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Deontology is worthless. Having rules for rules' sake is pointless. It only exists because the weak and unintelligent want a static system wehere they don't have to do anything but obey to feel decent. It is a philosophy for the subservient.Why do you ask questions like "Have you ever experienced {x}?"? They are yes/no questions and the ones you ask about are very common. What are you learning by asking?Which traditionally loved fictional characters do you detest with a passion, and why?

(I am trying to improve my question asking- I'm just not good at it yet. I'm sorry!!)

Would you rather live in a world where we cannot know anything or one in which we know everything, and why?

@Makaze- I dislike Annabeth Chase from the Percy Jackson series a fair bit. It's for a slightly weird reason, actually. In another book series (The Gone Series by Michael Grant) there is a character called Astrid. Annabeth reminds me of Astrid so much...

And that's the problem.

In book 4 of the series, Astrid commits a morally inexcusable act. Like, really bad. I'm not going to spoil what happens, but yeah, I felt sick reading it. As Annabeth reminds me of Astrid, I cannot get the thought out of my head that Annabeth would also commit that act. As a result, I dislike both characters.

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I was actually ninja'd and meant to give that one to AL.

What makes you like a protagonist?

Favorite video game character and why?

Knoll. He's just so cool and mature.

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Lyon is almost a good as Knoll, but less mature and less likable as a result. He's a good character and the best villain in the Fire Emblem series that I've seen.

How do you feel about sex?

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Would you value your lover over your own well being, why or why not?

Yes. My lover is my well being. Physical self-preservation isn't as important as peace of mind.

What is your highest priority right now?

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What about yourself?

How would the average student from your high school have described you at the time, and how does this differ from yourself today? (assume someone who didn't know you very well, but enough to get an impression.)

Arrogant, a know-it-all, a rebel, a heretic, devil-spawn. Now they might see me as just a rebel, heretic and devil-spawn.

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"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man."

I enjoy personas. They are necessary. But one can go too far to please others... We become the masks we wear.

Answer with the first thing that comes to mind.

You are walking in a forest... What is the forest like?

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It's a part of a metaphor series. I'll tell you what they mean at the end.

Now we ask you to walk through the forest.

You see a cup. What does it look like?

What do you do with it?

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Serenes Forest is more resilient than most sites I have seen. It has come into its own, and so have I. My experience here has given me many laughs and good times.

You continue on your walk through the forest. You see a body of water.

What does it look like?

You need to cross the water. How do you do it?

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It's not my lake, so I don't cross it. Build a raft of some kind.

You come across a key.

What does it look like?

Where does it go?

What do you do with it?

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She was insane in an endearing way. Her fans, not so much.

You see a bear. What kind of bear is it?

What is your bear doing?

How will you get past it?

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HHH is a silly place. Only go there to see my friends.

The forest represents life.

The cup represents love.

The water represents commitment.

The key represents knowledge.

The wall represents obstacle and hardship.

The bear represents conflict.

The cave represents death.

What do you think of this questionnaire?

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You are young and impressionable, but intelligence and curiosity will help you grow into a strong person. You lack conviction, but that is not always a bad thing. For the time being you are enjoying yourself without many cares in the world. The wisdom to explore the shed or not will come with time.

What is the most interesting paradox to you?

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It does not apply to those because they do not resemble each other in extremes. In extreme capitalism, all quality of life resides with a few who stand at the top while the majority live and die in poverty. In extreme communism, everyone has an equal middling quality of life; all live or die together. That's what I think.

What fallacy are you most prone to?

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Can you analyse me with the forest-cup-goblet test thing?

I tend to like well developed protagonists, who may commit bad acts on occasion (though murdering your 4 year old autistic brother doesn't count, Astrid (spoilers, spoilers)) but ultimately do the right thing. Smart, funny and likeable are personality traits which I often tend to like in protagonists (Leo Valdez, Finnick Odair and so many other characters fit into one of these three categories.)

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What about you? Would you exclude him or not? And why?

@Shezzy- I would allow him to participate. It wouldn't be fair to exclude him if he wanted to play the game that I was offering (such as Basketball, or the game with sticks football.) Not only that, there are some games (such as playing Limbo) where being short is preferred, so he wouldn't be at an advantage in that game. Finally, even his height wouldn't provide him an advantage if he was terrible at the game that I was offering.

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What personality traits do you dislike the most in others? (Eg: brusqueness, tactlessness, selfishness,etc.)

@ Shezzy: I can't think of a single situation where extremism can be good, so yeah, I think it's really bad. Besides, the only thing others will see in extremists at the end of the day is their harshness, and not the message they stand up for.

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What personality traits do you like the best?

Personally, I dislike intolerance towards other people (So racists, sexists, homophobic and xenophobic people irritate me greatly.) I don't also like people who...I'm trying to think of a polite way of saying it.... Are ignorant (I.e. They disregard the evidence and believe their obviously incorrect beliefs)) I also don't like people who are authoritarian or dictatorial, and don't allow other people to have a say (I know someone who fits those characteristics, and being in the same room as that person angers me.)

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What do you think of the Matthew effect? How does it manifest in the world around you?

Can you analyse me with the forest-cup-goblet test thing?

I am not the one who does the analysis. You answer the questions and introspect about what they say about yourself. I'm just here to ask them. Go back through and answer them for yourself without thinking about what they mean, then read the legend and think about what those say about you.

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Pure, crystallized boredom

also because i just entered this thread and its hard to think of a question to ask of someone you don't really know except her/his appeareance in other threads you have participated in etc.

Was someone flattered because of you?

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