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What do you like about the ocean?

I like the openness, I like the smell of saltwater and the ability to see the flat horizon. I've only ever seen the ocean thrice in my life, but it was enough to leave an impression.

What is the funniest book/movie/game/show in your opinion?

Edited by Knight
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It's really hard to judge funniness in the past because I can't really remember. Off the top of my head, Cards Against Humanity.

What is your favourite color? (Bet you never got that one before.)

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What is the best advice you could give to the previous generation?

What is the best advice you can give to the next generation of kids?

Neither forget the past nor obsess over it. Do not turn a blind eye to the future, nor forget that you exist now. In the end, balance.

Edit:Ninja'd! Why!

Edited by Verdant Shade
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If you could go back in time to change one event in history, what event would you choose and why?

What is the best advice you could give to the previous generation?

Do not be scared into a war.

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Something you wish you had in your life?

Hmmm... a saxophone. Not sure what kind, though.

What in your opinion is the most refreshing drink on a hot summer day?

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Which Japan-exclusive FE have you played?

If you could go back in time to change one event in history, what event would you choose and why?

While I respect inquiry, I'd rather keep the exact event undisclosed, only mentioning that it is not a historically significant event because I am perhaps too cautious when it comes to the effects of such "What-if" scenarios. . .

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Who's your favourite Final Fantasy character from the old FFs? (FFs 1-6)

What do you envy?

I can't really think of anyone specifically of the top of my head. Though in general, I envy anyone who's found the right person to be with in terms of a spouse and marriage.

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Did you have any weird fears as a kid?

These things terrified me as a child. (the most torturous part is that I adored Winnie the Pooh)


Mario or Luigi?

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Do you personally think it's weird for someone to be afraid of puppets or dolls, even if it's a childhood fear that they grow out of?

Mario or Luigi?

I guess if I had to pick one, it'd be Mario because ever since childhood I'd always be Mario and my younger brother would always be Luigi whenever we'd play Mario games.

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What in your opinion is the most refreshing drink on a hot summer day?

Lemonade, although after a long walk or bike, water is an amazing substance.

Is there a point in history you find interesting?

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What would you say to a Fire Emblem where the only units the player could control were generics? (Take this idea loosely. Just because the PLAYER uses generics doesn't mean there aren't characters in the story. . .)

Same question I guess.

If you mean my question about "Which Japan-only FE have you played," I've played a bit of Fire Emblem 2:Gaiden, Fire Emblem 4:Genealogy of the Holy War, and Fire Emblem 5:Thracia 776. I have not, however, played past the quarter-way point for any of them.

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Who's your favourite actor in terms of comedy and funny stuff?

Is there a point in history you find interesting?

Not really. I'm hardly fond of history, and I'd rather not think about living without all the technologies we have now that make life more convenient and fun.

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