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What fandom are you mostly involved in?

The Nintendo 64.

What is your favourite thing about FE12?

Word. So many favorite childhood memories from that console.

I loved the base conversations and sidequests.

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In what ways could Michiah be made not to 'suck' in your opinion?

@Al- Any favorite fan works, be it videos, fanart, or fan music?

Fanfic- There's a series of Fire Awakening/Tellius Crossovers by a really cool writer called Astral Miracle. Trust me, you'd enjoy it. :) Also, there's the Evolution trilogy by Cat Jenkins (a Criminal minds fanfic) which I love. And there is a lot of fanfics that I like, but it would take too long to list them all.

Fan videos- no experience of. Cannot comment.

Fanart- Again, there's a lot. It would take me a long time to list them all. ;)

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From what you've seen from the MLP fanbase, who do you think are the top 3 most liked ponies of the mane six?

...wait, that's not really about you (feel free to answer it anyways if you want). What creative works from the MLP fanbase do you particularly enjoy? (Eg: comics, plush figures, humanizations)

What was the last videogame that you bought?

From most to least recent, and from what would least likely count to most likely count as a proper answer

Downloadable Game Purchased Through Club Nintendo coins: HarmoKnight (which I literally bought yesterday, if you can call using Club Nintendo coins a purchase)

Downloadable Game Purchased Through Credit Card: The Mysterious Murasame Castle (3DS NES VC)

Physical Copy as a Birthday Gift: LittleBigPlanet

Physical Copy for Myself: Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Edited by Randoman
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Why use that avatar?

what are some dreams that you perfectly can remember?

Some of my most vivid ones are kept in the second link in my sig.

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What's the oldest console you can play yet still enjoy? (Eg: NES, Atari, SNES, etc.) You don't necessarily have to have access to it. I'm just wanting to know how bad of graphics or sound in a game you can handle tech-wise before the game stops being enjoyable for you.

Why use that avatar?

I used it partly to promote one of my favourite, really obscure characters, and partly because I wanted to see if anyone on SF would be able to recognize a character who's insanely obscure (and Gryz happened to be able to name both the character and where he's from).

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I'm not sure. The oldest I've played in person is a stand-up arcade. I love those.

Why do you like hyper-simplistic games and characters like Mario?

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Is Xellos your favourite Slayers character?

My Avi is of Lucina (FE:Awakening), Shulk (Xenoblade Chronicles) and Stocke (Radiant Historia) Chilling out and being BFFs (which I can easily see happening)

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What shows did you watch a lot as a kid?

@ Makaze's question:

Well, Mario games definitely have a lot more action and involvement in them compared to a lot of RPGs (and even the Mario RPGs have a lot of action and involvement in terms of timing attacks and action packed minigames). Mario also encompasses an insane amount of game genres and does them well. I can also safely play Mario regardless of what kind of people are around me (whether they're heavily religious, squeamish at gore or violence, or little kids who shouldn't be exposed to things that'll badly influence them) since they're always family friendly and appropriate for all ages.
As for liking Mario and the characters from the series, I guess all the games I've played and enjoyed that feature the Mario cast (which is a really good chunk of them) have really grown on me. Just by seeing the Mario cast in a game, I know that I'll very likely be in for an awesome and fun time with whatever game I'm going to play that features them. That's something I value that no other fictional character traits (such as coolness or prettiness) could ever replace as the trait that makes the #1 favourite fictional characters for me.
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Your opinion on strawberry banana smoothies?

What was your favorite cartoon as a kid?

Meh, I like it. But the characters are annoying and...


Honestly, I think there are better FEs out there. But I am grateful that the fanbase is increasing and Japan saw that the series really was a slam dunk here, so it's not going to die out anytime soon. I think the fad will die once FE: IF comes out then I can hate on that game too

I'm pretty sure the one I watched most was Pokemon, so I'm gonna go with that.

Lol, that pic is great, and I'd have to agree with you there. FE13 is far from my favorite one. ^^;

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Do you have any somewhat weird fears like dolls, puppets, clowns, or anything like that? If not, what's your biggest fear off the top of your head?

Your opinion on strawberry banana smoothies?

It would probably be in my top 10 list of favourite smoothies if I ever made one. They're definitely awesome tasting, though.

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It all depends on the quality of the life. If you live for eternity tormented by something or unhappy, you will probably kill yourself. On the other hand, if you enjoy your life, can it be anything else than a blessing?

Is Slayers an anime or a game?

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Psychological anime are the best anime. I like all kinds though. I like things from Bleach and YuYu Hakusho all the way to CLANNAD and Serial Experiments Lain.

Do you read manga?

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