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What helps you stay positive in this world?

What century in A.D is the most interesting for you to read about? Explain.

I couldn't say. I'm terrible with dates. 20th century, probably.

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It's impossible to say. The holocaust wouldn't have happened. The US wouldn't exist. The very shape of the land would be different.

When do you think it is okay to lie?

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How deep of a thinker do you believe yourself to be?

Do you believe everyone is worthy of love?

That's actually rather broad, in my opinion, given that love comes in many forms. I feel as though everyone should have and feel loved by the people around them, lest their wallowing loneliness engulfs them from the inside out, and destroys them. That, alone, could stop a good number of the world's civil problems, anyway. In an ideal world, it'd be better that people had love fall into them, and in turn, be an instrument of love that just spreads love all around, as opposed to merely falling in love, whose boon depends on someone else, and once they're gone, the shadows of hate begin to take root and manifest. Its to my belief that the world would be a much happier place if love was just spread, instead of being objectified.

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What's the virtue you value most?


Favourite historical figure?

That's a hard question, but I'll go with Abraham Lincoln for now because there couldn't have been a more perfect time for his assassination from a historical glory standpoint.

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What fictional character do you relate to the most?

What about you?

A couple of nights ago. Someone asked what was I my mind. I said "Nothing".

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Favorite vegetable?

In a real life situation, are you more likely to lie and compliment someone, or tell the truth at risk of hurting their feelings? Explain.

I'm a natural sugarcoater, so I'm more likely to lie and compliment to avoid hurting their feelings in general, but if I'm mad at them for what I consider to be good reason, then I'll be more likely to be blunt with them.

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Where, or what is Naraku?

What's the virtue you value most?

Pre sure I asked you this very question at some point. Derp

Honesty, really. From my own experience, I'd much rather be hurt by the truth, then be comforted by lies. Cause once you find out, it eats you inside.

Either that, or Benevolence.

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What causes you to have such a negative outlook on yourself?

Which capital sin can destroy you the most?

Pride and Sloth. Pride in my own reluctance to go to others for help, regardless of how badly I need it. Sloth in that I could actually be doing a bit better in school, were it not for that, sometimes

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Recycling an old post from another forum for this one.

Someone that I get compared to constantly due to our similar personalities online and my using him as an avatar is:

Orihara Izaya of Durarara!!

Izaya is a young man who loves to manipulate others and see how they react to the situations he puts them in. His primary trait is loving humans and watching the way they interact. He expresses this love by putting them in horrible situations and playing with their feelings and relationships with others. He is an information broker who gives out only enough of the truth to make friends fight each other and then watches the fight with glee.

He fears death or nonexistence more than hell and is willing to wage a war in order to be taken to heaven by a warrior goddess. He succumbs to the illusion that he is a god when everything goes his way, having a god complex that is a little more than deserved. He is a sociopath who nearly always gets his way and he knows it.

I am like Izaya in my love for human interaction and lack of empathy for the people I play with, but my lack of empathy is not as complete as his. I value friendship easily as much as I enjoy the game and I dislike it when people assume that I am unfeeling or that I do not care about them even a little bit. I also do not fear death, though I prefer hell to it like he does; any existence is better than no existence. Most of the comparisons between me and him happen when I am making use of others as playing pieces, something I do most often when I am under duress.

Claire Stanfield of Baccano!

[spoiler=DO NOT READ THIS UNLESS YOU HAVE ALREADY SEEN BACCANO! OR HAVE NO PROBLEMS WITH HAVING THINGS SPOILED FOR YOU BEFORE THEY COME TO LIGHT.]Claire is a cheerful young man with an unconventional but nonetheless rigorous concept of justice and a penchant for the dramatic. He also happens to be an assassin whose trademark is completely tearing apart his victims until they are little more than a bloody mess. His cheerfulness and optimism as well as his lack of empathy come with his belief in solipsism; he believes that he is dreaming, and that he cannot die, or that if he does die that he will simply move onto another dream. The reasoning he gives for this is that he is not very imaginative and cannot think of a world in which he does not exist. He is whimsical, extremely proficient and agile in both personality and manner and has no qualms about killing people to satisfy his sense of justice. He believes that morality is a privilege only granted to the strong and that he is strong. He is the kind of person who feels that only he has the right to decide who lives and who dies because he is the strongest person alive. In short he feels that he has more right to judge things than everyone else and he likes to have his hand in things personally rather than sit by and watch things unfold.

If you know anything about me, you can probably already see how Claire and I are alike from this alone. I share almost all of Claire's traits and I would definitely say that Claire is very much how I am when I am dreaming. We are both solipsists who believe that we cannot die, we both have extremely rigorous senses of justice and we both feel a need to have a hand in everything that happens around us. The only thing that separates us is that I am more of an intellectual about the things that we have in common, and that he is too perfect to be real.

Lelouch vi Britannia of Code Geass

Lelouch is a young man and a brilliant strategist with a sense of justice and determination that leave everyone around him standing in awe. He is incredibly good at strategy, what you might call a chess master, and he would do anything to attain the world that he wants. He views the people around him as pieces in order to attain his goals. Unlike Izaya, Lelouch has feeling, and while he might play the villain, he truly cares for most of his pieces and the reason why he wants to create the world he does is so that those he loves can live in a place worth living in. Lelouch is ruthless, vengeful, determined and intelligent, but in the end he cares for people and he does regret his losses, however much he must repress his feelings in the pursuit of his goals.

Because Lelouch will stop at nothing to attain the utopia he wants, his status as a fake Complete Monster and his reasons for stopping at nothing to get his utopia, Lelouch is more like me than all of the previous characters combined, though he is still only a facet of me. I have the potential to become just like him, but I am not fully like him as I am right now. If I released the inhibitions on my feelings or were given the powers that Lelouch has, you could expect me to do what he did almost to a T.

Huey Laforet of Baccano!

Huey is a scientist and an observer who chose immortality because he felt that watching the world unfold from the sidelines would be interesting. He is an intellectual sort who views other people as numbers but somehow fell in love with a woman whom he loved dearly. After his lover is taken away from him, he loses almost all of his feelings to science and even treats his own children as experiments, unto having children just to have new subjects to test on.

He is deified by those who seek his intelligence and immortality, but he cares not for them. He is very picky and a perfectionist about everything, including who he mates with for their genetic advantages (after his lover dies).

Huey is probably more like me than both Claire and Izaya because while I like to have a hand in things, I am far more reserved than Claire and far more of a rational scientist than a whimsical assassin. I have the potential to go Huey's route if I lose the things I love just as much as I have the potential to go Lelouch's if I gain the power to create the world I seek.

I consider Izaya to be Huey and Claire's lovechild, so to speak, concerning personality.

Kvothe from The Kingkiller Chronicle

[spoiler=Synopsis]My name is Kvothe, pronounced nearly the same as "quothe." Names are important as they tell you a great deal about a person. I've had more names than anyone has a right to.

The Adem call me Maedre. Which, depending on how it's spoken, can mean The Flame, The Thunder, or The Broken Tree.

"The Flame" is obvious if you've ever seen me. I have red hair, bright. If I had been born a couple of hundred years ago I would probably have been burned as a demon. I keep it short but it's unruly. When left to its own devices, it sticks up and makes me look as if I have been set afire.

"The Thunder" I attribute to a strong baritone and a great deal of stage training at an early age.

I've never thought of "The Broken Tree" as very significant. Although in retrospect, I suppose it could be considered at least partially prophetic.

My first mentor called me E'lir because I was clever and I knew it. My first real lover called me Dulator because she liked the sound of it. I have been called Shadicar, Lightfinger, and Six-String. I have been called Kvothe the Bloodless, Kvothe the Arcane, and Kvothe Kingkiller. I have earned those names. Bought and paid for them.

But I was brought up as Kvothe. My father once told me it meant "to know."

I have, of course, been called many other things. Most of them uncouth, although very few were unearned.

I have stolen princesses back from sleeping barrow kings. I burned down the town of Trebon. I have spent the night with Felurian and left with both my sanity and my life. I was expelled from the University at a younger age than most people are allowed in. I tread paths by moonlight that others fear to speak of during day. I have talked to Gods, loved women, and written songs that make the minstrels weep.

You may have heard of me.

[spoiler=Book spoilers]Kvothe is another young man who is extremely clever and easily picks up anything that he sets his mind to, and his favorite skill is most definitely his acting. Kvothe is a young prodigy from less than humble beginnings who excels at everything he does and picks up even the most complex things very quickly. He is extremely proud and never backs down from a challenge, always managing to get the last word and reply with a witty remark. Kvothe was born as a trouper, into a culture of traveling entertainers who are very free spirited and solid. Troupers believe that all men are family, if only they would realize it. They are treated as worse than bandits, as the scum of the earth, and nothing sends him into a rage as much as slandering his heritage. He also has a very strong sensibility against rapists such that he will do worse than kill one if he finds one.

The only thing he is not confident about is love, and he is so cautious in romance that you would think we was thinking about how to stroke a flame.

Kvothe and I have more in common the more I know about him. We are both abnormally clever, we both belong to and take great pride in being a part of noble groups that are as hated as Satanists, we both have very strong convictions regarding rape, and we are both so cautious that it is hard to get close to anyone.

Tom Ripley from The Talented Mr. Ripley

Tom Ripley is someone that I will not spoil by explaining his character here. Watch the movie if you want to know, and do not look up anything on him beforehand, or I will never forgive you.

Tom is a character that reminds me of my childhood self and he represents my deepest emotional being more than any character I have witnessed. Throughout every turn of this movie, I felt all of his feelings fully and completely, as if I was doing the things he was doing, for the same reasons he was doing them, and then reacting the same way to them. I cry every time I watch this movie, while none of the above characters have made me cry. And that is something.

Please note that I mean the film version of Ripley and not the book version; for the sake of clarity.

Favourite mythical creature? Why?

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Would have been the same years ago, but now it's the vampyr. The sheer depth of the lore is astounding. One of the coolest things to study. People truly believed in them like they did witches. If I could make any mythical creature real, on the other hand, I would pick dragons in a heartbeat.

* The old post from above is from a younger, more egotistical me. You can take the words with a grain of salt even if the characters are the same ones I would answer today.

What myth scares you the most?

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Which virtue do you care about least?

Onions. Especially sauteed.

What are your most common negative thoughts?

Uhm, things like "I'm useless", "I'm an idiot", "I hate everything", "I don't deserve to exist"...in a nutshell.

Pre sure I asked you this very question at some point. Derp

Honesty, really. From my own experience, I'd much rather be hurt by the truth, then be comforted by lies. Cause once you find out, it eats you inside.

Either that, or Benevolence.

...Lol, yes, you did.

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Which virtue do you care about least?

What is something that should be taught in school, but isn't? Explain.

Philosophy, and by extension, the Socratic method. I was never given those options in school. Critical analysis and dialectical skepticism are powerful tools that many grow up without. They do not lead to better test scores. They lead to better decision making practices.

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Which virtue do you care about least?

Shooting this question right back at you, if you don't mind.

Majesty, because I think normal dignity is enough.

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@Shezzy: "Which tech development would be worst?" -- Not sure. I will say that the rise of the machines could be the worst, but really, people use all sorts of tech developments for all sorts of unfortunate and messed up purposes. So really, my only issue with technology is the people who use it; think gun rights debates and all that.

What is your favorite type of question?

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Do you think it's our nature, or our nurture that shapes us? Why?

@Makaze- I do believe that Alturism exists. I believe that there are things that can be done that aren't for your personal benefit (e.g allowing yourself to die so that you can save the lives of other people.)

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What is your opinion of altruism?

Do you think it's our nature, or our nurture that shapes us? Why?

Always both. Some people have strong natures, meaning their desires don't change on a dime when they meet hardship, and some have weak natures, meaning they change what they want as they hit an obstacle. People who have strong natures still learn from memory and conditioning. When they hit a wall enough times, their desires adapt to avoid meaningless effort. People who have weak natures still react to their environment in a certain way because their nature tells them which kind of environment they prefer. You can't take actions without both.

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Not too far back. I would find a way to win the lottery or the like. Anything too far back could change who I am in the present. If that doesn't matter, then I would go back to preserve the library of Alexandria.

What about you?

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