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Do people need love to be happy?

I wouldn't have said so before falling in love, but now that I am in love it's hard to imagine life without it. It's given me purpose I didn't have before I had it.

Do you fear death? Why or why not?

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Everyone gets curious to hear honest opinions about how they act. People like to hear what others think about them. It's natural for my question to become a trend.

What do you think about it?

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What experiences led to your shifts between INTJ, and ENTP, if any?

A hostile work environment left me depressed. My E and P poles flipped until I felt more comfortable interacting with people.

What is your least favourite thing about yourself?

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What's the meaning of your username?

Do you have any somewhat weird fears like dolls, puppets, clowns, or anything like that? If not, what's your biggest fear off the top of your head?

It would probably be in my top 10 list of favourite smoothies if I ever made one. They're definitely awesome tasting, though.

Uhhh...Hot things are scary to touch!

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Favourite historical figure?

How has your experiences with love differed from your expectation?

I expected love to be a hollow infatuation that goes away with perspective. That was all I knew. That was a type of love called limerence. Falling in love revealed it's a deeper feeling. Polarizing. Makes me the best I can be.

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What's your favorite color?

Edit: I think I asked that already a long time ago, so if I'm right, least favorite FE?

The egyptian demon god of wine, slaughter, and execution, Shezmou. For some reason I found his name hilarious when I was younger, and started using Shezmou, or just Shezzy as my UN in video games. I use the name now just because of how it really feels like my name, since I thought of it, and I seriously doubt there's any other Shezzy's out there haha. That's about it really.

What's the meaning of your UN?

Ohhh, that's really cool! I don't know much about Egyptian gods and their lore.

I literally just smushed a bunch of letters together 5 years ago and I loved the result.

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favorite kind of cheese?

What is your worst memory?

too many to name


i'll go with

my father getting really aggravated at me threatening to kick me out b/c he didn't believe i had no classes on that day

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Lol, worded the question in an awkward way.

Favorite fast food dish is moe burgers and fries, feels great eating them, feel awful afterwards.

Let me try again.

How accurately does your sig represent you on a scale of 1 to 10?

Terribly, so I'll say a 1. Not sure how it came out to be that.

What does it mean for people to live freely?

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What does it mean for people to live freely?

Depends on the context. To live freely in the context of society is paramount. To paraphrase Jefferson: Freedom is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal freedom of others.

What do you think it means?

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how do you feel about the "problem of induction"?

It bothered me at first, but now not so much. So induction must rely on axioms or other assumptions; so be it. Its soundness is something different. The problem helps me come to terms with true agnosticism of everything. Everything that we know is merely a more intuitive if-then scenario. There is some peace in accepting that as a part of the nature of logic. Pragmatically, I agree with Skinner. “The ultimate criterion for the goodness of a concept is not whether two people are brought into agreement but whether the scientist who uses the concept can operate successfully upon his material—all by himself if need be.”

What brought that question on?

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Depends on the context. To live freely in the context of society is paramount. To paraphrase Jefferson: Freedom is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal freedom of others.

What do you think it means?

More or less the same, as I had Jefferson on mind as well. Freedom on the social context would be living in such as way as not failing to respect others (autonomy, ideas, etc) but after which all other individual choices are permitted.

What is the one thing that ruins anime for you?

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