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I don't know, i hate when people are not leaving me alone, i get extremely nauseaous and anxious when someone approaches me

i know it is not correct and i should not do that but i cannot

and that sounds like a cheap excuse

actually i felt good when i got away from SF

it was heavenly but hell at the same time

somehow my body does want to approach somebod but does not want to be approached

and that is bad

btw i am int personality, i was in between p and j, i made many different tests and i was either in between j and p or either p or j but i was always int just not p or j

Why not change your badge to dragon?

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Any foreign countries you'd like to visit?

I don't know, i hate when people are not leaving me alone, i get extremely nauseaous and anxious when someone approaches me
i know it is not correct and i should not do that but i cannot
and that sounds like a cheap excuse
actually i felt good when i got away from SF
it was heavenly but hell at the same time
somehow my body does want to approach somebod but does not want to be approached
and that is bad
btw i am int personality, i was in between p and j, i made many different tests and i was either in between j and p or either p or j but i was always int just not p or j

Why not change your badge to dragon?

Because I like Marth

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@IcerCube: I don't play sports much, never have been a sports person. Here and there I get together with some family and we'll play stuff, like kick a soccer ball, or a bit of baseball (sort of). It's really only a few of us, but the point is to have some fun, nothing competitive.

How is your current stay in SF going for you?

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In this night something unusual happened, i don't know what but it caused me to change everything, not only does SF shine in a brighter light for me but i also feel more motivated, it is like i evolve back to the adorable little boy i used to be

also i think in a different perspective and i am going to do things now but first i need to get up, it is 6 am and school starts at 7:30 am, maybe i should have slept the night through...

Who is your most favorite character in the Final Fantasy series?

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Do you like to read books? What is your favorite series?

I think Japan because it is japan


Same, Japan. Their culture is very interesting and I like learning new languages.

@Xyr sounds like fun. Especially since there's no competition involved.

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I do not read books in particular, but i love to read stories like fanfictions or creepypastas or something, i have read Harry potter and actually no "real" other book, i am more into manga or short stories, like i said.

Harry potter was the only real series i have read that elwere "real" books, my favorite manga series is beelzebub

I am in a rush, so ill throw the same question back at you

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In this night something unusual happened, i don't know what but it caused me to change everything, not only does SF shine in a brighter light for me but i also feel more motivated, it is like i evolve back to the adorable little boy i used to be

also i think in a different perspective and i am going to do things now but first i need to get up, it is 6 am and school starts at 7:30 am, maybe i should have slept the night through...

Who is your most favorite character in the Final Fantasy series?

There's too many good ones out there, but Zack Fair is my favorite. I really like the guy, and his death was one of the saddest moments I've had with a game.

Aerith, Celes, Faris, Auron, Montblanc, Balthier; too many great characters.

if you had not been in a rush, what question would you have asked IcerCube?

@icercube: it IS really fun; and since its family we don't get into fights when stuff happens.

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Your first video game?

I do not read books in particular, but i love to read stories like fanfictions or creepypastas or something, i have read Harry potter and actually no "real" other book, i am more into manga or short stories, like i said.
Harry potter was the only real series i have read that elwere "real" books, my favorite manga series is beelzebub

I am in a rush, so ill throw the same question back at you

Well, I like murder mysteries so anything written by John Grisham. I don't really read a lot, but I always enjoy his books. They're not a series though. My favorite series are the Maximum Ride books.

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Your first video game?

I can't remember the name of the game because it's been a long time, but it was a captain america game in the super nintendo. I was pretty bad at it.

What is your favorite game series? Why?

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What is your role in your family?

If you got lost on a forest, desert, deserted island, etc, do you think you could survive, assuming no outside help arrives for a year?

If it's a forest, yes. If I'm stranded and have no water, no.

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What do you like to do when you're bored?

why do you like marth so much?

Aside from the fact that I played his game first when I was introduced to the series, I can relate to him the most. I very much respect him as a lord and he seems more human to me than any other FE character.

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Why use that RPG class sig instead of something more descriptive?

What type of weather describes your state of mind?


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Have you ever gotten ridiculous yet rather amusing ideas for fun, random things to do? (Eg: using a shopping cart for fishing by scooping up fish with it with a friend while swimming, sticking a frozen storebought chicken on a tower during a thunderstorm to try to cook it, playing American football using a microwave instead of a ball, etc.) If you haven't, what's the closest thing to a crazy idea that you've had that matches up with those three craziness-wise?

Are there any SF members that you want to be closer friends with that you aren't? If so, who are they. And if not, why aren't you interested in getting closer to other SF members?

LittleAl is the main one that comes to mind right now. I really admire his sense of morals and restraint against lust.

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I have mostly played only one or two games of several series so i don't know which is my favorite

e.g. i played only tales of phantasia or only demikids(which i still have not played through, though i enjoy it) or Metroid Zero mission

and most of the games i have played come from the gba

i have played the Final Fantasy, the Pokémon and the Megaman series

i still have not even played golden sun and i am so frustrated about it

and i still have not finished a link to the past

because i have like 12 games i have to play at once and that is extremely frustrating

especially if you find out that, as a copmletionist, the game has after game content and your save file has not 100%

Metroid Zero mission was frustrating but my 100% file was worth it

but back to your question

It would be probably Castlevania series because it is a Platformer as well as an RPG and looks great

then would be Megaman Zero series

then *insert good RPG series here*

actually it is the game i am working on

what game would you recommend me to play most?

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What is the number one thing on your bucket list right now?

Go on SF. Which is both the cause and solution to my boredom.

What fictional world would you like to live in most?

Yeesh, that's a tough one. There's so many...does the fantasy world in my head count?

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What is the number one thing on your bucket list right now?

Yeesh, that's a tough one. There's so many...does the fantasy world in my head count?


Oh wait that doesn't count, does it?

um... either completing my game or fight the fear of girls

What would you want to eat most right now

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Haha well if that were the case, then dying would be on everyone's bucket list. But good luck with those!

Ugh, nothing right now. I ate a huge dinner a couple hours ago and I still feel like I'm about to explode.

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Oh okay. What are your favorite animes?

Me? I study, work out, sleep, or just mindlessly browse the internet. It's been a while since I've last had free time though...

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