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Favorite Pokemon type?

Fire types have always been my favourite, I like the raw power. I also like Dragon, Steel, Dark and Fighting, so I guess I just like Pokemon with high ATK or SP. ATK.

Favourite FE4 character.

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Your most favorite thing in life?

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Fallout 2

Since you didn't answer the question I asked you earlier, I'll ask you again. Favorite non-FE video game?

I can't choose. There're so many things I love! >W<

Very well then.... what is one thing that you hate the most?

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Hmmm..... Lots to choose, but I'm gonna go with Chrom.

Favorite FE character?

Hm...FF7 fanboys come to mind.

Your favorite non-FE game?

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Do you watch anime? If so, who's your favorite anime character?

Your favorite non-FE game?

Jeez, that's a tough one. Uh, I guess Pokemon? I've been a fan of the series since I was a child, and until recently I gave up on it for a few months, so I have a quite a history with the series.

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Favorite FE Lord?

Hector, he stands out among most with his appearance, weapon preference and personality.

What are your favourite Nintendo franchises?

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What's the most random or ridiculous youtube video you've seen?

Wrys is... alright, I guess? I don't use him much since his growths are quite low compared to the other magic casters, but I don't hate him at all. I guess between a 1 to 10 scale as to how much I like him (10 being really liked and 1 being really hated), he'd be a 6.

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What personality trait(s) do you value most when it comes to friends you make?

Who do you think is the best Doga/Draug archetype character so far?

Fire Emblem, Pokemon, and The Legend of Zelda.

I always found Draug himself to be quite awesome and underrated (especially with that speed and buzz cut). Then again, Valbo in Gaiden is beyond underrated, seeing how he's an armor knight that leads a very small resistance group (2-3 people) after his parents were killed by Rigel guards, and this was in the NES era where stories weren't too developed yet. It'd probably be between those two.

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If you could add supports and support conversations to any FE which doesn't already have any, which one would you add them to?

What personality trait(s) do you value most when it comes to friends you make?

Kind, funny, polite, and forgiving.

I always found Draug himself to be quite awesome and underrated (especially with that speed and buzz cut). Then again, Valbo in Gaiden is beyond underrated, seeing how he's an armor knight that leads a very small resistance group (2-3 people) after his parents were killed by Rigel guards, and this was in the NES era where stories weren't too developed yet. It'd probably be between those two.

I like Valbo, too. Shame he isn't really discussed a lot.

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What's the most random or ridiculous youtube video you've seen?

I came upstairs once and my brother was watching this.

What's a game you think is overrated or just don't know why people like it?

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What non-human things (animals, Pokemon, etc.) do you find cute? If you're mentioning Pokemon, be specific and list a few examples.

If you could add supports and support conversations to any FE which doesn't already have any, which one would you add them to?

Probably FE2, since at least 90% of the FE1/11 cast has conversations in FE12. Even if a lot of them are only with MU, at least it fleshes out characters enough so you know their general personality.

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