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How tolerant are you of racist/race stereotyping jokes?

If you could learn any one skill to perfection, what would you choose?

Probably fighting off and being immune to depression or stress.

Though if those don't count, perhaps AutoCAD (a program I use at work that aids in drawing and designing buildings) since that's almost all I ever do at work.

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Why would you use the word fulgence?

How tolerant are you of racist/race stereotyping jokes?

I'd say... Pretty intolerant. ;)

Sometimes it can be a fine line on some jokes though... Its sometimes a YMMV type thing, or dependant on how much you know of the history.

...stuff putting down a race, or group isn't cool in any case though. But sometimes things are less overtly racist, and perhaps more racially insensitive?


Fulgence is a word I learned recently in my ballads and bards English class... So I wanted a chance to use it. ;)


How long have you been an artist/designer(or I guess architect?)?

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Did that word come from any particular book or play? I don't think I've ever heard that word before.

Would you say that you're strong-willed?

That's actually a bit of a tough question. I would like to say "yes". But I honestly don't know how to answer that.

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What do you the think the most fundamental part of human nature is?

Ever felt like you wanted something, but decided not to get it because your wallet's too skinny? (Or so to speak?)


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In terms of backstory, personality, and trials they endure, who do you think is the most interesting fictional character you've seen?

How long have you been an artist/designer(or I guess architect?)?

Well, I've been taking AutoCAD classes ever since 2010, but I didn't transfer courses and focus mainly on it until 2011. My first temporary co-op job for it was in 2012, and only now in 2015 have I actually gotten an official full-time job using AutoCAD. I'm not sure which one of those you'd officially consider as me being a draftsperson (that's the official term for it, I'm technically not an architect or designer), but that's what I can tell you regarding my drafting education and career.

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"In terms of backstory, personality, and trials they endure, who do you think is the most interesting fictional character you've seen?"

I don't have to try with you around.

Where's your signature picture from? :o

Tumblr artist fanart of Grima!Robin from Awakening.

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Any other favorite games besides FE, SMT (or its subseries), or Ace Attorney?

What do you the think the most fundamental part of human nature is?

Most likely the instinctive sense of survival. Especially considering how many people react to either anyone that threatens other people anywhere, or even natural disasters, throughout the course of history.
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Yeah, whenever I really think about it... I find that I'm not as strong-willed as I think I am. But I think... a strong will is motivated by an understanding of the beauty of life. That's why I try to take the time to appreciate things.

Do you find night time peaceful?

How tolerant are you of racist/race stereotyping jokes?

I really don't care for jokes like that, but I can't say I usually find them offensive. I would say I'm fairly tolerant of them.

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What influenced you to pick your current avi?

Any other favorite games besides FE, SMT (or its subseries), or Ace Attorney?

Most likely the instinctive sense of survival. Especially considering how many people react to either anyone that threatens other people anywhere, or even natural disasters, throughout the course of history.

Semi-long post incoming.

Valkyria Chronicles and the .Hack sit atop the list of my favorite series of all time with Ace Attorney and Xenosaga just barely behind them. As you can tell by my current theme, I love the Tales series as well (though Baba keeps fucking up...) with Abyss being my favorite. Despite what I think of the series now (hint: it's not positive), the Final Fantasy series has still had a profound impact on my taste in video games today and I'd be lying if I said I could just stop loving the series at the drop of a hat. Of the Final Fantasy titles, Final Fantasy V particularly sticks out as my favorite for its charming combination of superb music, phenomenal gameplay, light hearted comedy, and its few yet well placed heart tugging moments.

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What is your favorite myth?

What is your history with the Apple of Discord?

I have been an Apple of Discord for a lot of people. I have even had people of both sexes fight over me. In the words of a friend, "Makaze is the sodium and the water is any location, and the resulting explosion is a debate on any such thing."

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Oh my, I may find myself fighting over you as well.

What is your favorite myth?

As a Buddhist, I'm rather fond of myths surrounding Siddhartha Gautama.

If given the choice, which historical figure's perspective would you like to see through for 24 hours?

Edited by Ownagepuffs
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Do you personally wish Namco would pay more tribute to Tales of Phantasia in Tales spinoffs or when representing the Tales series as a whole? (similarly to how IS still pays tribute to Marth and the Akanean games in FE spinoffs and when representing FE in general despite the cast changing greatly between most Fire Emblem games)

"In terms of backstory, personality, and trials they endure, who do you think is the most interesting fictional character you've seen?"

That'd definitely be Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender.

Zuko is definitely a really awesome and well done character, especially in how his noble personality causes so much conflict in the way his father raised him to be. I really like how tragic and pitiable of a character he is (especially considering his exile all started because of a noble reason: he didn't want his country's men to be sacrificed unneccessarily), yet he stays strong and firm regardless of which path he's on throughout the series.
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@Gemma: Do I find nighttime peaceful? Generally, my answer's yes. There's been a few nights where I've been enjoying the sky. Although, there is stuff like unsavory people skulking about, and (annoyingly) quicker traffic lights in some places. Winter has the worst night, but even that doesn't stop good nights from showing up.

@Randoman: Anything particular thta you like that the bronies have pumped out to date?

Edited by Just call me AL
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What traits do you consider ideal in people?

strong and firm

I see where this is going.

If given the choice, which historical figure's perspective would you like to see through for 24 hours?

Nikola Telsa.

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I apologize if I had broken the rules by asking one person 2 questions, since I seem to be under Makaze again (not that I'm complaining, dude seems pretty interesting).

Do you personally wish Namco would pay more tribute to Tales of Phantasia in Tales spinoffs or when representing the Tales series as a whole? (similarly to how IS still pays tribute to Marth and the Akanean games in FE spinoffs and when representing FE in general despite the cast changing greatly between most Fire Emblem games)

So first off I love you for recognizing Phantasia I love love love Phantasia. I believe Namco has definitely paid Phantasia its due respects. It has quite a few remakes and a Destiny PS2-esque makeover on the PSP. Cless himself has appeared in a few titles and Dhaos has appeared in others. His being given a modern makeover for Xillia 2 was especially welcome. Namco has done a fine job appreciating Phantasia and Destiny too. It may seem like Destiny gets more love but that is simply because Leon in particular is just obscenely popular. In truth, I would much rather see more love for Eternia since that one is closest to my heart even if Abyss is my favorite. Eternia has not gotten exposure on the same level as Phantasia and Destiny. Rebirth kinda went under the rug and I wish Namco would do more with that one as well.

Second, I absolutely 100% agree with you on Zuko. As a child I failed to see everything that made his character great but now he simply blows me away. TLA was surprisingly profound.

Nikola Telsa.

Nice. The unsung hero of electricity. I myself would love see life through the eyes of J.P. Morgan, even if only for a minute.

Most pleasant childhood memory?

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There is no rule against asking the same person multiple questions. They do have to be in separate posts, though.

The time I had a dream where I beat a volcano.

What about you?

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Do you have any particular fan art of a favourite character of yours that you really like? Could you post a link to it?

@Randoman: Anything particular thta you like that the bronies have pumped out to date?

Well, it's not really recent, but this fan art pic that humanizes the mane six as schoolgirls is quite awesome. The schoolgirl humanizations of Celestia and Luna are also really pretty as well.

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How do you feel about parenting?

Do you have any particular fan art of a favourite character of yours that you really like? Could you post a link to it?

Way too many. Too lazy to look through, sorry.

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What traits do you consider ideal in people?

Kindness and honesty are two definite things here. They make one easier to get along with for one. And, the lack of either can cause suffering. Even on large scales.

You ever had a dream involving a favorite character that seemed surreal and weird to you?

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How do you feel about parenting?

Quite scared, actually. I mean, you really have to get the right balance of strictness and leniency because if you give too much of one and not the other, you'll end up with bad kids and even then, your kids might turn out bad anyways because of their friends and outside influences. I know quite a few kids that had good families that turned their back on their parents and morals because of bad outside influences.

I'm kind of tempted to reflect the question back at you, since it's a really solid and thought provoking question. I suppose I'll ask it later in this thread, though, since I want to stay original. So in terms of bodily injuries, what would personally mess you up the most? (Eg: broken right hand, leg injuries that put you in a wheelchair, etc.)

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