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If it counts, I like playing fitness sports. My favorite sport to watch is football.

What is the chapter that you hate the most from any FE game you played from a gameplay perspective?

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Favourite FE lord?

If it counts, I like playing fitness sports. My favorite sport to watch is football.

What is the chapter that you hate the most from any FE game you played from a gameplay perspective?

(That's for the guy above me to answer, not you.)

But, for your question, I hate 2 faces of evil (SS, CH18) aside from the exp glory, It's a horribly boring and easy level.

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What extracirricular activities did you participate in in school?

Just because I beat them, doesn't mean I beat them proficiently, it was more of a struggle through each one, some times in NSMBU I had about 2 gameovers trying to complete one particular level, and this wasn't infrequent. Although I must say I'm much better at 3D Mario games than 2D ones. Took me 3 years to beat Sunshine (albiet I was much younger) and Galaxy took quite awhile as well. Oh yeah, add 3D world there too.

Ah, okay. You sure must have a lot of persistance then. For your sanity's sake, you should probably never play Super Mario Bros: Lost Levels though since even Mario veterans burn through a lot of lives in that game.

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What is your favourite genre of music?

What extracirricular activities did you participate in in school?

Ah, okay. You sure must have a lot of persistance then. For your sanity's sake, you should probably never play Super Mario Bros: Lost Levels though since even Mario veterans burn through a lot of lives in that game.

MUSIC!! In the guitar group, and do gigs organised by college with my band.

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What is your favourite sport? (To watch or play)

I don't enjoy watching sports, I never found it entertaining. Although I do find enjoyment in playing sports, although I suck at most. I enjoy fencing the most, I don't have to rely on a team and they don't have to rely on me, and it's a one-on-one battle of skill that doesn't involve much pain (apart from the sting left by being whipped with a sabre) and it's the only sport I'm quite good at.

Ah, okay. You sure must have a lot of persistance then. For your sanity's sake, you should probably never play Super Mario Bros: Lost Levels though since even Mario veterans burn through a lot of lives in that game.

It takes a lot of determination to beat games you suck at, but I get satisfaction from beating a level I've struggled with for so long. Nothing could possibly as bad as Castlevania on the NES, fuckthatshit.exe

What is the hardest game you've ever played? If it's not Castlevania, you're wrong.

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If you could take the superpowers of any one superhero, weaknesses and all, which one would you choose and why? Assume that effective deities are excluded (i.e, Thor, Thanos or Galactus).

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If you could take the superpowers of any one superhero, weaknesses and all, which one would you choose and why? Assume that effective deities are excluded (i.e, Thor, Thanos or Galactus).

Blade's superhuman agility. I'd love to be able to jump, run and react higher than the average human. =)

Which Playstation exclusive is your favorite?

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If you could take the superpowers of any one superhero, weaknesses and all, which one would you choose and why? Assume that effective deities are excluded (i.e, Thor, Thanos or Galactus).

Hmm, that's a tough one. I think Superman may be one I'd take, if I was no fun and had no creativity. I guess I'd choose Wolverine, I like the idea of a long life, and the ability to sustain little injury and recover from any I do recieve appeals to me. The claws that can rip things to shreds are an added bonus.

Blade's superhuman agility. I'd love to be able to jump, run and react higher than the average human. =)

Which Playstation exclusive is your favorite?

I think you may have a mistake on this thread, questions are intended to the person who posted before you. But anyways, do you like Metal Gear Solid?

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Have you ever made up any OCs (original characters) or had any concepts for OCs?

What is your favourite genre of music?

Video game music comes to mind, since there isn't really any kind of music I listen to as much as video game music. Well, except for random things like brentalfloss music (which is technically still video game music) and the Urkel dance.

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Have you ever made up any OCs (original characters) or had any concepts for OCs?

Video game music comes to mind, since there isn't really any kind of music I listen to as much as video game music. Well, except for random things like brentalfloss music (which is technically still video game music) and the Urkel dance.

I probably come up with a few concepts for original characters on a daily basis. Ideas pass through my mind, although some get stuck. My most prominent one is a character I made up in grade 2 named Prince/King Edward, a young man who finds out he is the last in a royal bloodline to a struggling kingdom. He is skilled with a sword but has a fear of death and murder, he also fears his role as King. Nevertheless, with some motivational words he'll gather determination to take on any challenge. He wields a blessed sword that is completely invincible and was designed to dispell dark magic, as well as his token red cape which give earns him the title "Red Warrior." He has a rival called the "Skeleton King" an ancient spirit necromancer in the form of a corpse who is a sadist, warmonger and trickster, and although his power can be drained, is otherwise invincible. He's the main character in a giant story idea I've been conjuring for the past ten years, which has grown from an idea after watching the Lord of the Rings movies to what I think has become its own unique entity, with many characters, plot arcs, twists, villains and lore. I plan to novelize this one day. Geez, did I just spit all that out there?

Apart from that, I have many ideas for characters in other fantasy, sci-fi, and drama ideas, such as:

A hospital security guard in a futuristic setting where earth's surface was destroyed and people live on an orbital city. Dreamt of being a detective as a child and has a knack for getting beat up and getting into things that he "shouldn't be involved in."

A young journalist who lived his life as a pure person but faces an untimely death to a monster from hell. Due to the aforementioned monsters, heaven needs to send an angel down to heaven to slay them, and his pure soul gives him great potential as an angel. His life than alternates between life in the office and ripping demons to shreds. (I think I was reading too much manga and playing too many Japanese video games when I came up with him.)

A space travelling equivalent of Indiana Jones in a power suit, this guy was an idea for a video game, though I haven't developed it much.

A Native American boy whose dad is killed by a US Marshall, and after spending years in missionary school, wishes to explore white man's world and hopefully come across the man who killed his father so he can return the favour. Comes from a somewhat comedic/adventure/western story idea I had.

Many, many, many more. I didn't feel like listing some of my less liked ideas, side characters, or characters from short stories.

From the characters I've listed, which ones do you like?

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Do you like comics/manga?

What is the hardest game you've ever played? If it's not Castlevania, you're wrong.

Never played castlevania.... so it's not that. Kessen 2 on hard mode was a nightmare for a few early chapters (get to the escape point with your infantry! OH GOD!?!? CAVALRY!!!) There are other harder ones, I'm sure, but I'm really tired now, so I can't think of them.

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I like both, I like superheroes like Batman and Thor, not too many others. I'm not fond of action manga, because there is usually a point in an action manga where everything becomes too ridiculous. I'm emberassed to admit I like romantic comedy manga, and I also am a big fan of Death Note.

What about you?

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Which FE is your favourite in terms of story?

I like both, I like superheroes like Batman and Thor, not too many others. I'm not fond of action manga, because there is usually a point in an action manga where everything becomes too ridiculous. I'm emberassed to admit I like romantic comedy manga, and I also am a big fan of Death Note.

What about you?

I like manga. Death note's great, and Bobobobo is funny in a really dumb way. I like a couple action manga, like one piece and Dragon Ball, as well as Dororo as a personal favourite. I don't read many comics, but I like superhero stories, films and games.

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How would your real life friends describe your personality?

From the characters I've listed, which ones do you like?

They all seem quite neat, though I particularly like the young journalist who dies and becomes revived as a demonslayer.

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Who's your favourite superhero?

How would your real life friends describe your personality?

They all seem quite neat, though I particularly like the young journalist who dies and becomes revived as a demonslayer.

Unstable, bipolar, inappropriate, lazy.

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Favourite game series? (Aside from FE)

If you could revive one game series that hasn't had a new entry recently, what would you pick?

Not really sure what counts as recently... I'd have to go with Kessen, as horrible as kessen 3 was, 2 may actually be my favourite game ever. If that was redone and expanded upon... Just... WOW.

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Have you done any grades on trombone?

Would you mind telling me what Kessen is and what system it's for?

Yes, trombone.

Kessen is a game series made by Koei (Of dynasty warriors fame) They are all RTS games. The first and third are set in Sengoku Jidai in Japan, While the third is a heavily fictionalized variant of Three Kingdoms era China. The third one adds some hack/slash elements into it, and the second added in gate sieges, and MAGIC! Definitely recommend getting the second one if you can find it.

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Favourite beverage?

Favorite Mage-type FE class?

What do you mean?

Is this any magical class, or mage tree? Either way, probably sage. (Such a cool GBA animation!)

I meant have you taken any grade exams for trombone.

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Favorite food group?

Favourite beverage?

Is this any magical class, or mage tree? Either way, probably sage. (Such a cool GBA animation!)

I meant have you taken any grade exams for trombone.

Hm, that's a tough one. Most soft drinks, chocolate milk, and grape juice.

Any magical class.

Oh. Then, no, I haven't.

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