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Do you have any personal promises (e.g. Being honest to yourself.)???

@Shazzy- if I were to life an admirable life, I would be honest to myself, kind to all people and generally a polite and generous person. I also like the code of Bushido. :)

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Do you read any books? And if so, which ones are your favorite?

From what you've seen from the MLP fanbase, who do you think are the top 3 most liked ponies of the mane six?

Based on artwork quantity on Derpibooru alone, I'd say Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie. In that order.

...wait, that's not really about you (feel free to answer it anyways if you want). What creative works from the MLP fanbase do you particularly enjoy? (Eg: comics, plush figures, humanizations)

Turnabout Storm is something I'd definitely recommend to anyone who's either a Brony, Ace Attorney fan, both, or neither. (Here's a fanfic version for anyone who seems to find the voices grating to an extent. I will mention that this version, while not complete, does seem to embellish and expand upon the MLPFiM/PWAA crossover.)

And there's also Past Sins by Pen Stroke. Definitely my favorite take on the whole "what if Nightmare Moon was reincarnated in a botched attempt to give her her own body" scenario. (And so far, the only thing that I've seen involving said scenario.)

Here's the song "Who I am", based on the Pen Stroke fanfic mentioned above. (Here's The L-Train's version, for those who like metal.)

And here's this Nightmare Rarity tribute album by GatoPaint. Which has songs like "Call of the Night" (otherwise known as "Glamour Queen"), "Crimson Rain - Shattered Memories", and my personal favorite of all of the songs available, "Endless Mist of Nightmares". (The last of which does have a version with a 2 & 1/2 minute long intro attached. "Endless Mist of Nightmares" is also a song that I want to use as the basis of a character-centric Gurren Lagann AMV.)

As for artwork, I'm a little partial to humanizations that involve the Mane 6 as Sailor Scouts such as this one. And nearly any plushie made by the fandom (like this one) is always a good plushie in my books. And there's this picture with all of the Mane 6 corrupted by the Nightmare Forces. And this image that practically predicted the ending of Season 2. I might add some more favorites later, if I can find the time and internet access to be able to do so.

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Apart from FE and MLP, what other things do you like?

@Al- I read books. I loved One flew over the Cuckoo's nest. Harry Potter also. And the Hunger Games. Darren Shan's books are good also. CHERUB was a fun read... In short, there is a lot of books.

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What's your opinion of My Little Pony? And if you know the series well enough, who's your favourite of the mane six?

@ Makaze: I think intelligence and dumbness are more of a nurture than a nature based thing. I mean, a lot of people I know of in school who did badly was because they procrastinated or didn't put in the effort they should've. I mean, there's very few cases where a person really tries hard to do well and learn something, but they don't get it yet keep trying and striving to learn it.

Based on artwork quantity on Derpibooru alone, I'd say Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie. In that order.

Turnabout Storm is something I'd definitely recommend to anyone who's either a Brony, Ace Attorney fan, both, or neither. (Here's a fanfic version for anyone who seems to find the voices grating to an extent. I will mention that this version, while not complete, does seem to embellish and expand upon the MLPFiM/PWAA crossover.)

And there's also Past Sins by Pen Stroke. Definitely my favorite take on the whole "what if Nightmare Moon was reincarnated in a botched attempt to give her her own body" scenario. (And so far, the only thing that I've seen involving said scenario.)

Here's the song "Who I am", based on the Pen Stroke fanfic mentioned above. (Here's The L-Train's version, for those who like metal.)

And here's this Nightmare Rarity tribute album by GatoPaint. Which has songs like "Call of the Night" (otherwise known as "Glamour Queen"), "Crimson Rain - Shattered Memories", and my personal favorite of all of the songs available, "Endless Mist of Nightmares". (The last of which does have a version with a 2 & 1/2 minute long intro attached. "Endless Mist of Nightmares" is also a song that I want to use as the basis of a character-centric Gurren Lagann AMV.)

As for artwork, I'm a little partial to humanizations that involve the Mane 6 as Sailor Scouts such as this one. And nearly any plushie made by the fandom (like this one) is always a good plushie in my books. And there's this picture with all of the Mane 6 corrupted by the Nightmare Forces. And this image that practically predicted the ending of Season 2. I might add some more favorites later, if I can find the time and internet access to be able to do so.

Derpibooru? ...I really hope that it's a safe for work site, since just it ending in -booru makes me kind of paranoid.

As for all the stuff you listed, I'm going to have to check those links later on.

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Of the seven capital sins, which one are you personally the most prone to?

If you were given the choice, would you rather feel pain and pleasure, or nothing at all?

Pain and pleasure, definitely. Essentially turning yourself (or anyone else for that matter) into an emotionless, distant robot just feels morally wrong for some reason I can't put in words.

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favorite fruit juice?

Least favourite map theme from FE4?

i don't really know

i love all the map themes in fe4

but if there was one i liked the lest

probably for chapter 2

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What was the most Shocking moment of your life?

Do you have any personal promises (e.g. Being honest to yourself.)???

Yes. Again with the yes/no's.

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it's not entirely shocking, but it's sticked with me for years

my mother not letting me know i was going to Puerto Rico to attend a family members funeral until the day before our flight left

really annoyed me to no end


what is one moment from your life that stuck with you?

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Why so pessimistic, anyways?

Apart from FE and MLP, what other things do you like?

Check my profile. It should tell you what I like and then some.

Derpibooru? ...I really hope that it's a safe for work site, since just it ending in -booru makes me kind of paranoid.

I honestly can't blame you. Seeing as there's generally NSFW stuff on those sites. Derpibooru is no exception, but the NSFW doesn't pop up over there unless you're actively looking for it. So if you're not a member on that site, it won't show any explicit or even questionable material unless you modify your filters. (I even tested it out, and checked the filters on Derpibooru before I commented. The default filter doesn't show any NSFW stuff.)

As for all the stuff you listed, I'm going to have to check those links later on.

Alright. Edited by Just call me AL
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Do you prefer to fight or flight?

what is one moment from your life that stuck with you?

The time a friend showed me a Gothic Music forum and told me the username MaliceInWonderland.

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Fight. I love the adrenaline and would rather go down swinging than wonder what would have happened if I had fought.

Could you kill anyone?

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I have no idea. I think my family would write it and it would say only good things about me. Brilliant... Driven... Genuine... That kind of thing.

What about you?

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In your opinion, what is the worst thing about having a Birthday on the 31st December?

@Randoman. I have never seen the programme, so I cannot comment on MLP.

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Have you been avoiding asking me questions now?

How important is friendship to you?

Very important. I don't let on, but once I have someone's trust it matters a lot to me that I keep it.

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If you could change one facet of the modern would, what would it be and why?

How much do you value your own existance?

As much as I value everything in it. But I won't be able to be disappointed if I lose it, so I don't see a reason to fear losing it.

I feel bad for skipping out on your question since you gave such a good answer. Here's mine.

2. I once had a dream that a volcano erupted in my home town when I was 6. I tried to save my brother, but he got melted and died. I couldn't accept that something that bad could actually happen and told myself, "It's just a dream. I'm having a nightmare. I can stop it." I closed my eyes and concentrated, then threw a fireball out of my hand. I was powerful! I got onto my trampoline and began throwing fireballs at the lava line while laughing maniacally. It receded. I didn't have a nightmare for years after that.

I have a feeling of being invincible in my dreams and otherwise to this day.

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Dang, I wasn't expecting ninjas. Um...

How do you feel about politics?

In the face of crisis (internal or external), how do you react?

Generally by either getting mad, becoming nervous, giving into despair, or just plainly accepting it. Edited by Just call me AL
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Yes. Remember to ask precise questions.

Edited question: Politics are wrong. I am an anarcho-socialist.

How do you feel about that?

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What fictional character do you most empathize with?

Invincibility in dreams? I feel as though I am even more vulnerable in my dreams. Sometimes I let my fears take over me too easily.

Does self-preservation before the good of others? If so, why, or why not? see its not a yes/no question anymore haha checkmate

I find that anything I think to do in my dreams comes to me. Any ability I think I have, I have, just like that.

No. Not for everyone. Doing things I regret and can't fix is worse than dying. I won't put myself in jeopardy for just anyone, though.

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What about you?

What makes a good villain in fiction?

The same thing that makes a good hero. A well written and portrayed character that demands empathy and respect, painting the world in shades of gray instead of black and white.

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Yes. Chaos is nature's paintbrush. Humans will only paint within the lines they see. Nature will paint within the lines of its actual limits. Chaos will lead to better evolution. Chaos is necessary for progress in society, too. "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man."

It's a good skill to teach yourself.

Do you believe that order is necessary all of the time? Why or why not?

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What do you think would happen if I gained a position of power (small and/or large scale)?

Do you think I am anywhere near qualified to analyze social situations, why or why not?

I think you are able to give a valuable perspective. I have not seen you try to predict testable outcomes yet so I'm not sure if you truly understand it.

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What subject are you most curious about?

Does this reflect anything that would happen if you gained power, why or why not? Sorry, I need to know now haha.

It is what I would want to happen. It would happen on small scales where everyone knows who I am, but it could crumble at any time. How society reacts to my decisions is just as important as the decisions I make. You didn't think about that in your answer. On larger scales it becomes impossible to keep people from taking advantage of the weak willed to create a hierarchy again. I could only do so much without a majority of people feeling the same way as me. Centralized control contradicts the principles.

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