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The Survivor Thread


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OK, I know that there's only 3 of us who publicly admit to watching Survivor hardcore (myself, IOS and Tangerine) but this thread is for anyone who does watch or wants to watch earlier seasons. This show is still great for laughs and the first 7 seasons along with a couple others (Vanuatu, Palau, Micronesia) were fantastic.

But first off, let's introduce the cast of Survivor: Redemption Island. Not really a spoiler when CBS posts the info on their site.


Andrea Boehlke (21)

Ashley Underwood (25)

Francesca Hogi (36)

Grant Mattos (29)

Kristina Kell (46)

Matt Elrod (22)

Natalie Tenerelli (19)

Phillip Sheppard (52)

Rob Mariano (35)


David Murphy (31)

Julie Wolfe (50)

Krista Klumpp (25)

Mike Chiesl (31)

Ralph Kiser (44)

Russell Hantz (38)

Sarita White (36)

Stephanie Valencia (25)

Steve Wright (51)

Please note that I'm going on hearsay on Rob and Russell's teams. I could be wrong but from what I've heard, Rob's on Ometepe and Russell's on Zapatera.

So yeah.

Edited by King Russell Hantz
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I've publicly admitted to watching Survivor hardcore. First heard of it when I saw Survivor China's premiere and haven't missed a season since.

So, from what I understand these are all new people? (sans Rob and Russel obv.)

I can't see the video due to being in Canada. <_<

And did anyone else pick up on Matts photo at the top looks just like Fabios from last season?

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I've publicly admitted to watching Survivor hardcore. First heard of it when I saw Survivor China's premiere and haven't missed a season since.

So, from what I understand these are all new people? (sans Rob and Russel obv.)

I can't see the video due to being in Canada. <_<

And did anyone else pick up on Matts photo at the top looks just like Fabios from last season?

You should watch Amazon (Season 6). If you think that Russell is the greatest thing since sliced cheese, you'll be absolutely amazed at the shit that Rob Cesternino pulls during his game. Cesternino is universally considered one of the smartest Survivors all time from a strategic standpoint. Mario Lanza even wrote an essay titled "Rise of the Heartless Mercenary - How Rob Cesternino ruined Survivor". The guy was the original mind fucker.

And yes, Matt looks like Fabio. But I've seen Matt talk and he's nothing like Fabio. A lot smarter, a lot less of a goof and a LOT more introverted.

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If Rooster survives the first 3 boots, I think he'll go deep. That's my opinion.

I'm also finishing up Amazon as we speak. Cesternino was amazing there. He was the perfect villain and strategist, never playing his cards until late in the game (F7 he ends up holding the power and controls every boot from there to the F4).

Edited by King Russell Hantz
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I will admit, Rob C was a pretty incredible player, probably one of the best. Its too bad that players like him and Cirie got screwed out of the Final 2

I wouldn't say he got screwed. I'd say that he made a very vital mistake.

The problem was that he taught Matthew the game. While that's not really a bad thing, he taught Matthew too well. At F5, Matthew was the guy who held all the chips since Rob needed to get rid of Heidi or Jenna. Heidi goes at F5 and then Rob's stuck in a quandry. Butch will never take Rob to the F2 so he needs to go at F4. Jenna may take Rob or she may not. Matthew will take Rob. But Rob didn't realize that Matthew not only cut a fantastic deal with Jenna (since she had no chance against Rob since Rob would have had Dave, Deena, Christy, Butch and Matt), but he threw the F3 immunity challenge to force Rob to win it if he wanted any part of the F2. And Jenna was just a bit hungrier.

The rest is history. Jenna takes Matt and wins 6-1.

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Well I only really watched one season back in the day, which was Africa. Don't remember much of it, but I clearly remember the tribe switch that doomed Silas out of the game right away.

Haha. Yep, that was classic.

It's quite funny when you think about it.

I know this is a double post but fuck it, it's pretty cool.

I just got in contact with Stephen Fishbach from Survivor Tocantins which is pretty cool. Asked him a bunch of questions and actually got replies too. Note, I haven't made anything up. Stephen was my pick to win Tocantins and I was really bummed that he didn't (he was also Jewish mind you so that's another connection).

I used to be an avid Survivor fan, stopped for a bit and restarted at Tocantins. Then I started getting on a roll where I'd choose a person to win and they'd come in 2nd/3rd. Kinda the jinx started with you (my picks since then have been Russell Hantz and Sash Lenahan). Sorry about that (I'm a huge fan of yours even though I bet everyone says that).

I have a couple of questions though. I hope you don't mind answering them. If you don't want to, I understand completely.

1. Was it really awkward having cameramen all around the camp at all times? Every time I wish I could be on Survivor, I then remember that it's a TV show and the fact that I'm about to be scrutinized (and possibly villianized) scares me a wee bit.

2. Did you go in to the game with a completely different strategy and have to change it up on the fly or did it work out mostly how you wanted it (aside from JT completely blanking you in votes which sucks, man)?

3. Were you a big Survivor fan before getting on? Just curious.

So yeah. Like I said, you were one of my favourite Survivors of all time (I have a thing for fellow Jewish Survivors and it's part of why I like Ethan Zohn so much) and I was kinda upset that you didn't win since I personally thought you should have. Trust me, my whole family is the same way.

Sincerely, Rafi

Thanks a lot for your email. I'm glad our season helped bring you back into the fold.

1) The cameras are incredibly strange at first, and sometimes disconcerting. Also, sometimes irritating, like when you're trying to fish and the camera men are stamping around in the water. But after a while, the cliche is true - you really do grow completely used to them.

2) I had some pretty clear strategies going into the game that I had developed from watching. The first was that I thought I needed to make an alliance by like day 2. I'd noticed that the people who didn't make alliances right at the beginning were always only on the periphery of the alliances they were in. This was something I had to revise on the fly, as in the first few days, nobody was making blood pacts, and the one alliance I was in was a loose conglomeration of the 4 guys that quickly fell apart. (JT and I had a good friendship but it wasn't formalized as a f2 alliance for a couple days)

I also wanted to be the one to MAKE my alliance - so I could get credit for it at the final tribal. That was one of the reasons I didn't want to be in the Exile Alliance, bc it wasn't something I had created, I was just its 4th member, and if I got to the end with them, I wouldn't really even -deserve- to win. I wish I had done a better job of articulating how I made my own alliances at the finals, but by then I think I had gone a little crazy from all the time spent on Exile.

The one strategy I went in with that really worked was the idea of targeting outsiders and becoming their best friend. I got it from watching Rob C operate in the Amazon, how successfully he did it with Matt, and to a lesser extent w Butch. That was why I approached Taj and later Erinn. If you can befriend the outsider, they will be your -best- ally. At one point Sierra came to me and begged for her life, and one of my regrets is not keeping her around, bc I think she would have had a similar relationship, but ultimately she was just too erratic and I didn't trust that she could keep quiet.

3) When I first got contacted about Survivor, i wasn't really a fan. But I went back and watched a lot of the seasons and became a big fan from watching the game strategy.

Thanks again for your email!

Wow, sounds like you had an amazing time on the show. Dude, I'm so jealous. I had watched the first season (I was like 8 at the time) and kept watching until around ASS but then stopped (once again, ASS). Then restarted at Tocantins and quite enjoyed it (I've been meaning to rewatch it lately since I listened to the Rob Cesternino/Coach podcast and instantly fell in love with Coach). And now I'm back to being a pretty intense fan.

One last question (I'd love to ask 100 more but you might get annoyed). If you were ever invited back for an ASS season, would you return and play again?

Waiting on the last response but yeah.


Nice Jewish boy who should have won Survivor.

Edited by Nightmare
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  • 3 weeks later...

^Wow, that's amazingly cool to actually talk to a Survivor contestant.

I liked Sierra, but when she was voted off Stephen I thought he was going to win. Too bad he didn't too. I liked him better than JT.

Survivor starts tonight! For me, anyway it does :)

Does it start tonight for you guys too?

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actually I bet one of them gets voted out in the first ep, whichever team loses.


And I'm quite pissed that I won't be able to watch it until tomorrow night since I have a midterm tomorrow.

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Russell is surprising me a little bit so far. At least he seems to have learned something.

Yeah, I agree here, although he did do the same thing with a girl at the beginning. I wonder if the results will be the same.

Also, Phillip is the stupidest... UGH! That's hilariously stupid.

Erik and James have comptetition for the title of "Dumbest Survivor Ever" now!

Edited by Darros
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I haven't seen a better collapse of an alliance than the Golden Oldies. This includes the Four Horsemen (Fiji) and the Crazy Casayas (Exile Island).

In addition, couple of things to note:

- I'm incredibly surprised at the editing. Russell only had 3 confessionals to date. Considering that he's Survivor's golden boy, Stephenie had a couple, Ralph and David had one... I was expecting much more material from Russell and I'm quite happy that I didn't (I would like to see a bit more from Zapatera though). As for Ometepe, Grant and Matthew were both MIA (no surprise there) as were most of the girls (Ashley got one and another one got a confessional). But most surprisingly, the Rob that doesn't suck only had a single confessional. Maybe we'll see more evened editing, similar to Nicaragua (not so bad on the rewatch).

- I thought I'd hate the whole cast. Especially Kristina. Surprisingly, I don't. That being said, I'm not making my prediction for the winner right now (I figure it'll be someone from Ometepe but I don't know anyone there yet). And that person will probably come second.

- I actually agree with Philip's decision. You guys have to remember that TC is not 5 minutes long like it shows on TV but about an hour. A lot gets said at TC and only choice bits make the edit. But for Philip to come out and show how truthful he can really be means that he'll be around to make it to the merge. He deliberately screwed Kristina and Francesca to get into everyone else's good graces (voting Mariano would have been the wrong move on Day 3) and knew that it wouldn't come back to bite him in the ass any time soon. Does this mean that he's going to be trusted with a secret alliance? No. But will he be trusted to make an honest vote based on a well given case? Yes. And I'm pretty sure he knows this. He'll be fine with playing the loyal vote soldier from now until the merge.

- The comment about "letting Rob down after the challenge" bugged the shit out of me. Looks like Ometepe's gonna give him a free ride to the merge. I don't want that.

- Neither Russell or Rob will win unless they take each other to the end. Then it comes down to the social game (Russell's is obviously tainted due to his infamy but bitter feelings is just part of the game and has been since season 1). It would be hilarious if they realized this (I bet Russell has).

That's all I got so far.

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Does this mean that he's going to be trusted with a secret alliance? No. But will he be trusted to make an honest vote based on a well given case? Yes. And I'm pretty sure he knows this. He'll be fine with playing the loyal vote soldier from now until the merge.

I don't think so. Didn't he say at one point during tribal that he had actually planned to vote for Francesca instead, despite agreeing to vote out Rob? It even contradicts his confessional before the TC. He's just crazy, can't be trusted no matter how you look at it >_>. I don't think Philip even made a conscious decision, I think he's just nuts and whatever voice in his head is currently talking gets to decide what he does at the time :P.

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I don't think so. Didn't he say at one point during tribal that he had actually planned to vote for Francesca instead, despite agreeing to vote out Rob? It even contradicts his confessional before the TC. He's just crazy, can't be trusted no matter how you look at it >_>. I don't think Philip even made a conscious decision, I think he's just nuts and whatever voice in his head is currently talking gets to decide what he does at the time :P.

We'll find out next time. That being said, I hope he turns out to actually be psycho since he'll be the first nutjob we've had since like... Rocky in Fiji.

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Yeah, I'm happy too. Upset a little that Kirstina played her idol already, but it's good to see that not every person there is an idiot.

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