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Why not?

Also, it's Mondo Owada from Dangan Ronpa.

If you've got a Vita, I highly recommend it.

It's been canceled. Which makes sense. Ellona Santiago losing was a total bust.

In 7th-8th grade, did you have to make maps of every country in the world?

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Why have you not converted to the Church of Kappa yet? :Kappa:

When I was four, I asked for an N64 for Christmas.

Then it all went to hell.

check my sig

No, but that would be really fun.

What FE continent would you want to live on?

why did you choose that username?

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In 7th-8th grade, did you have to make maps of every country in the world?

Um... not to my remembrance.

See my last question asked. :Kappa:

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No, but that would be really fun.

What FE continent would you want to live on?

It's a nightmare. They're like the 2nd worst type of homework (right next to college things). They take so long to make (I only ask because I'm doing a map of the Middle East right now).

To answer your question, either Magvel or Ylisse.

Where is the Strait of Bosp(h)orus?

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>Implying I even know what that is :Kappa:

Why are you asking all these geography questions?


They take so long to make (I only ask because I'm doing a map of the Middle East right now).

Do you know what "Fear Factor" is?

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What's your favourite level in Tropical Freeze so far?

I think there was one in a forest with floating leaves and penguins playing horns that I like.

What is going on in your sig?

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Okay, I'll widdle it down, then. What's your favorite Star Wars and why?

I guess I'd have to say Return of the Jedi. Around what's now called the original trilogy, it definitely gave a sense of closure. Though I imagine that was before the sequel comics, which take place after that film.

Like any other Monty Python works outside of Holy Grail?

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What are some of your favourite things about Twilight Sparkle?

What is your favorite game?

I can't pick just one, but currently I'm really into Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze and Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds.

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What is your opinion on currency (money)?

I don't have one. But all the different types of coins and bills are fun~

What's your favorite time of day?

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What are you most enthusiastic about? (I know, I'm lame...)

What's your favorite time of day?

I used to not be a morning person but now that I force myself to wake up between 530-6am I'd say I enjoy 7am-9am the most.

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Like any other Monty Python works outside of Holy Grail?

Holy Grail is the only movie I've seen, but I have seen a lot of the show and spent much time watching skits on Youtube.

What game do you mostly play on your computer?

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How would you pass the time if you had no internet?

Probably bring about world peace and solve world hunger. Build stuff out of Lego, lots of stuff out of Lego.

What form of comedy do you find most funny?

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What's your opinion on racist jokes? Are you against them completely, okay with them to an extent, or it largely matters on the type of racist jokes?

What game is Luigi playing!?

I don't know for sure, but since that pic was created around February 2014, I'm guessing it's either Super Mario 3D World or Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze.

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What are some of your favourite things about Twilight Sparkle?

Well, her personality for starters. I mean, you don't get to see too many bookworms in fiction, so I thought that was a nice touch. Plus, she kinda reminded me of myself in some respects. Of course there are some obvious differences such as being recognized as royalty (which I do have a headcanon about). Plus her design is another nice touch too.

Favorite Mario Bros. parody?

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What occupation would you choose if you could be anything? And the salary is 50billion a year no matter what you pick.

What game do you mostly play on your computer?

Guild Wars 2 is the one I play the most nowadays.

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What languages do you use?

What's your opinion on racist jokes? Are you against them completely, okay with them to an extent, or it largely matters on the type of racist jokes?

It depends on the context, but unless all involved are fully aware that it's ironic and find it funny, it's not okay.

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What's your favorite comedy show/movie?

What languages do you use?

English, mostly :) *rimshot* *dull groan from everyone*

I know very limited javascript, basically enough to know my way around it if I need to.

I know Java, C#, a few SQL languages, limited C\SIDE and very limited c++.

My specialty is back-end asp.net and Azure web services, now, though.

I want to learn F# and more C++.

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