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What up coming game release are you most excited for?

What kind of movies do you like?

I guess anything that is interesting and not cliché or poorly written (sorry for being horribly vague T-T)

Shmokay sure is really lucky to have a girlfriend as pretty as you.

I'm a lucky girl to have a guy as wonderful as him trust me

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Whats your Favorite Anime?

I'd love to go to Germany as well, and France, other than the beautiful country, it's good to find inspiration for my writings. My favourite anime? I actually like reading manga more, don't know why. My favourite is Death Note, I like the sophisticated plot, and the character conflicts. I'm not too fond of action manga, because fighting in anime is mostly ridiculous in my opinion.

Ah, alright. Though it must be really annoying seeing things like Ferrothorn, Bronzong, Salamence, and such on every other team (even with lower tiers, they probably still reuse the same Pokemon in that tier constantly).

I'm glad you're enjoying it. What level AI do you usually play against? I can beat 4 star AI with most characters, and level 5 AI with around a fourth to 3/8ths of the character roster of SSF2. My mains are Vega, M. Bison, Ryu, Ken, and Guile. I've been trying to learn Fei Long and Dhalsim, but it's hard to fight AI opponents with them.

The tiers still cover a wide enough range that there is quite a variety, but you still see many common things, like Politoeds or Ninetails, and Ferrothorn is the most annoying thing on the planet. There's a depth of strategy to it that you can't find in-game however, that's why appreciate it so much. After Action/Adventure, strategy is my next favourite genre. As for the AI I fight, 4 star mostly. I got to Bison on 5 star with Ken, but I gave up simply because I had already drained myself.

What Fire Emblem games have you played?

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Least favorite color?

Have you played Final Fantasy?

Apple pie! mmm, It sucks when you cant do the class you like most lol

No, but I watched my sister play FFXIII. XD

Yeah, lol. Government is fun, though.

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Who are some of your favourite male gaming characters, not from Fire Emblem?

What up coming game release are you most excited for?

I guess I can't list Pokemon X/Y since I don't even have a 3DS to play it on (though I do keep up with the news. For example, I know about Honedge's newly revealed evolution that was shown today). Ever since my DS broke down to a miserable state (cracked hinge, red tinted screen, D-Pad that doesn't acknowledge any button presses, grossly soft A button), I've been reluctant to buy another portable ever since.

Super Mario 3D World, Mario Kart 8, and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U immediately come to mind. I bought a Wii U on launch day specifically for the latter two (along with New Super Mario Bros. U, since I really like co-op platformers. I didn't expect the 3D Mario Wii U game to be multiplayer, but since it is, I'm highly wanting to get it as well).

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Have there been any game/anime characters who you've seen and wanted to know who they are, but you never got to learn who they are or where they're from? (Eg: someone on SF uses a picture of this guy in their sig/avatar, and you want to know who they are but you never do)

Mario character you hate most?

Bowser Jr, definitely. Annoying voice, gloats a lot more than the average villain, pushy even to his father and older siblings, need I say more?

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What is a game or series you've been curious about or wanting to try, but for some reason haven't/couldn't.

My least favourite colour is yellow.

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Answered that question a few pages ago I think. It was Shin Megami Tensei, Tales, and Bioshock. Also, I didn't mention Metal Gear Solid 4, the only Metal Gear game I haven't played due to no PS3.

Have you ever played Metal Gear or any other stealth games?

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Tchaikovsky's Overture, the whole thing. It's amazing, and I enjoy listening to it whenever. I also really like Beethoven's 7th symphony and Moonlight Sonata, and I feel really nostalgic when listening to Johnny Cash, since my dad would always play it.

Why did you choose "Interest" as your name?

Because it was an interesting name.

^Do you like puns?

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What would your opinion be of League of Legends going on home consoles?

Answered that question a few pages ago I think. It was Shin Megami Tensei, Tales, and Bioshock. Also, I didn't mention Metal Gear Solid 4, the only Metal Gear game I haven't played due to no PS3.

Have you ever played Metal Gear or any other stealth games?

Oops. Right, I did ask you that question before. I guess I'll ask another question to make up for the repeat: Have you heard of Playstation All Stars Battle Royale? It's similar to Smash Bros., but it's with Playstation characters. If you have, what do you think of it?

The only Metal Gear game I played is the first NES one, and I found that one too frustrating to be able to play anywhere past 5 minutes. I don't own any of the consoles Metal Gear Solid games are on. As for other stealth games, the only one that I can think of that comes close to a stealth game is Thief: The Dark Project, and it was only the tutorial and a bit of the first level.

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What do you think of the Paper Mario series?

Have there been any game/anime characters who you've seen and wanted to know who they are, but you never got to learn who they are or where they're from? (Eg: someone on SF uses a picture of this guy in their sig/avatar, and you want to know who they are but you never do)

Bowser Jr, definitely. Annoying voice, gloats a lot more than the average villain, pushy even to his father and older siblings, need I say more?

Not that I can think of. I usually don't care enough for that. xD

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What traditional fighting games have you played? (Eg: Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, etc.)

I've never really played any Paper Mario games before (I just walked around for ~15 seconds in Super Paper Mario at another person's house, but that's about it). I do like the artstyle, but it'd be nice if they gave Luigi a bigger role in those games (I know there's the Mario and Luigi series, but it'd be nice if he was at least an NPC who helped Mario out with things like message delivery).

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^Do you like puns?

I find them punny.

Oops. Right, I did ask you that question before. I guess I'll ask another question to make up for the repeat: Have you heard of Playstation All Stars Battle Royale? It's similar to Smash Bros., but it's with Playstation characters. If you have, what do you think of it?

The only Metal Gear game I played is the first NES one, and I found that one too frustrating to be able to play anywhere past 5 minutes. I don't own any of the consoles Metal Gear Solid games are on. As for other stealth games, the only one that I can think of that comes close to a stealth game is Thief: The Dark Project, and it was only the tutorial and a bit of the first level.

The NES one is shit, the series is incredible upon it's shift to 3D.

I played Playstation All Stars, and to be frank, I was unimpressed. It's combat was unique (although I've seen it be used before), and I liked many of the characters, but it didn't really catch me. I find it more fun to send people flying across a stage than charge up for a super move. I think their may have been a lack of effort in the development team, nothing seemed so revolutionary or as grand as Brawl, and since I didn't know half the characters so I couldn't really relate.

Do you have any Youtube channels or web series you really enjoy?

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How proficient are you at doing characters' special moves in Street Fighter? (Eg: pulling off hadokens, shoryukens, spinning bird kicks, etc.)

I played Playstation All Stars, and to be frank, I was unimpressed. It's combat was unique (although I've seen it be used before), and I liked many of the characters, but it didn't really catch me. I find it more fun to send people flying across a stage than charge up for a super move. I think their may have been a lack of effort in the development team, nothing seemed so revolutionary or as grand as Brawl, and since I didn't know half the characters so I couldn't really relate.

Do you have any Youtube channels or web series you really enjoy?

I personally enjoyed Playstation All Stars quite a lot. Sure, it didn't have as much content as Smash Bros, but I enjoyed playing with a cast full of characters that were quite new to me and that I was rather unfamiliar with, and the super system was quite fun and fresh, in terms of supers being the only way to get kills. My mains are Dante, Good Cole, and Parappa.

The Angry Video Game Nerd is the only one that really comes to mind right now. I'm really looking forward to the movie.

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Are there any game characters you like or find cool despite not having ever played their game/game series before?

Do you plan on getting a 3DS anytime soon?

It's not likely, but I might sometime within 2014 or onward. I mean this:

Ever since my DS broke down to a miserable state (cracked hinge, red tinted screen, D-Pad that doesn't acknowledge any button presses, grossly soft A button), I've been reluctant to buy another portable ever since.

discouraged me from buying portable consoles.

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Do you play MMOs?

What traditional fighting games have you played? (Eg: Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, etc.)

I've never really played any Paper Mario games before (I just walked around for ~15 seconds in Super Paper Mario at another person's house, but that's about it). I do like the artstyle, but it'd be nice if they gave Luigi a bigger role in those games (I know there's the Mario and Luigi series, but it'd be nice if he was at least an NPC who helped Mario out with things like message delivery).

...I'm drawing a blank here. I don't really like that kind of game anyway...

I only played Super Paper Mario, and I really liked it. Luigi had an interesting role too.

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How proficient are you at doing characters' special moves in Street Fighter? (Eg: pulling off hadokens, shoryukens, spinning bird kicks, etc.)

Ha ha, absolutely terrible. I can pull off hadoukens as Ken, only because it seems like one of the easiest combos, and even then I can't always get it.

You ever play an Ace Attourney game?

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Are there any Miiverse artists whose drawings you're quite fond of or find awesome? (Kai and her awesome New Super Mario Bros. U drawings come to mind for me)

Do you play MMOs?

...I'm drawing a blank here. I don't really like that kind of game anyway...

I only played Super Paper Mario, and I really liked it. Luigi had an interesting role too.

I played Runescape and got around level 11-18ish around 7-8 years ago, but that's it in terms of MMORPGs. Actually there was Pokemon Crater as well. I had around 7-9 level 100s.

Ah. Well, I guess there's always that one genre a gamer doesn't like. I used to feel the same way about traditional fighters until two years ago, where I learned the special moves of characters and started getting a lot more enjoyment out of traditional fighters as a result.

I found Luigi's role in Super Paper Mario to be alright, since he was playable and played a big part in the story. I didn't really like how he was turned into a bad guy, though.

Ha ha, absolutely terrible. I can pull off hadoukens as Ken, only because it seems like one of the easiest combos, and even then I can't always get it.

Ah. Do you use the analog stick? Since you have to input the diagonal down forward for it to work, the analog stick is the best way to consistantly do specials like the hadoken, tornado kick, and the drill kick. As for charging moves like Chun Li's, it's best to thow in constant jabs or attacks while holding down/back, so you're not a sitting duck, and the up/forward and punch/kick presses should be at the same time.

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Bowser Jr, definitely. Annoying voice, gloats a lot more than the average villain, pushy even to his father and older siblings, need I say more?

If I remember correctly, Miyamoto stated that Bowser Jr's an only child. Iggy, Ludwig, et all, are apparently have no familial ties to Bowser.

I forgot what question I was asked. But since I posted...

Could you elaborate on being unfamiliar with any characters in PlayStation All-Stars?

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Are there any Miiverse artists whose drawings you're quite fond of or find awesome? Ah. Do you use the analog stick? Since you have to input the diagonal down forward for it to work, the analog stick is the best way to consistantly do specials like the hadoken, tornado kick, and the drill kick. As for charging moves like Chun Li's, it's best to thow in constant jabs or attacks while holding down/back, so you're not a sitting duck, and the up/forward and punch/kick presses should be at the same time.

I enjoy this one poster's comics, Hipster Ant, and I just like browsing the Art Academy page.

I use the analog stick, more so because I don't like reaching for that D-Pad.

Solid or Naked Snake?

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I kinda like both, to be honest. Solid Snake, I got to know even if only a little bit from playing Smash Bros., and before even getting into getting into Metal Gear. (I haven't played the first two MG games, and I'm still kinda stuck on Mantis in MGS1. I don't know whether I played the MGS1 demo though.) Of course, MGS4 helped my opinion of him, but then again, who's to say Big Boss wouldn't be rocking the CQC in old age IF he was given the chance. And I did like Big Boss's appearance in MGS4, and my opinion of him definitely increased after playing the 3DS version of MGS3.

Kinda of a tough call if you ask me.

Any obscure video games that you like?

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Any obscure video games that you like?

Fire Emblem

There was a GameCube game I really enjoyed, but was never popular, it's called "Chibi Robo." It's an adventure with a few platforming aspects, where you're a robot about 4 inches tall, who's tasked with cleaning the house of the family who bought you, and make them happy. You start the game with a limited amount of space to explore in the house's ground floor, at either day or night, and there are many characters, including the family, their dog, and the toys and strange beings that come alive at night. As you progress, you can explore more of the house with upgrades you find or buy, perform tasks and minigames for characters, and uncover the many mysteries of the house. It's an incredibly fun game, with a deep hidden plot, but it seems all but forgotten.

What about you, any obscure games?

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If you could make any two obscure Nintendo characters playable in SSB4 (whose series aren't already represented with playable characters), which two characters would you pick?

If I remember correctly, Miyamoto stated that Bowser Jr's an only child. Iggy, Ludwig, et all, are apparently have no familial ties to Bowser.

Could you elaborate on being unfamiliar with any characters in PlayStation All-Stars?

True. I remember hearing that as well. Though with the way Bowser Jr. interacts with the 7 Koopa Kids and vice versa, they practically treat each other like brothers and sisters, even if they're not by blood.

I'm well aware of most the characters' existances (barring a few like Big Daddy, Colonel Radec, Emmett Graves, and Isaac Clarke, who I didn't know existed until they showed up in Playstation All Stars). A lot of them I knew the character and the games they're from, and I also knew that certain characters would likely be in long before they're officially announced like Nariko from Heavenly Sword, Cole McGrath from Infamous, Ratchet and Clank from their game series, Sackboy from LittleBigPlanet, and Jax and Daxter from their series. The thing is, I've never played a single game that any of them came from, so even though I know (most of) the characters, their game series, and a bit of their backstory, preferred method of fighting, and personality, I haven't ever experienced or played any of their games first-hand, so they're unfamiliar to me in that sense. Well, I did play a demo of the original Ape Escape, but that's it.

I enjoy this one poster's comics, Hipster Ant, and I just like browsing the Art Academy page.

I use the analog stick, more so because I don't like reaching for that D-Pad.

Hmm... I'll have to look up Hipster Ant on Miiverse. Have you happened to check my Miiverse drawings and posts? I've checked yours, and you sure post a lot of Nintendo facts on the Smash Bros. community. You know quite a lot of facts that I thought very few people would know (like Nintendo coming up with the Playstation but Sony carrying through with it).

Yeah, the Analog stick is the way to go in traditional fighters, since special moves practically require it. I guess it's just a matter of practicing special moves until you're able to do to it consistantly.

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