3rd grade to 8th grade.


Yup, I'm nearsighted.

Nope, because my high school isn't Catholic. :P

Ah. You must've gotten really accustomed to wearing skirts then. How often do you wear them now that you're in high school and it's not part of the dress code?

...I'm, quite glad that's your reaction. Since you didn't post for quite a while on SF, I actually thought you left because of me posting a reaction like that.

Ah, so you do have glasses. Heh, glasses makes everyone look cuter/prettier.

No more school uniforms for you now? Aww...

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@ Crizix: Besides the dancing Marth avatar, is there any avatar/sig you've ever wanted someone else to use?

Ah. You must've gotten really accustomed to wearing skirts then. How often do you wear them now that you're in high school and it's not part of the dress code?

...I'm, quite glad that's your reaction. Since you didn't post for quite a while on SF, I actually thought you left because of me posting a reaction like that.

Ah, so you do have glasses. Heh, glasses makes everyone look cuter/prettier.

No more school uniforms for you now? Aww...

Not really, but I'd be pleasantly surprised if someone used a Wolfguard avatar.

At most, once a year. XD

Of course not. I just wasn't home the whole day yesterday.

Glasses can be pretty inconvenient, though.

No. Lol, I didn't think you had something for schoolgirl uniforms. XP

Edit: Forgot a question. Music genre you hate most?

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Curious one, arent you?

EDIT: Why'd you have to ninja my post lol

Music genre you hate most?

Oh, how original. XD


Full on Techno. I just cant >__>. Then there's a little country

lol I figured XD

@ Hero-King: Do you play any fighter games besides Smash Bros?

Quite alot of them actually. There's too many to name

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Have you ever played an Animal Crossing game?

Curious one, arent you?

EDIT: Why'd you have to ninja my post lol

Full on Techno. I just cant >__>. Then there's a little country

lol I figured XD

Yes, and it makes me a better ninja. :P

I'm partial to techno and country, actually. Lol.

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Favorite FE Character? (including NPCs and Enemy units)

For a long time it was Haar, but it might be Inigo now. Haar was a very relatable character for me, and his design was badass, not to mention having the undeniable best class in FE. Inigo, however, is an incredibly funny and interesting character, and apart from having my 2nd favourite class, he is a good unit.

Favourite non Nintendo series? :O

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@ Crizix: What's your opinion on the Mortal Kombat series?

@ Knight: What game series have you wanted to get into but couldn't? (since you didn't own the console, since you couldn't find it in stores, etc. Though it doesn't count if you actually played it but didn't find it interesting)

Glasses can be pretty inconvenient, though.

No. Lol, I didn't think you had something for schoolgirl uniforms. XP

Edit: Forgot a question. Music genre you hate most?

I guess so, but for looking more attractive, I'd say it's an even trade-off. I've had mine for 11 years.

Well, I find them really professional looking, cute, and attractive.

I can't really think of any off the top of my head. Besides video game music (my favourite music genre), I hardly listen to music.

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@Criz:How often do you drink hot tea?

@Knight: Remind me who Haar is?

@Randoman: What are your favorite type of games?

How often do you drink hot tea?

I'm not sure if you'd like Animal Crossing. It's basically this really cutesy version of The Sims. XD

Not as much as I should. But I prefer it 100x more than coffee

Yeah, I prolly wouldnt XD

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Platformers are my most favourite game genre. RPGs would be a good second. I like most genres though besides FPS and sports games.

What kind of women do you prefer looks wise?

Or if I asked you that, what's your favourite family friendly sitcom?

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@ Knight: What game series have you wanted to get into but couldn't? (since you didn't own the console, since you couldn't find it in stores, etc. Though it doesn't count if you actually played it but didn't find it)

Shin Megami Tensei is one I want to try, but never had the time or money to. Also the Tales series and Bioshock.

@Knight: Remind me who Haar is?

He's the lazy but patriotic Wyvern Lord with an eyepatch from FE9/10, he was also my first profile pic on this site.

Have you ever played the Metroid series, and what's your opinion on it?

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For Knight: Have you ever played a Professor Layton game?

For Randoman: Why do you ask people what they prefer in the opposite sex? XD

Favourite non Nintendo series? :O

I like Sonic.

@Criz:How often do you drink hot tea?

Not as much as I should. But I prefer it 100x more than coffee

Yeah, I prolly wouldnt XD

At least once a day. @w@;

Yeah, I dislike coffee a lot. How do people drink it? No matter what I do to it, it's so bitter!

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Favorite blend of tea?

What kind of women do you prefer looks wise?

Or if I asked you that, what's your favourite family friendly sitcom?

..... you wouldn't look at me the same if I answered that

And I don't really watch those

At least once a day. @w@;

Yeah, I dislike coffee a lot. How do people drink it? No matter what I do to it, it's so bitter!

I wish I knew. The same always happens to me!

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On a scale of 1 to 10, how awkward of a man would you say you are?

For Randoman: Why do you ask people what they prefer in the opposite sex? XD



In all seriousness, I ask guys that because I'm curious to know if their preferences match up with mine. The more similar preference a guy has for a woman as I do, the more likely I'm better to get along with them, since that says a lot about their personality. For example, if a guy prefers an athletic, outgoing, energetic girl, chances are I'm very unlikely to get along with that guy.

I ask girls that because that'll help me figure out what to emphasize about myself to have a better chance of finding a girlfriend. Whatever they like in a guy, I probably haven't been emphasizing it enough, based on how badly my past attempts have ended up.

..... you wouldn't look at me the same if I answered that

Yes I would (now you got me really curious). Everyone has different tastes and preferences, and I'm not going to look down on you regardless of how weird or inappropriate your preferences are. PM me it if you're really that uncomfortable with posting it in this thread.

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For Knight: Have you ever played a Professor Layton game?

Yes, in fact he's in my current profile pic, if you can make him out. I've played two, Miracle Mask and Diabolical Box.

What's your favourite thing to snack on? (Also you missed my earlier question, what do you think of Metroid?)

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If you needed to describe yourself with a trope name or two, what would it or they be?

Favorite blend of tea?

..... you wouldn't look at me the same if I answered that

I wish I knew. The same always happens to me!

That's really hard...but I like berry herbal teas a lot. ^^;

You've piqued my interest as well.



In all seriousness, I ask guys that because I'm curious to know if their preferences match up with mine. The more similar preference a guy has for a woman as I do, the more likely I'm better to get along with them, since that says a lot about their personality. For example, if a guy prefers an athletic, outgoing, energetic girl, chances are I'm very unlikely to get along with that guy.

I ask girls that because that'll help me figure out what to emphasize about myself to have a better chance of finding a girlfriend. Whatever they like in a guy, I probably haven't been emphasizing it enough, based on how badly my past attempts have ended up.


I see. That makes a lot of sense, actually. Never thought about it that way...Maybe I should start giving some thought to what sort of guys I "would" like. (I put that in quotations because I have absolutely no personal experience to draw from, lol.)

Relationships are nice and all, but don't go fundamentally changing yourself just to get in one, you hear me? o.o;

Yes, in fact he's in my current profile pic, if you can make him out. I've played two, Miracle Mask and Diabolical Box.

Oh, I see him. I've played two as well, Diabolical Box and Unwound Future.

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If you could turn yourself into any pokemon, what would it be?

On a scale of 1 to 10, how awkward of a man would you say you are?

Yes I would (now you got me really curious). Everyone has different tastes and preferences, and I'm not going to look down on you regardless of how weird or inappropriate your preferences are. PM me it if you're really that uncomfortable with posting it in this thread.

That's really hard...but I like berry herbal teas a lot. ^^;

You've piqued my interest as well.

From 1 to 10,i'd say maybe... 5? i dunno

Like I've said before, there's a lot about me you don't know, some of which are contrast to what i actually show. But if you really must know, then by all means, shoot me a PM

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If you needed to describe yourself with a trope name or two, what would it or they be?

I don't know, is there a trope for an unlucky nerdy high schooler who dreams big.

What's your favourite movie.

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1. Metroid Prime

2. A Legend of Zelda title (can't decide which)

3. Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes

4. Batman Arkham Asylum

5. Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance

Favourite Pokemon?

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How many people would you consider your friends?

Favorite nonFE Nintendo series?

Game Boy Color hand-me-down. I've been a Nintendo fan since day one.

No. xP

...Okay, fine. xD

It's a tie between Metroid and Mario Bros.

Good ;P

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That's a tough one, there's a lot of things to consider. I'd say about, 7, excluding people I've met online. I live in a small city, and go to the smallest high school in this small city. It's incredibly hard for me to make friends, and there's few people who share my interests. I'm well acquainted with my classmates, but that's about it.

Do you play an instrument?

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