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I think the 1st circle is amazing as in how could you be punished in heaven (though i'd think of something oh boy)

as for the bolgias...

i really don't know, i could say 9th bolgia since i am not sure and i am neither a politican nor a thief nor any of what there is standing, but that seems a little bit reused

is shezzy ignoring me?

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No, i don't think they "really" exist since i have never experienced them, they could exist if they were unaffected by physics/laws, also even if they would exist, i'd have no reason to believe in them since i don't need to

but the nearest deiety i would believe in would be one that completely destroys everything, no matter if to recreate or to leave it destroyed, that is not his/her though, just destroying

What action is most joyful to you/ what do you get most joy of?

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the one im working on FF4 or FF6, have not played every FF game above yet, i own FF 1-10 but my playstation broke before i could start 7(#sadfeac) also i have not played every game yet so my vision is not very broad

would you enjoy being the ruler of everything?

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Why do you come to SF?

Back to hell, wrongsies and rightsies, etc

Which punishment in purgatory do you find the worst?

The gluttonous (Sixth terrace).

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What don't you look forward to?

@Flare- Probably Etrian Odyssey IV. I love the game, but it's so hard (even on casual mode, which is the easy mode...)

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Because of something thats most clode to addiction

i don't even want to go to SF :P

but every time i leave, there is something that keeps me there,

e.g i post a fact about the person above me and i leave, i want to know what fact was posted about me next

or in a thread like HHH(which i don't like at all btw.) in which you cannot just leave a discussion, if you started one

or this thread, when i post a question, i really want to know what someone else answered and i imagine that it is the same reversed, that someone wants a question answered about me

why did you change your name to fantasia?

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I heard of Flare for the first time when i played FF1 and bought the Flare spell, the name already sounded awesome but when i casted it, i fell in love with it, so i started calling myself Flare, i have done some research on what flare is which is actually burnig or blazing but stronger

Of course i have also found the ultimate sword Ragnarök/Ragnarok and have done some research of that too when i found out it is norse apocalypse

So i put the most awesome sounding things together and Flare Ragnarok was born

Since adressing someone as Flareragnarok or Flare Ragnarok is too long they called me flare

so in order to make it easier for gyz i am just Flare now

How did you come up with your name?

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What subject interests you the most (not school, any subject)?

How did you come up with your name?

From Ma (魔) meaning "evil/devil" and Kaze (風) meaning "wind/storm". It means "ill-favoured wind/storm sent by the devil". It was my first portmanteau in any language and turned out to be a real word. It's the opposite of Kamikaze (divine wind/storm sent by god).

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Which aspects of Japanese Culture do you find interesting?

@Flare- I decided that I wanted a Fatasy theme, and the name Fantasia seemed a perfect fit. Also- it suited the 18 year old!me better than the 15 year old!me

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