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I dislike Tellius quite a lot. The colors, music and characters don't agree with me in any way. There isn't a single thing about them I like other than the gameplay.

Why did you get into FE?

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If IS made the perfect FE game, what would it include?

@Makaze- I was a Nintendo 3DS ambassador, which meant that I got the 10 free GBA games for my 3DS. One off these games was Sacred Stones.... And I got addicted. Found out about Awakening, and from that moment was an FE fan.

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Everything in Sacred Stones but with better balancing and more difficulty. That, and make supports limitless. In fact, just make Sacred Stones more difficult and add infinite supports and I'm in.

What is your favourite non-FE game?

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Least favourite Book genre?

@Mazake- Radiant Historia (A game that I would easily my recommend for Shezzy) for games that I have played. Xenoblade Chronicles for games thatI haven't played (though I watched the LP made by Chuggaaconroy)

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You see a key

Describe the key

Where does it go?

I see it

looks like a cock that wants pussy even though it knows that it might be killed by it like a key, made out of some metal, it has some strange patterns on it(which i don't really care about) and it glows slightly goldenish, it might be imagination though(well guess what, it is :P)

to the keyboard of course, some angry german kid has smashed it out of it, its my job to stick it in again To a door or a chest or anything that is closed and can only be opened with it

i keep it

Most frustrating game?

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I think it is dumb, mostly because these are started because people think what they say or do is right and they overreact by not respecting the opposite opinion and starting war, its like two people fighting about one thing and then beating each other up which i equal to war

it is neccessary though, war makes LOTS of money and people need to make their rage go out of them

also it gives them reason to exist

I would say there would be less war without religion but people will argue with this ObamaxPutin fanfic so i generalize it to "different opinions"

war would not exist as long as everyone has the same opinion and/or no emotions

but without different opinions and emotions no new things would be discovered/invented

so humanity would not improve


but that is just my witty opinion and i know i should die because of them

do you like Joshua?

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People think Suicide is unfunny/bad/ass/negative/whatever because living is worshipped(fuck this word) valued much and death is a bad thing, also they fear it(but i think you know what im saying, so you can basically skip this "theory why others dislike suicide")

People do suicide because they see no point in living or they think that they cannot live under these circumstances anymore but have you ever heard of anyone suicide because he/she wants to know what death is like?

Living/surviving is above everything else and evolution "programmed" "us" that way,( second important is reproduction)

so i can understand if people dislike someone suiciding or making jokes about it

I though have absolute no problem, i think it is ok when people suicide, it might be sad for familiars or not but i think that is their life and people should "live" like they want to IF they want to

You know the human rights that everyone is allowed to live

do you think they should include a new human right being allowed to die?

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"have you ever heard of anyone suicide because he/she wants to know what death is like?" Yes. I used to think this way.

You didn't answer my question. I guess you think it's neutral?

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True death is ceasing to exist. I am not sure if it is possible, but that is the kind of death I want to have. I do not want to be an eternal soul. The dead are out of the way.

What do you think of the afterlife?

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Since i cannot remember having died once before (actually...) i cannot really comment on that existing

but it would suck if you have to return to this world again and again and again if you are forced to live on the same world

especially if you are living and especially if you can't enjoy it

But if you are "reborn/reincarnated" in an other world, that does not have the laws/rules "our" current world has, it means a different experience that i don't know, i cannot even speculate it being the same as living since i only know the rules of our world and these i don't know everything about, maybe not even close to everything

maybe afterlife is even only you living in your own world and you being the god, the 3rd person, watching the world you create if you create

you and me might be two guys in one's afterlife world

or maybe it doesn't exist, but i have never experienced how nothing is since everytime i lie in the darkness, seeing nothing, i imagine sonething and even if i don't, i still see darkness so i don't know what it is like to not experience anything

I personally think if im going to choose how to afterlife, i'd want to be god

Or happy, maybe loving if its not bad

what do you think about Life, the living process?

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Hell. That's where I'd be going.If you had to eat one meal forever, what meal would you pick?

(delicate,fast killing, painless, lethal) Poison


if you mean actual food(if poison isn't) it would be chocolate or sth. like that even though i would die anyway

if i choose to live it would be a delicate, taste changing mineral-vitamin-carbohydrate-protein-fat-water food

What would you eat for the rest of your life?

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Milk or MULTIVITAMIN-juice

now that i think about it, i used to drink the same Peach-ice tea for ONE YEAR and i did not complain about the taste, rather i enjoyed it and i want to drink it again...

do you really think you can choose how to live your life?

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