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What personality traits do you value most in others?

Who's your favorite FE character?

Marth as well. I mostly like him due to Smash and his bishounen design, but I do like his naive and idealistic beliefs that he holds and keeps intact despite the horrors and trials he faces. Of all the FE lords, he seems to be the one that's most affected and hurt by the horrors of war, yet he still doesn't let it weaken his morals. I also like how human he is in how he gets flustered quite often like around Tiki and Sheeda. His interactions with characters like Athena and Jake are quite funny as well.

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What's your favorite part about Shadow Dragon?

What personality traits do you value most in others?

Marth as well. I mostly like him due to Smash and his bishounen design, but I do like his naive and idealistic beliefs that he holds and keeps intact despite the horrors and trials he faces. Of all the FE lords, he seems to be the one that's most affected and hurt by the horrors of war, yet he still doesn't let it weaken his morals. I also like how human he is in how he gets flustered quite often like around Tiki and Sheeda. His interactions with characters like Athena and Jake are quite funny as well.

That. Honestly, I could write an essay on why Marth is my favorite FE lord of all time.

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Favorite Akaneia character?

What's your favorite part about Shadow Dragon?

That. Honestly, I could write an essay on why Marth is my favorite FE lord of all time.

The music, to be perfectly honest.

I'd also like to say that Marth's my favorite FE lord as well, haha.

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Ryan. Gordin was my favorite in FE11, but when I played 12, he quickly took that spot. In fact, I like all the members in my battalion (yes, I shamelessly put myself into the game), but Ryan I liked the most out of everyone. He's cute and tanks everything in his path.

The music is pretty good. I get chills when listening to Clash of Two Virtues.

So...who's your favorite Akaneia character? Since I'm feeling uncreative today :P

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Ryan. Gordin was my favorite in FE11, but when I played 12, he quickly took that spot. In fact, I like all the members in my battalion (yes, I shamelessly put myself into the game), but Ryan I liked the most out of everyone. He's cute and tanks everything in his path.

The music is pretty good. I get chills when listening to Clash of Two Virtues.

So...who's your favorite Akaneia character? Since I'm feeling uncreative today :P

Ahhh, I've read some of his supports. He is cute.

Yeah, that was a really good one. I can't remember any names at the moment, but I loved Nyna's theme most of all. The somberness gets me lol.

Hmmm, favorite character questions are always hard for me. Well, I really like Wolf (although I wonder why FE12 decided to make him a tsundere; I don't think it fits him, personally). I've always imagined him as a composed type, and his undying loyalty to Hardin is an interesting aspect that I dearly wish was explored more in terms of consequences.

Anyway, your favorite FE class?

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Hmmm, favorite character questions are always hard for me. Well, I really like Wolf (although I wonder why FE12 decided to make him a tsundere; I don't think it fits him, personally). I've always imagined him as a composed type, and his undying loyalty to Hardin is an interesting aspect that I dearly wish was explored more in terms of consequences.

Anyway, your favorite FE class?

I could debate you on that. Thing is, he never really had much of a personality to begin with so he could've been tsundere this whole time and we didn't even know it XP also, given the fact that he knew he had to betray Hardin, the man he respected above everything else, and in the end Hardin was taken away from him, it'd explain why he'd freak out and then turn cold to everyone else (except Sedgar and Femunit after getting their A support). So, I can understand that. I agree with you on the character aspect though. Although FE12 had the support conversations and "How's Everyone" features, I still feel like there should have been more character development with everyone (IS, why were there no Cain/Abel supports?!?!)

Anyway, back to the topic. I really like the Assassin class. They're badass looking and they generally end up being my more powerful units.

Have you played the new Smash Bros yet? If so, who's your main?

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I could debate you on that. Thing is, he never really had much of a personality to begin with so he could've been tsundere this whole time and we didn't even know it XP also, given the fact that he knew he had to betray Hardin, the man he respected above everything else, and in the end Hardin was taken away from him, it'd explain why he'd freak out and then turn cold to everyone else (except Sedgar and Femunit after getting their A support). So, I can understand that. I agree with you on the character aspect though. Although FE12 had the support conversations and "How's Everyone" features, I still feel like there should have been more character development with everyone (IS, why were there no Cain/Abel supports?!?!)

Anyway, back to the topic. I really like the Assassin class. They're badass looking and they generally end up being my more powerful units.

Have you played the new Smash Bros yet? If so, who's your main?

A debate would be fun, but it's way too subjective for me, haha. I will say that since he's got no lines in SD (and I haven't played FE12 because DS emulation is something I don't like), I let head canon rule with him (and the rest of Wolfguard; I wish Aurelis was more important to the overall Akaneian storyline) and the tsundere could have developed after SD for all we know as well. Mmm yeah, but I think that's a problem with how the FE system works overall, since I get the same feeling about the other FEs with support convos.

Assassins are pretty great indeed. I also like them a lot.

No, and I'm not counting the demo that only lets you play 5 characters. I did main Marth in Brawl, with Kirby and Peach as runner ups. While we're on it, what's your favorite thing about SSB?

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how do you feel on icercube using your skype av

What's your opinion on fanfiction?

If you could pick one movie that'd suddenly increase in popularity and would become well known to the public (let's say... Frozen or Shrek level popularity/well-known-ness), what movie would you pick?

maybe a movie like


Toy Story

but's already pretty popular

so i could say like

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Edited by Shockmaster
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Least favorite Pokemon?

how do you feel on icercube using your skype av

What's your opinion on fanfiction?

Nothing wrong with it.

Fanfiction is excellent and fun if done well, but...it's often not.

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Ah, damn. This is your profile avi? I'll change mine then (Not to worry, I have a lot of sexy Marth pics!)

A debate would be fun, but it's way too subjective for me, haha. I will say that since he's got no lines in SD (and I haven't played FE12 because DS emulation is something I don't like), I let head canon rule with him (and the rest of Wolfguard; I wish Aurelis was more important to the overall Akaneian storyline) and the tsundere could have developed after SD for all we know as well. Mmm yeah, but I think that's a problem with how the FE system works overall, since I get the same feeling about the other FEs with support convos.

Assassins are pretty great indeed. I also like them a lot.

No, and I'm not counting the demo that only lets you play 5 characters. I did main Marth in Brawl, with Kirby and Peach as runner ups. While we're on it, what's your favorite thing about SSB?

Yeah, I know what you mean. Fire Emblem has so many characters, so it'd be rather hard to do a detailed background story on all of them without diverting so much from the plot of the game. I guess that's why whatever history they have gets shoved into support conversations or briefly hinted at every so often.

My favorite thing about the SSB series...Pikachu. Not a fan of his Final Smash, but he's always been my first character I'd play as for each game.

What is your favorite video game of all time?

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What other RPGs do you like besides Fire Emblem?

Your opinion on Sherlock Holmes?

...Please don't make me try to find the last time I posted

I only know the basics of the guy and stuff, but he seems alright and okay. I guess my opinion of him is somewhat above neutral?

Don't worry. That'd be really ridiculous for us to request that.

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...I'm throwing the question back at ya

ALttP. My dad bought a Super NES bundled with it, and I enjoyed watching him play. Once I started playing myself, I got hooked. And I started loving the Zelda series.

Wow. I've never actually met a guy who prefers girls in jeans and sweatpants over skirts. I'm not putting you down, I just didn't think that there were guys out there like that. I do admit I find some skirts unclassy and undignified, specifically if they're too short or too high above the knee.

Well, most of the women in my family did indeed wear some sort of legwear. Speaking of, I also sort of like stockings and leggings if any pants aren't worn. (Provided they're paired with a skirt.) Also dresses, depending on the occasion.

Marth as well. I mostly like him due to Smash and his bishounen design, but I do like his naive and idealistic beliefs that he holds and keeps intact despite the horrors and trials he faces. Of all the FE lords, he seems to be the one that's most affected and hurt by the horrors of war, yet he still doesn't let it weaken his morals. I also like how human he is in how he gets flustered quite often like around Tiki and Sheeda. His interactions with characters like Athena and Jake are quite funny as well.

I will admit that I didn't like Marth at first once I started to play his games. But he did grow on me. (Though I don't think the way Shadow Dragon was helped matters.)

Favorite indie-game?

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What other RPGs do you like besides Fire Emblem?

Think I already answered that one...It's the Persona series. For online RPGs, I like Guild Wars 2.

Do you like creepypastas?

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Ah, damn. This is your profile avi? I'll change mine then (Not to worry, I have a lot of sexy Marth pics!)

Yeah, I know what you mean. Fire Emblem has so many characters, so it'd be rather hard to do a detailed background story on all of them without diverting so much from the plot of the game. I guess that's why whatever history they have gets shoved into support conversations or briefly hinted at every so often.

My favorite thing about the SSB series...Pikachu. Not a fan of his Final Smash, but he's always been my first character I'd play as for each game.

What is your favorite video game of all time?

Yeah, on Skype. It's perfectly fine, though. >w>

That's what I think too. Personally I say Tellius was really good about character and world building. Too bad they didn't sell a lot compared to some other FEs.

I've played the hell out of Pokemon Sapphire, but its remake improved on it a lot, so I'm gonna have to go with Alpha Sapphire.

Your opinion on FE13?

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Do you like creepypastas?

Don't mind 'em. Not a fan of them, either. My prom date likes to watch one from time to time, though.

I've seen your opinion on Wolf, but what about Sedgar?

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So are you a Christian? If so, which denomination are you a part of? (Catholic, Mennonite, Anglican) Seeing how you have a really strong sense of morals and restraint, I couldn't help but wonder that.

Favorite indie-game?

Cloudberry Kingdom. The moment I saw it was 4 player co-op, I was sold on it. It also helps that it was 95% family friendly and safe for my younger siblings.

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Do you like singing?

I've seen your opinion on Wolf, but what about Sedgar?

Sedgar's cool, just not as cool as Wolf, though he gets points for leading Wolfguard after Wolf leaves depressed and stuff.

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What was your favorite cartoon as a kid?

Your opinion on FE13?

Meh, I like it. But the characters are annoying and...


Honestly, I think there are better FEs out there. But I am grateful that the fanbase is increasing and Japan saw that the series really was a slam dunk here, so it's not going to die out anytime soon. I think the fad will die once FE: IF comes out then I can hate on that game too

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Do you like platforming games? (Eg: Mario, Donkey Kong, Kirby) If so, what are your favourite platforming series?

Do you like singing?

I guess so. I haven't done karaoke in quite a while, though. On a side note, I've even made up a few lyrics myself to video game music (which I stick to posting in PM so people don't plagiarize them).

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What are your FE OTPs?

Do you like platforming games? (Eg: Mario, Donkey Kong, Kirby) If so, what are your favourite platforming series?

I guess so. I haven't done karaoke in quite a while, though. On a side note, I've even made up a few lyrics myself to video game music (which I stick to posting in PM so people don't plagiarize them).

I LOVE platform games. Metroid on the NES was my favorite.

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Have you played any Final Fantasy games? If so, what are your favourite games and who are your favourite characters?

What are your FE OTPs?

I LOVE platform games. Metroid on the NES was my favorite.

Marth x Sheeda is my main one. Others would include Alm x Cellica, Saber x Jenny, Roy x Lilina, Eliwood x Ninian, Wil x Rebecca, Ephraim x Tana, Innes x Vanessa, Seth x Eirika, and Chrom x Sumia.

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