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Most epic thing you've done in a game?

I've had amazingly hype moments in JRPGs and SRPGs where I pull a really clutch move and barely defeat a difficult boss. Desouling the Kraken Head on my Super no death Shining Force II playthrough comes to mind. It's hard to say, though.

What shiny Pokemon do you think looks the coolest?

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What weapons do you think are really underutilized in video games? (Eg: scythes, chainsaws)

"If you could add one feature to this site, what would it be?"

Probably the ability to change the layout colour of the forums.

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How did you not notice the theme changer after all this time?

Why don't you like Pokemon?

It is plain boring.

Probably the ability to change the layout colour of the forums.


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Favourite kind of music to listen to?

I honestly can't think of a fictional character I'm like. Whenever I try to think of one, my mind sticks to Donald Duck and I can't think of anything else. Perhaps I am like Donald Duck.

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When you have your own family, wife, and kids, will you try to prevent your younger kids from watching movies and shows/playing video games that are too violent or sex oriented, at least until they reach the proper age for such content?

How did you not notice the theme changer after all this time?


...I am such an awkard man...

Well to be fair, I thought it would be under profile options and settings. Since I wasn't able to find it there, I thought the feature didn't exist.

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What other feature would you add? Heh.

When you have your own family, wife, and kids, will you try to prevent your younger kids from watching movies and shows/playing video games that are too violent or sex oriented, at least until they reach the proper age for such content?

Not on that basis alone. I would keep them away from concepts too complex for them to understand. Violence, yes. Don't want the kids internalizing violence.

Video games I would keep away for other reasons. Want them to get into reading first.

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What weapons do you think are really underutilized in video games? (Eg: scythes, chainsaws)

Poleaxes. They're a freaking awesome weapon, they give a character tons of cool. Poleaxe users seem few and far between, though.


(Loni Dunamis, Tales of Destiny 2)


(Geis, Ys VI)

Do you drink coffee?

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Favourite villain and why?

The Joker is probably my favourite villain in comic books, for reasons stated on the QOTD thread. To sum up, intelligent psycho who you never know what he thinks.

There are too many other villains in video games and movies that I like, so I can't pick a villain in general.

Is there anything you've said in the past that you are ashamed of saying? If so, what? (you don't need to be specific)

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Who are some of your favourite characters that are torn between good and evil, or are misguided? Characters like N from Pokemon Black/White, Zuko from Avatar, or Silver from Treasure Planet would count for that.

What other feature would you add? Heh.

I can't really think of anything else, except for maybe something equivalent to a Facebook "Like" or a Miiverse "Yeah!" where you can state rank up posts that you approve of or find good.

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How are you enjoying Serenes Forest?

What is your biggest regret?

It'd have to be how cruelly I treated this one girl back in elementary and how much I shoved her away, when she was only trying to give me her friendship and be a friend to me when she knew I had a hard time making friends. I've been thinking about contacting her on Facebook (I checked if she has a profile there and she does) and apologizing for what I did way back then, but that'd be really weird and awkward.

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Who are some of your favourite characters that are torn between good and evil, or are misguided? Characters like N from Pokemon Black/White, Zuko from Avatar, or Silver from Treasure Planet would count for that.

Zuko from Avatar was my favourite character from the show and probably my favourite example of this sort of character. There's also Gollum from LOTR and Naked Snake from MGS3.

So you're new here, how many FE games have you played?

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Why is Blazing Sword your favourite?

I guess there are several reasons. I love the way maps are designed in this game, often with split routes to divide your units and many chests and villages to chase after before a thief or bandit comes. I like the story, I like how you are a small group rather than a large nation, trying to save the world while nobody knows it is in danger, I like the focus on three protagonists, I like the plot twist where so-and-so is killed by his/her lover. I like the characters, Hector, Eliwood, Ninian, I like the four fangs. Everything about the game seems ideal to me, good artstyle, good length, good story, good characters, good maps, almost good balance, good range of difficulty. It may not have a standout feature like Laguz, children characters, world map, or reclassing, but what it does have is really refined.

How about you, why do you like FE8?

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Sacred Stones was just plain fun. It didn't burden me with a boring tutorial; the color scheme was amazing; the characters were good. It had a great blend of enemy and monster classes. The plot was one of the best in the series. The music was orgasmic. It improved on FE6 and 7's mechanics in nearly every way that was necessary. Everything meshed together. It was an overall engrossing experience. The most well put together of the FE games, if that makes sense.

What is your guilty pleasure?

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What is your guilty pleasure?

Shadow Dragon. I like to do childish things occasionally, like climb giant snow piles and playgrounds. There's also an edutainment wii game that I spent more hours in then I probably should have. Endless Ocean: Blue World, a game where you find fish, learn fish facts and explore marine environments. There is so much content in this game though that it rivals only Pokemon in completion difficulty, from fish finding, treasure hunting, dolphin raising, etc. I also like Michael Bay movies, except for Transformers 2 and 3, mostly because they're so silly and cliche yet still fun to watch just for the explosions.

Is there a game that is rather unknown to people that you really like?

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Besides Ridley, what are you hoping for in the upcoming Smash Bros. Nintendo Direct?

Is there a game that is rather unknown to people that you really like?

Well, the Bomberman series (especially the SNES Bomberman games), Wario's Woods, and Wrecking Crew '98 mainly come to mind.

Though if I solely had to mention one game, it'd be Super Bomberman 5, due to having awesome multiplayer (up to 5 people) with customizable characters you can save and a 2 player adventure mode where you can actually save and don't need passwords (Super Bomberman 1-4 needed passwords in order to continue where you left off for some reason, even though Battery Saving existed then).

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