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Is there anything you've said in the past that you are ashamed of saying? If so, what? (you don't need to be specific)

Lots of senseless grade school vulgarity, heavy cursing in my early years of high school, and politically incorrect labels of certain parts of the human body. Nowadays I hardly use curse words, and I find slang that lends itself to pornographic material to be improper.

Also, I had no clue there was a sequel to Wrecking Crew. That's pretty neat!

What is the oldest game console you currently own?

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Besides Ridley, what are you hoping for in the upcoming Smash Bros. Nintendo Direct?

I am really hoping that Simon Belmont (or any Belmont) or Alucard comes to replace Snake as a Konami representative. I think Castlevania is more representative of Nintendo, although I'd be okay if Snake stayed with a Castlevania character added as well. I also wouldn't mind Lucina being added, over Chrom because I think the game could have more female characters. I wouldn't mind seeing the return of Mewtwo, perhaps with a Mega form final smash, and perhaps Shulk from Xenoblade, but I wouldn't care too much if he wasn't added.

Who are you hoping will be added (to Smash Bros.)?

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What about you? What animal represents you the best?

What animal do you think represents you the best personality wise?

A cat.

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Who are you hoping will be added (to Smash Bros.)?

I would love to have Pico as another F-Zero rep. His wild, aggressive personality makes him a blast to race as, and I believe it would also hold true for him as fighter in Smash Bros. Another character I would love to see is Lloyd Irving.

However... I think my picks are unrealistic. Assuming Captain Falcon, Yoshi, Falco, Wario, and Meta Knight make it back in; there's really no one else I feel so strongly about wanting in the game.

How does having all that dark blue in your avatar and sig make you feel?

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What about you? What animal represents you the best?

Probably a bear, I like to sleep in the winter, active in the summer. I also have that sort of adventurous attitude and I like to be by myself most of the time.

What would be your dream vacation?

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I'd love to visit the castles and mountains of Germany on a giant road trip, with perhaps visits to the chateaux of France. I'd love to visit the ocean as well, somewhere with whale sharks.

What are some of your bad habits?

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How does it make you feel about me?

It does make you seem a little dark, but cool as well. It's all pretty much the same, dark color... I can't help but feel a bit of loneliness from it as well.

Is the concept of scuba diving next to enormous animals feel terrifying to you?

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Do you personally not like how the gaming market is way too oriented towards violence/sex filled games compared to the past?

Favorite gaming console?

It'd have to be the Wii U, due to its sheer versatility and backwards compatibility.

Also, I had no clue there was a sequel to Wrecking Crew. That's pretty neat!

It hardly plays like the original, but I still really enjoy its vs. puzzler type gameplay. Plus, it comes with the original Wrecking Crew ported and the Saving and Loading custom levels option actually works.

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Why are you so focused on sex and violence?

What are some of your bad habits?

Thinking that everything that could possibly be related to me is about me.

Turning a topic around to be about me without realizing it.

General self-absorbed behavior.

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Is the concept of scuba diving next to enormous animals feel terrifying to you?

Only if it has teeth, I have seen whales before when I was a kid, I'm not that scared.

How much time do you spend online?

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Did you watch the Smash Direct yesterday or at least hear all of the major news from it? If so, what did you think of it?

Why are you so focused on sex and violence?

I really don't like how that's what media (games, movies, and TV shows) mostly focuses on nowadays. I mean, if those two are all it takes to entertain people nowadays, our society really isn't in good shape and its morals are plummeting quite badly.

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Do you personally not like how the gaming market is way too oriented towards violence/sex filled games compared to the past?

To be honest... I have no idea what the spectrum of the gaming market is like. However, if what you say is true, I say it is indeed a bad thing.

Favorite month of the year?

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What do you look for in others?

Did you watch the Smash Direct yesterday or at least hear all of the major news from it? If so, what did you think of it?


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What's the nicest thing someone online did for you?

Favorite day of the week?

Sunday, I guess. With my current job (4 PM-12:30 AM), all week days are quite rough, and I'm still quite worn out on Saturdays from the Friday night shift.

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What is the nicest thing you have done for someone online?

What's the nicest thing someone online did for you?

Helping me out with a technical problem.

Do not meet a lot of helpful people online.

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To answer the question, why I asked that, it's because I wished to compare my own habits with others.

What is your favourite platforming game?

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What's your favorite cartoon show?

Avatar: The Last Airbender, I know everyone likes it, but it's well-deserved.

Favourite Anime?

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What is the best question you have heard?

What is your favourite platforming game?

Portal 2.

I'm not sure what you're asking. You mean romantically?

Whatever you look for in others. If you look for romantic interest first, then go with that angle.

Answer it how you like.

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Do you personally think you have healthy sleeping habits?

I'm asking since for this past week, I've been trying to get 8-9 hours of sleep (the recommended amount), yet I still feel rather sleepy during the start of my work shift (4:00 PM-12:30 AM)

What is the nicest thing you have done for someone online?

Helping make sprites for someone's custom made RPG comes to mind.

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