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What are some of your favourite NES/8-Bit Tunes?

How would you change your life if you knew when you would die, if you'd change it at all?

I'd try to do a much better job at living a moral life (I already try hard to do so, but I'd push myself moreso to do that a rather exhausting extreme) and I'd be sure to spend more time with family and friends closer to the last couple of months of my death.

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@Makaze: "why do you like SAO?" When I first heard about the premise of SAO, I thought it was pretty interesting. I was just beginning to watch anime so there wasn't a lot on my list and new shows with different stories were appealing. This happened last year when I heard SAO would have a sequel and apparently the first was good and a friend of mine told me as much so I thought why not check it out. I felt SAO was better than a lot of what I had watched up to that point. Right now my favorite arc of the series is Mother's Rosary; I could have done without the Elfhem, GGO, and Excalibur arcs though.

@Evastio: Why do you like Marth so much?

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What are some of your favourite NES/8-Bit Tunes?

I'd try to do a much better job at living a moral life (I already try hard to do so, but I'd push myself moreso to do that a rather exhausting extreme) and I'd be sure to spend more time with family and friends closer to the last couple of months of my death.

idk most of the classic megaman and pokemon gen2 i guess

I also hear sum 8-bit touhou demakes so yeah

Your opinion of weed?

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What is your biggest motivator?

Wehn have yu msost fear in liefe?

When my lover was in danger.

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Everything. I want to try everything. #1 is living with my lover.

You do not want into politics. Trust me on that.

How do you think you will achieve that?

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What kind of practice could help you get there?

How do you think heaven looks like?

Politicians are the lowest of the low. They deserve less respect than insects.

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Becauseyou have not experienced and the only things humans have not experienced are godly things like angels death heaven and life

also because i like things like that and it is fun talking about that

Did you like my aprils fools joke?

oh man ninja

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Do you think that politics can change?

@Flare- I'm a spiritual atheist who believes in reincarnation, not resurrection. I don't think that there is a heaven at all.

@Makaze- I want to change politics. I don't believe that politics should say the same. There needs to be a revolution, a revolution that benefits all, and not the rich. Healthcare and education should be public, and not private, services. We need to invest, not cut. We need to balance the books. But we need to do it in a fair way. And we don't need nuclear weapons. We need to tackle climate change. And I want to be the politician that offers that.

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As it stands today? Unnecessary and barbaric. It should be reserved for only the most dangerous people who are a threat as long as they live. Like serial killers. And even then, only when the danger is real and present. It should only be used to protect society, never as a punishment.

What about you?

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Pro-life, or Pro-choice?

@Shezzy- Capital Punishment is wrong and it doesn't work. In the U.S., it costs 6 times as much to execute someone as it does to keep criminals in jail for life. Countries that have the death penalty do not have lower crime rates. It's the opposite. I have seen statistics that show that countries and American States that don't have the death penalty have lower crime rates than those that do. As well as that- what about the innocent people who are wrongly executed?

Instead of a system that punishes, we need a system that reforms those who commit crime.

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