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What's your most memorable death in Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze? Mine is definitely getting killed by the random flying bull in the tornado level.

How do you feel, now that someone has found out who he guy in your avatar is?

I'm actually strangely happy about it, since It really shows me that no matter the series I like and regardless of how obscure it is, there's always someone else around who's heard of it and enjoys it as well.

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Apart from PoR and RD, what other FE games would you like to play?

@NinjaMonkey- Quite a lot of things. Probably the 2 biggest ones are 1) Varied mission themes, 2) Return of the Magic triangle (And the introduction of Magic Reavers (THANK YOU MIDNIGHT SUN FOR THIS IDEA!))

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Favorite childhood memory?

Have you played any Final Fantasy games? If so, what are your favourite games and who are your favourite characters?

Never played an FF game.

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So... Are there any "berserk buttons" that you have in particular?

So are you a Christian? If so, which denomination are you a part of? (Catholic, Mennonite, Anglican) Seeing how you have a really strong sense of morals and restraint, I couldn't help but wonder that.

Roman Catholic. But I'm not exactly what you'd call a devout one. For starters I haven't been to Church or Confession lately, and the reason why is something I don't feel like I'm comfortable enough to mention in open discussion. Edited by Just call me AL
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What was the last game you beat?

Apart from PoR and RD, what other FE games would you like to play?

Hey, I've played Awakening and the first couple of levels of Shadow Dragon as well. Fire Emblem If.

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What is your worst memory?

(Also, are you allowed to answer multiple questions? I really like some of the questions asked above, and would love to answer them.)

@icercube- my favourite childhood memory.... I have a lot. I guess hanging out with my sibling and my family in general make up most of them. :D

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What first party XBox/Playstation exclusive series are you most interested in trying out? (Eg: LittleBigPlanet, Uncharted, Gears of War, etc.)

Death by being crushed by a giant piece of cheese, whilst riding a rocketbarrel. Fun times!

What is the thing that you want the most from the new FE game?

I can't believe I forgot about the cheese wheel deaths, especially since from what I know that's the only video game where cheese can kill you.

I suppose it'd be having lords and other major characters from past FEs be playable (FE13 spotpass/DLC style). I honestly haven't touched an FE game in 2-3 years.

Roman Catholic. But I'm not exactly what you'd call a devout one. For starters I haven't been to Church or Confession lately, and the reason why is something I don't feel like I'm comfortable enough to mention in open discussion.

Well, if you ever feel the need to talk about it, feel free to shoot me a PM.

(Also, are you allowed to answer multiple questions? I really like some of the questions asked above, and would love to answer them.)

Well, I suppose you could if you really want to, so long as the question you were directly asked also gets answered.

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So, what's it like living in Vika's House?

So... Are there any "berserk buttons" that you have in particular?

Not really...when I was younger, I had many but I'm a much calmer person now. I guess if someone were to threaten my family, then I'd go berserk, but that hasn't happened...hopefully never will.

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How would your real life friends describe you, personality wise?


Mainly just LittleBigPlanet. I mean, there are hardly many platformers out that are family friendly and not made by Nintendo (except for Sonic, which is a series that doesn't agree with me due to me falling to my death too much in those games from the crazy speed).

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Who's your favourite Fire Emblem character?

@Ninja- there's a story behind the Incest thing....

So: My Avatar married Chrom. Chrom also married Sumia/Sully/Mariabelle/Olivia. My sibling's avatar then married the resulting offspring... Lucina has married several of her brothers (e.g. Morgan (who is also her nephew) and Inigo) as well as her cousin (Owain)

Anyways- a third avatar married Lissa and a fourth married Owain. So, theoretically, Lissa is not only Avatar's husband, but she is also Avatar's mother-in-law.

Confused yet?

Edited by GoldenEmblem7
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How is the make-believe world inside your head?

@Ninja- there's a story behind the Incest thing....

So: My Avatar married Chrom. Chrom also married Sumia/Sully/Mariabelle/Olivia. My sibling's avatar then married the resulting offspring... Lucina has married several of her brothers (e.g. Morgan (who is also her nephew) and Inigo) as well as her cousin (Owain)

Anyways- a third avatar married Lissa and a fourth married Owain. So, theoretically, Lissa is not only Avatar's husband, but she is also Avatar's mother-in-law.

Confused yet?

Thing is, they are all different Avatars, so it doesn't really work.

So, what's it like living in Vika's House?

It gets really drafty in Winter, otherwise it's fine.

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Any berserk buttons in particular?

@NM: Star Fox 64 3D, though that game isn't hard to beat by any means. I also cleared an S-Rank run on FE7 for LP practice's sake. And TLoZs OoT and OoS. There's also Hyrule Warriors, but it was a friend's copy, so...

Edited by Just call me AL
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How would your real life friends describe you, personality wise?

Any berserk buttons in particular?

Attacking Nintendo and other family friendly companies/IPs comes to mind, especially when they also bring up and blindly praise M-Rated/not safe for kids series in the same conversation. That's the main one that comes to mind right now.

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What was the last videogame that you bought?

What do you think of the Tikis and Snowmads compared to the Kremlings?

It's nice that Retro Studios had DK fight against some new villains, but I think it's time for the Kremlings to return.

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Your favorite video game console?

How would your real life friends describe you, personality wise?

I don't have very many friends. I guess the ones who did bother to stick around call me "trustworthy" and "loyal"

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Any favorite fan works, be it videos, fanart, or fan music?

@Randoman: Oooh... Generally, it would be honest, easy to get along with, respectful, good head on my shoulders, outgoing but somewhat shy. Though some, like two half-brothers and their cousin that will not be named (not mine, BTW) might say that I stink at some games. And "hyper" was a descriptor that formally applied. (It was a bit of a tough question. So I answered as best as I could.)

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