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Tchaikovsky's Overture, the whole thing. It's amazing, and I enjoy listening to it whenever. I also really like Beethoven's 7th symphony and Moonlight Sonata, and I feel really nostalgic when listening to Johnny Cash, since my dad would always play it.

Why did you choose "Interest" as your name?

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What Canadian province do you live in? (I'd ask the city, but that'd be way too personal and confidential)

What's your favourite thing to snack on? (Also you missed my earlier question, what do you think of Metroid?)

Probably sweet cereal like Honeycomb, Frosted Flakes, and Fruit Loops. As for Metroid, I'm not a fan of games where exploration plays a big part, since I get lost really easily even with maps, and I don't like how most of my play time involves wasting time wandering around getting lost rather than making progress and getting closer to completing the game. I also don't like Zelda games for the same reason, though between the two I prefer Metroid more since at least there's a lot more action and a lot less idle wandering.

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What is your favorite fast food restaurant?

That's a tough one, there's a lot of things to consider. I'd say about, 7, excluding people I've met online. I live in a small city, and go to the smallest high school in this small city. It's incredibly hard for me to make friends, and there's few people who share my interests. I'm well acquainted with my classmates, but that's about it.

Do you play an instrument?

I play piano and a little bit of clarinet.

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I'm thinking of having a name change. Any suggestions?

top 5 video games of all time?

Not sure. So, I'll just go with some of my most memorable ones, in no particular order

  1. SSBM
  2. Kingdom Hearts BBS
  3. DBZ BT 3
  4. Dissidia Duodecim: Final Fantasy
  5. Dynasty Warriors 5
Edited by Hero-King
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What is something you thought you wouldn't enjoy, but ended up liking?

I'm thinking of having a name change. Any suggestions?

Answered this in LTP, but it was no good. How about Marusu? Do you have a rapper name you could use?

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Who are your favourite Street Fighter characters?

Or if you haven't played the series, what non-Smash Bros. fighting game characters do you like?

What is your favorite fast food restaurant?

I guess any Asian buffet, like Foody Goody or Buffet Square.

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What Canadian province do you live in? (I'd ask the city, but that'd be way too personal and confidential)

Probably sweet cereal like Honeycomb, Frosted Flakes, and Fruit Loops. As for Metroid, I'm not a fan of games where exploration plays a big part, since I get lost really easily even with maps, and I don't like how most of my play time involves wasting time wandering around getting lost rather than making progress and getting closer to completing the game. I also don't like Zelda games for the same reason, though between the two I prefer Metroid more since at least there's a lot more action and a lot less idle wandering.

I'm quite the opposite, I enjoy getting lost in a game, I love the sense of adventure. However, I don't like games like Skyrim which put you in a large grey world with no objective of any sort, or give me no obligation or motive to explore.

I live in Saskatchewan, the flat, rectangular province. It's a nice place, we have a lot of fields and hills... And fields and hills...

You get a nice view of the sky here, so it's all good.

What state or province do you live in?

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Are you hyped for Pokemon X & Y?

You don't need to even ask, I'm filled with anticipation. Ever since its announcement I've been covering all the news, and now it's my most hyped game this year.

What Pokemon are on your main team, or if you don't have a main team, just some of your favourites?

Edited by Knight
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What new movie are you most looking forward to coming out this year?

Who's that in your avi?

Serena! The new pokemon x and y female playable character .

I live in Canada, snow is part of our lives. Last year our snow didn't leave until May, MAY! It's already quite chilly here now, but the snow doesn't usually start until October.

How about you, do you get snow?

I live in Canada too and I know this snow feel all too well T-T

Wow, seriously?! My classmates and I even got lectured for having our skirts too short, and they were longer than that.

It was insane and some girls would cut the shorts out of their skirts and pretty much be flashing people 24.7 -.-'

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What new movie are you most looking forward to coming out this year?

I'm looking forward to "The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug," Lord of the Rings was a one of many inspiration for my writings, so I am quite obligated to see this. I guess I may also go see that new Thor movie, having seen enough of those silly movies so far, it wouldn't feel natural if I didn't see that.

What kind of movies do you like?

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What 3 Wii U games are you most looking forward to?

What's your favourite yoshi colour?

And yes it is haha :p

It'd have to be green, since it's the original. Though I'm also quite fond of the dark blue and yellow Yoshis.

Shmokay sure is really lucky to have a girlfriend as pretty as you.

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Favorite Pokemon type?

If you could turn yourself into any pokemon, what would it be?

I would be Gardevoir...but Audino learns Heal Pulse... I'm indecisive again, yay. xD

I don't know, is there a trope for an unlucky nerdy high schooler who dreams big.

Can't think of it off the top of my head, but there probably is.

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What 3 Wii U games are you most looking forward to?

Excluding unofficially announced games:

1. Super Smash Bros. 4

2. X

3. Mario 3D World

Including unannounced games

1. Zelda Wii U

2. Metroid Wii U (heard Retro might be taking the helm again, so yay!)

3. Super Smash Bros. 4

What's your favourite Pokemon type?

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How was your day?

Who are your favourite Street Fighter characters?

Or if you haven't played the series, what non-Smash Bros. fighting game characters do you like?

Ryu. First character I used too :P

Yep sure do though its only got like one story on it which is incomplete

Ah okay. I feel like I've seen you on there before.

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On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate yourself in terms of how awkward a man you are?

Favorite Pokemon type?

I would be Gardevoir...but Audino learns Heal Pulse... I'm indecisive again, yay. xD

It'd have to be Water, due to most of them being blue (my favourite colour) and each generation always has a water type that becomes a favourite of mine (Blastoise, Dewgon, Lanturn, Politoed, Milotic, Floatzel, Samurott, Seismitoad), while no other types have been like that for me.

(Imagines Crizix cosplaying in a Gardevoir-like dress)

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So what made you come back? I'm really glad to see you, and I'm sure a lot of the people in the Last to Post thread would've missed you greatly.

Favorite Sakura Wars opening.
Inb4 ninja

Even though I haven't played a single Sakura Wars game, I'll just say Sakura Wars 5 because it has Gemini Sunrise in it (at least, I should hope it does).

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Who's that in your avi? its pretty cool

What is something you thought you wouldn't enjoy, but ended up liking?

Answered this in LTP, but it was no good. How about Marusu? Do you have a rapper name you could use?

I didn't think I'd like sports, until I actually did one (Football). Since then, I just love it.

hmm, maybe I do, but....

I would be Gardevoir...but Audino learns Heal Pulse... I'm indecisive again, yay. xD

Lol I just knew Audino would be an option, but they both seem to be rather fitting XD

(Imagines Crizix cosplaying in a Gardevoir-like dress)


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Favorite Pokemon?

What's your favourite Pokemon type?

I like every type except Rock, but Electric has to be my favorite.

It'd have to be Water, due to most of them being blue (my favourite colour) and each generation always has a water type that becomes a favourite of mine (Blastoise, Dewgon, Lanturn, Politoed, Milotic, Floatzel, Samurott, Seismitoad), while no other types have been like that for me.

(Imagines Crizix cosplaying in a Gardevoir-like dress)

There's also a lot of water types out there, compared to some other types. XD

...Actually, that'd be cool. :o

Lol I just knew Audino would be an option, but they both seem to be rather fitting XD

AUDINO IS SO ADORABLE. I had one named Madeline in my White 2 and she kicked lots of ass. :3

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