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What's a fictional female you find rather overrated and another one you find really underrated, off the top of your head?

Any special talents that you're proud of?

Besides being rather good at gaming (200% in both new Donkey Kong Country games 9999 VR in Mario Kart 8, Gold on all 80 New Super Mario Bros. U Challenges, and all challenges on the board in Brawl/Smash 3DS/Smash Wii U completed) and being able to think of really weird, random things (like bringing an intravenus to a skate park and doing insane stunts on it), I can't really think of anything else.

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I find Samus Aran from Metroid to be overrated. Don't really care about "badass" characters too much.

As for underrated, I can't really think of any...Eirika I think gets too much hate sometimes though.

Your thoughts.

While I don't particularly dislike Samus, I do think people make her out to be much stronger and tougher (specifically emotionally) than she actually is, which I think explains quite a lot of backlash from Other M. People are allowed to show weakness and sadness while still being strong. At the end of the day, they just shouldn't let it affect their actions or performance significantly.

Eirika, I agree gets too much hate. I really like how realistically she was portrayed in terms of being a princess, but one that's fighting with her armies while being unaccustomed to war. I mean, people (especially princesses sheltered from war) will definitely not be all gung-ho and confident fighting their first war, and I really like how FE8 really captured the part of her that still saw the humanness in her enemies, and even uses that to convince Amelia and Cormag to join them (I especially like her conversation with Amelia, since Eirika's concern for her safety alone convinced Amelia she wasn't the villain Grado made her out to be).

So what other females with "soft" personalities do you think get too much hate?

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What other shows besides MLP do you enjoy from time to time?

Favourite non-Fire Emblem Weapon?

I would probably say the Master Sword from The Legend of Zelda series. It was literally the first one I was introduced to. And I do kinda like the mystery of how it was created. With some stuff in the games implying that the Sages forged it, with other stuff that kinda outright says that Hylia created it.

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Are there any particular game series you heavily dislike? (Eg: Call of Duty, Mortal Kombat, Grand Theft Auto)

What other shows besides MLP do you enjoy from time to time?

The Flash (2014). You have no idea how into that show I am (I haven't been into a show this much since Avatar or My Little Pony). Just... the tragic backstory of Flash losing his mother and having his father framed for her murder when that wasn't the case, his unrequited love he has on Iris, the mystery of Harrison Wells and just what it is he's really after (which I don't want to spoil). It all just adds up to one really awesome show that leaves you wanting more with every episode. Literally. At the end they usually throw in some sort of scene that really leaves you wondering what's next regarding Harrison's plans or what Flash's villains have in store for him and his friends. My favourite moment so far is definitely the S0E15 scene with Cisco's discovery. It's so emotional and tragic, and it explains mysteries that were present since the first 10 minutes of the first episode.

...well, that's my Flash rant. Other series I like include Avatar: Last Airbender and Legend of Korra. I also watched Bomberman Jetters, which gets surprisingly deep in regards to the reoccurring theme of deal with the death of loved ones. There's also Galaxy Angel, an anime that wasn't particularly deep, but is really funny, random, and over the top. I was especially fond of Milfeulle Sakuraba from that anime. I also watched quite a lot of episodes of the Mario TV series (all of the World episodes and around half of the Super Show episodes). And I did watch 7 or so of the Donkey Kong Country episodes a few weeks back, hence my posting of those videos in that Video Reaction thread).

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What's your avatar from?Yes.

It's from the Manga/Anime Beelzebub

My favorite Manga but not Anime

Persons displayed are Kunieda Aoi(Girl) Tatsumi Oga(boy)

that was an adorable moment :3

is there anything you you want to do but you cannot because you have no skill/talent/eyes etc.?

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What's your second-favourite manga?

Can we have an example of the weird but fun idea?

To start a fire from a distance by lining up a bunch of matches and lighting the end.

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Thaaaat is a difficult question..

i think 07-Ghost, the art is INCREDIBLE and the story is cool bc it has to do with dieties and religion and such and i like that even though i am not religious whatsoever

I think Letter Bee is also a candidate but i didnt get the story because i was too young back when i read that:P

I would say Jigoku Shoujo is also a good Manga, which i have read before the anime adaption came( or rather before it was mainstream, lol) the anime is better imo because the manga is drawn a little "girly" because the faces of the girls are soooo detailed and its characteristical that the mangaka is a woman(the art style is the same with honeyxhoney drops but that manga is a rather bad romantical manga)


Midori no hibi/ Midoris days is my second favorite but i don't own it, sadly

man that manga is sooooooo goood i really recommend it

the art and story are great and funny and its sooooooo cute :3

That manga is great, buy it, read it, eat it, be it

wow i am surprising myself how many manga i remember even though it was three years ago when i read them, i also read school rumble, cheeky vampire, HotD, Sherlock, Ranma 1/2, Death Note, One piece, Naruto, Conan and many others

I dislike Bakuman though, its totally not my thing :/

(actually my second favorite is undead princess but its a hentai)

what are your favorite manga?

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Do you have a favorite band?

Whats the coolest thing you did

Well, I went swimming with dolphins one time. It was pretty interesting

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Least favourite animal?

@Cannot remember who asked me the question about a personality trait being a asset and a flaw, but I'll answer it anyways-

Personality trait: I'm exceptionally nice.

Asset: I get on well with a lot of people, and a lot of people like me as a result.

Flaw: I've been friends with people who I "shouldn't have been friends with".

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Do you have a favorite band?

well not really, i used to have Rammstein as my favorite band when i was six years old but now i mostly hear only music from either Touhou/ZUN or Neros day at Disneyland/Lauren Bousfield and these interpretes are not really consindered a band

i also hear stuff like Muse or System of a down, daft punk or K.I.Z but i hear ZUN and Lauren bousfield most often

you could say my most favorite is still Rammstein

#listening to Rammstein since Birth Baby~

How would you react to if somebody would be extremely tactless to you by making an offensive, emotionally attacking Comment/Post about you?

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Besides gaming/TV info, do you do a strange amount of learning/reading up on somewhat weird (yet appropriate) topics like mushroom identification or how food/appliances are made?

@ the question asked of me: I've lately had the urge to go mushroom foraging. I've done a strange amount of reading up on edible and non-edible mushrooms, and I'm quite curious as to how well I'd be able to identify them in nature. Though I really don't know the best places to forage for mushrooms where I live, and I'd probably want an expert/veteran mushroom forager to make sure I don't poison myself.

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@whoeverasked: I don't see myself as having a particular role in my family. I'm expected to be responsible and therefore independent, I provide support for my family when I can or need to, and I try offer some advice/help to the younger kids. I don't see any of that as being part of a role, but rather as something natural in a family.

Why did you started this thread topic?

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What's your avatar?

what are your favorite manga?

Oyasumi Punpun


Liar Game



20th Century Boys

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What can be more harmful to a person, introversion or extraversion?

Both are a problem if the person doesn't know how to manage it or doesn't care to. I think extraversion may be the more harmful because if you may unknowgly harm others around you without thinking if you say too much, which will come back to hurt you once you realize what happened.

Will you change your avatar any time soon? Why or why not?

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Where did you get the idea of your username from?

@ the last question asked of me: I thought it'd be a really good way to have SF members talk to each other, learn more about each other, and make friends on SF.

I wanted something that wasn't a character's name, or person's name, or a combination of simple words, and it had to be something I have never used in a other forums before. I wanted to be "Xy" but the system won't allow two-character user names.

How succesful do you think this thread has been in accomplishing that original goal?

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What personality traits do you personally value most in others?

I wanted something that wasn't a character's name, or person's name, or a combination of simple words, and it had to be something I have never used in a other forums before. I wanted to be "Xy" but the system won't allow two-character user names.

How succesful do you think this thread has been in accomplishing that original goal?

Ah, neat story.Well, you definitely will have a hard time not coming up with unique names using both X and Y in a name.

Well, with the fact that this thread has lasted over 4 years, it definitely exceeded my expectations, which I'm really happy about.

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What's your heritage, in terms of race/nationality?

Songs that make you cry?

The song below was really good at putting me on the verge of tears when I was 1-3 years old, and even now it does the same:


Strangely, I really liked the song despite not knowing the lyrics, and even now I don't really remember what each part means. The main thing I remember is it being a thanksgiving song to someone who did so much for the singer.

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So which of the six characters in the below do you like the best, based on appearance?


Or if you don't want to answer an MLP based question, what do you think is the best way to deal with someone with an unrequited crush on you?

Can a machine have a mind? Why or why not?

Well, not a true mind like a biological sentient being like a human could. As much as we'd be able to advance our technology in robotics, it'd still be coding and binary info that'd never have the intuition that humans or animals do.

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What personality traits do you personally value most in others?

Respect, loyalty, and a good sense of Justice.

Same question as you asked me.

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